
What fruits can you grow in spring?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In spring, the northern hemisphere begins to lean towards the sun and is exposed to more and more direct sunlight, so the temperature begins to rise, plants begin to sprout and grow, and many flowers bloom, which is also the sowing season. So, what kind of fruit can be planted in spring? What can be planted in spring

In spring, the northern hemisphere begins to lean towards the sun and is exposed to more and more direct sunlight, so the temperature begins to rise, plants begin to sprout and grow, and many flowers bloom, which is also the sowing season. So, what kind of fruit can be planted in spring?

What fruit can be planted in spring?

The fruits that can be planted in spring are mango, dragon fruit, loquat, strawberry, cherry, kiwifruit, orange, grapefruit, peach, grape and so on.

What are the fruits and vegetables suitable for eating in spring?

1. Bean sprouts

Dry spring climate, prone to dry mouth, dry lips and other symptoms of stomatitis, and bean sprouts taste delicious, is a good choice to nourish and moisturize, heat-clearing and detoxification.

2. Shepherd's purse

It is rich in nutrition, and its vitamin C, carotenoids and various minerals are high. In particular, it is worth mentioning that its calcium content is nearly 3 times that of milk of the same quality.

3. Lettuce

Lettuce, also known as "spring vegetables", is one of the most suitable vegetables to eat in spring. Lettuce is rich in vitamins, calcium, magnesium, dietary fiber and other ingredients.

4. Leek

Although leeks are edible all the year round, they are of the best quality in early spring. Leek is rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and effectively prevent the occurrence of habitual constipation and colorectal cancer, so it is known as "intestinal lavage grass".

5. Mulberry

Mulberry is the fruit of mulberry, and spring is the season when it is ripe. Mature mulberry oily, sweet and sour palatable, with a large, thick meat, purple-red color, sugar content is the best.

6. Strawberry

Strawberries are rich in nutrients, including fructose, sucrose, citric acid, malic acid, salicylic acid, amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals.

7. Pineapple

Pineapple fruit is of good quality and rich in nutrition, which contains a lot of fructose, glucose, vitamin B, vitamin C, phosphorus, citric acid and protease and other substances. it has the functions of clearing heat and relieving thirst, relieving diet and diarrhea, tonifying spleen and stomach, strengthening vital energy, tonifying qi and blood, eliminating diet, removing dampness, nourishing beauty and slimming and so on.

8. Cherry

It is rich in nutrition, rich in carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins.

Spring is not only the best season to grow fruit, but also a good time to grow other crops.