
Why don't 90% of vegetable farmers affected by 1.34 million mu of protected vegetables in Hebei Province after winter?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, [introduction to China vegetable Network] since November 2015, continuous haze and snow weather have affected 1.34 million mu of protected vegetables in our province, resulting in 830000 mu of disaster and no harvest of 73000 mu, but few vegetable farmers have been insured, less than 10%. In 2008, the planting industry in Hebei Province

[introduction to China vegetable Network] since November 2015, continuous haze and snow weather have affected 1.34 million mu of protected vegetables in our province, resulting in 830000 mu of disaster and no harvest of 73000 mu, but few vegetable farmers have been insured, less than 10%. In 2008, the "measures for the Management of Financial subsidies for planting Insurance premiums in Hebei Province" was issued, and the pilot project of financial subsidies for agricultural insurance premiums was carried out in the province.

Since November 2015, continuous haze and snow weather have caused a total of 1.34 million mu of protected vegetables in our province, 830000 mu have been affected, and 73000 mu have lost harvest, but few vegetable farmers have been insured, less than 10%.

In 2008, the "measures for the Management of Financial subsidies for planting Insurance premiums in Hebei Province" was issued, and the pilot project of financial subsidies for agricultural insurance premiums was carried out in the province. Since 2012, 28 vegetable demonstration counties have been included in the agricultural insurance premium financial subsidy pilot counties in our province. In these pilot counties, the spring and autumn arch shed premium of 250yuan can enjoy 5000 yuan of risk protection, and the general greenhouse premium of 500yuan can enjoy 10000 yuan of risk protection. Among them, half of the premium is paid by finance at all levels. Even so, the insurance rate of farmers is still very low. Why?

The insurance consciousness is weak, the compensation is low, and the procedure is troublesome for farmers to regard agricultural insurance as "chicken ribs".

"We don't have a lot of extreme rain and snow here. If we don't suffer from the disaster, we will pay for insurance for nothing." This is the most frequently heard sentence in vegetable producing areas.

The reporter learned that in the planting and aquaculture areas with fewer disasters, farmers are unwilling to take out insurance, and in areas where there are relatively many disasters, farmers are more willing to take out insurance. The overall situation is that at present, most farmers in our province do not have a strong sense of insurance and are unwilling to take out insurance.

Low compensation payments and troublesome claims settlement procedures are also the reasons why many farmers are unwilling to continue to insure.

"I was insured in 2014. After the snowstorm, the insurance company approved a loss of more than 170000 yuan, but so far it has only lost more than 50, 000 yuan and still owes 120000." Wu Zaiqiu, a big vegetable grower in Chicheng County, said, "when you want an insurance premium, collect it at your door." But when he lost money, the procedures were troublesome. He went back and forth several times and waited for nearly three months, but each shed lost only a few hundred yuan. It has been a year now, and the money that should be paid has not been cashed. "

"I can't afford to spend time. Instead of listening to the insurance company's explanation, I might as well go out and work." A vegetable farmer who spoke on condition of anonymity told the reporter.

According to the staff of the vegetable Bureau of Gu'an County, the current agricultural insurance policy only protects the materialized cost on the ground, not including labor costs, let alone the income of the current quarter. Policy insurance only covers facilities, but not the output of vegetables, so a mu of land will pay a maximum of several thousand yuan. If you take into account the loss rate, the compensation is even less. The planting area of ordinary farmers is limited, the original income is not high, most of them are not willing to pay insurance costs.

The profit book verifies that the insurance company is at a distance.

Not long ago, when the reporter contacted the head of the branch of China United property Insurance Co., Ltd. in Chicheng County, he was in the field to verify the disaster of vegetables.

After receiving the news that more than 600 vegetable greenhouses in Chicheng County were affected by the disaster in mid-November 2015, the company dispatched to the affected land every day to verify the disaster situation, which took more than a month to complete.

"it's troublesome to deal with farmers from one household to another. To verify the area of damage, the degree of disaster, etc., the workload is quite large. " This is almost the consensus of all insurance companies.

Agricultural insurance, the profit is meagre. The compensation rate of agricultural insurance in China is about 90%, which is much higher than the critical point of 70% recognized by the insurance industry. According to the business personnel of the provincial PICC agricultural insurance department, agricultural insurance has high risks, high odds and low premium rates, which belongs to the non-benefit type of insurance. Major disasters, such as floods, droughts, strong winds, rain and snow, often affect a relatively large area, and the object is very complex. If compensation is made according to the order, it will be difficult for the insurance company to pay. When economic benefits and social benefits collide, enterprises often choose to stay away.

The lack of grass-roots strength of insurance companies is also a major factor restricting the development of agricultural insurance. According to the grass-roots staff of China United property Insurance Co., Ltd., the staff of the commercial insurance company is limited, and there is a lot of work, such as filling out the list, approving the affected area, location, and the degree of damage, and so on, with a large amount of business. it is difficult to meet the needs of large-scale crop insurance.

There are risks and potential for rapid development, and we need to form a joint force in many ways.

Although the overall insurance awareness of farmers is not strong, the growth potential of agricultural insurance should not be underestimated. Wang Zhixuan, director of the vegetable Bureau of Gu'an County, said that in recent years, there have been many large growers through land transfer. These large households have large production investment and high risks, and their insurance awareness and enthusiasm for insurance are relatively high. Insurance companies can target these big growers, targeted publicity, personalized customized insurance contracts.

Wang Zhixuan said that in the past two years, the large vegetable growers insured in their county were affected by the disaster, and the insurance company gave timely approval and compensation. The county seized the opportunity to issue publicity materials to explain to farmers the benefits of insurance, and farmers' enthusiasm for insurance was generally increased.

People in the industry pointed out that governments at all levels and relevant departments should actively participate in crop insurance work and step up publicity, including insurance coverage, claim settlement standards, damage measurement and identification methods, identification institutions, claims settlement procedures, and so on. let farmers have a correct understanding of agricultural insurance.

At the same time, the loss standard of insurance companies should be scientific, reasonable, standardized, transparent and fair. It is suggested to integrate the technical strength of insurance, finance, agriculture, meteorology, water conservancy, statistics and other departments to establish a risk disaster assessment team for vegetables and other crops and a rapid assessment response mechanism for claims. After the occurrence of disasters and accidents, we can timely, scientifically and efficiently investigate and determine the causes of damage, the source of risk and the degree of loss, disclose the claims settlement procedures, and improve the credibility of the claims results and the satisfaction of farmers.

"it takes the concerted efforts of many parties to turn the potential growth point of insurance into a reality." Duan Lingling, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture, believes that judging from the pilot situation in our province at the present stage, policy-oriented agricultural insurance has begun to dawn, but if agricultural insurance is to really protect agricultural production, the government must further introduce corresponding policies and measures.


Policy-oriented agricultural insurance

Policy-oriented agricultural insurance refers to the type of agricultural insurance which is supported by certain policies and funds in order to protect and develop agriculture. Relying on the market-oriented operation of insurance companies, and supported by the government through policies such as premium subsidies, it provides direct physical and chemical cost insurance for the economic losses caused by natural disasters and accidents in the planting and aquaculture industry.

Policy-oriented agricultural insurance is a "green box policy" allowed by the WTO to support agricultural development. It is essentially different from commercial insurance. From the perspective of insurance purpose, policy-oriented agricultural insurance takes the implementation of government policies as the primary goal, and has a clear public interest orientation, while commercial insurance is for the purpose of profit, which belongs to the individual behavior of insurance companies. From the perspective of insurance form, policy-oriented agricultural insurance can take either compulsory form or voluntary participation, while commercial insurance is voluntary and non-compulsory. From the point of view of the compensation design of insurance premium, policy-oriented agricultural insurance usually has the characteristics of relatively fixed amount, while the premium design of commercial insurance has the characteristics of symmetry and non-fixed amount.

At present, the policy-oriented agricultural insurance supported by the central government basically covers all areas of the two industries. The main crops covered by the planting industry include corn, rice, wheat, cotton, soybeans, peanuts and rape. In the aspect of aquaculture, on the basis of consolidating and developing the insurance of breeding sows and dairy cows, we will actively carry out insurance services in the fields of poultry, freshwater breeding and agriculture with local characteristics. In addition, combined with the actual situation of major vegetable provinces, our province has carried out vegetable policy insurance, which further broadens the service field of agricultural insurance.