
How does wheat spread its seeds?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wheat is not only one of the three major grains, but also one of the staple foods of human beings. After grinding into flour, it can be made into bread, steamed bread, biscuits, noodles and other food. After fermentation, it can be made into beer, alcohol and liquor. So, how does wheat spread its seeds? 1. How does wheat spread?

Wheat is not only one of the three major grains, but also one of the staple foods of human beings. After grinding into flour, it can be made into bread, steamed bread, biscuits, noodles and other food. After fermentation, it can be made into beer, alcohol and liquor. So, how does wheat spread its seeds?

What does wheat use to spread its seeds?

Wheat depends on animals to spread seeds. There is a wheat awn on the wheat seed, which can be hooked to the animal's fur, allowing the animal to take it to other places.

2. High-yielding planting techniques of wheat

1. Pay attention to the selection of land with high fertilizer and water.

High-yield and high-quality wheat varieties require that soil nutrients must be comprehensive and sufficient to meet the needs of high-yield cultivation, so it is appropriate to select plots with high soil fertility and good irrigation conditions, increase the application of organic fertilizer and adopt formula fertilization technology.

2. Pay attention to the appropriate time for late sowing

According to the characteristics of the variety, the suitable basic seedlings were determined. It is necessary to prevent excessive broadcasting, resulting in passive management in the later stage.

3. Pay attention to prevent lodging and re-apply jointing fertilizer.

Some of the popularized high-quality wheat varieties are not resistant to lodging, especially for the wheat fields where the population is too large, a chemical control treatment should be carried out before turning green to jointing, which can be sprayed with paclobutrazol or Maiyefeng. It is necessary to re-apply the fertilizer of rising and jointing, control the formation of excess falling ears, and promote larger ears and more grains.

4. Pay attention to pouring grouting water and wheat yellow water.

Pouring grouting water well plays an important role in increasing grain weight and preventing dry and hot wind. The weather is dry, the use of wheat yellow water is beneficial to the next crop interplanting and prevent premature senility. In the first and middle of May, combined with the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, spraying foliar fertilizer for 2 times, such as 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, can reduce the harm of dry and hot wind, and the effect of increasing production is obvious.

5. pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Generally speaking, high-quality wheat is more vulnerable to diseases and insect pests, such as wheat sheath blight and powdery mildew. Aphids occur earlier and more seriously than conventional varieties. Early prevention and control should be carried out according to the forecast.

Spraying Xiaomibao once before heading and flowering could activate the activity of biological enzymes in wheat, promote the coordination of the development of female and male organs, enhance the photosynthesis of functional leaves, increase the seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight, and achieve the effect of increasing yield.