
How to treat garlic disease?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Garlic is a kind of condiment that we usually use when cooking food. It is rich in protein, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides and other beneficial substances to the human body. In the north, no matter what you eat, you can have two cloves of garlic to reconcile the taste.

Garlic is a kind of condiment that we usually use when cooking food. It is rich in protein, oligosaccharides, polysaccharides and other beneficial substances to the human body. In the north, no matter what you eat, you can reconcile the taste with two cloves of garlic, so how to treat the disease in the process of planting garlic?

I. treatment of garlic diseases

The main diseases of garlic are leaf blight, white rot, rust and so on. In the process of planting, the specific types of diseases should be determined according to the diseases of garlic.

The withered leaf disease of garlic is one of the common diseases on garlic. At the beginning of the disease, it shows small white dots, then expands into irregular or oval gray-white or grayish-brown spots, grows black mildew, and scatters many small black grains on it. When the damage is serious, the whole plant does not bolt. The main treatment method is to mix and soak seeds with 50% carbendazim wettable powder before sowing; when the rate of diseased leaves in the upper part of garlic plant reaches 5%, use 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500600 times dilution spray, 7-10d/ times, 2-3 times continuously.

The white rot of garlic is mainly harmful to leaves, leaf sheaths and bulbs. At the beginning of the disease, the leaf tip of the outer leaf was strip or the leaf tip turned yellow downward, and then extended to the leaf sheath and inner leaf, and the plant grew weak or the whole plant yellowed, dwarfed or withered. The bulb epidermis produced watery spots and a large number of white mycelium. The main treatment method is the initial stage of the disease, the use of 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500x dilution spray, 10d/ times, continuous use 2 times.

Garlic rust mainly infects leaves and pseudostems. The disease is a fusiform chlorotic spot at the beginning, and the serious disease often causes dense blister spots on the leaves, which directly affects the yield and quality of garlic leaves. The main treatment method is the initial stage of the disease, using 15% vermicellin wettable powder 500x dilution spray, 10-15d/ times, continuous use 2-3 times.

2. Planting techniques of garlic

1. Before sowing, the varieties with large head and small petal, weak bolting ability, long dormant period and garlic weight more than 50g should be selected and sown in late September and early October every year.

two。 The fertile sandy soil with loose soil, dry and flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation and rich organic matter with strong ability to preserve fertilizer and water should be selected for cultivation.

3. In fertilization, we should first apply sufficient base fertilizer, generally apply fully mature high-quality organic fertilizer plus urea plus phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, but to avoid excessive dosage, so as not to inhibit the growth of seedlings, and reasonable topdressing should be carried out in the later stage according to the growth of garlic.

4. After sowing garlic, it is necessary to keep sufficient soil moisture and no stagnant water, irrigation according to soil quality for 1 or 2 times at seedling stage, and strengthen fertilizer and water management during garlic bolting period, preferably continuous watering.

This is the end of the disease control and basic planting techniques of garlic. When planting garlic on a large scale, we must patrol the fields to see if there is any abnormal phenomenon in garlic in order to deal with it in time.