
Is Philippine leek?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As we all know, leek is a common vegetable in daily life, and another kind of vegetable is Philippine cuisine. Many people may be very confused, is Philippine cuisine leek? Is Philippine food leek? In fact, Philippine cuisine and leek refer to the same kind of vegetable, Philippine cuisine is actually different from leek.

Chives are known, is a common vegetable in daily life, there is a vegetable is "Philippine dish", may be a lot of people are very confused, Philippine dish is leek?

1. Is Philippine dish leek?

In fact, Philippine vegetables and leeks refer to the same kind of vegetables,"Philippine vegetables" is actually a variant of "leek", so Philippine vegetables refer to leek. If you see Philippine vegetables, you will know that they actually refer to chives.

2. The effect of leek

1. Warming qi; dispersing blood stasis; detoxifying. Deficiency of kidney and impotence; cold in the interior and abdominal pain; choking and nausea; chest pain; epistaxis; hematemesis; hematuria; dysentery; hemorrhoids; carbuncle and swelling; lacquer sores; traumatic injuries.

2. Bushen Wenyang: chives warm, spicy, but no aphrodisiac ingredients.

3. Beneficial liver and stomach: contains volatile essential oils and sulfides and other special ingredients, emitting a unique pungent smell, help to regulate liver qi, increase appetite, enhance digestive function.

4. Qi-regulating blood: Chives pungent smell has scattered blood stasis, qi stagnation role, applicable to traumatic injury, nausea, enteritis, vomiting blood, chest pain and other diseases.

5. Runchang laxative: contains a lot of vitamins and crude fiber, can enhance gastrointestinal motility, treatment of constipation, prevention of intestinal cancer.

III. How to eat leeks?

1. Some of the leek roots are edible, edible roots and flower sprouts. Rooted robust, fleshy, spicy flavor, can be processed pickled or cooked. Flower sprouts fat tender, can be fried food, tender leaves can also be eaten. Root chives to asexual reproduction mainly, tillering power, growth potential prosperous, easy to cultivate. The main harvest in autumn.

2. Leek leaves are thick and soft, bolting rate is low, although it can also bolt for food in reproductive growth stage, but mainly leaves and leaf sheaths for food.

3. There is a special harvest of leek flower sprouts for food. Its leaves are short, thick and hard in texture, strong in tillering and high in bolting rate. Flower sprouts high and thick, crisp quality, similar to garlic sprouts, especially the United States flavor. Lan 'Zhou City and Taiwan Province of Gansu Province are cultivated more frequently. Shandong and other places also have sporadic introduction cultivation.