
Is the dish radish?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The root of the dish is like a round radish, and its appearance is also very similar to radish, so many people will wonder if the dish is radish? If they're not the same thing, what's the difference? A dish is a radish? A dish is not a radish. A radish is ten.

Dish root such as round radish, the shape and radish are also very similar, so many people will wonder, dish is not radish? If the two are not the same thing, what's the difference?

Is the dish radish?

Cabbage is not radish. Radish is a biennial or annual herb of the genus Cruciferae, while Brassica is a biennial herb which can form fleshy roots in Brassica subspecies of Cruciferae and Brassica. The radish is generally cylindrical in shape, while the dish is shaped like a dish. In addition, radish is planted all over the country, while dish vegetables are only grown in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and other southern regions.

Dish is generally as high as 90 cm, root is fleshy, the shape is spherical or oblate, sometimes long oval, the stem of dish is erect, the upper part has branches, the basal leaves are green; radish is generally 20-100 cm high, it is also fleshy straight root, but there are oblong and spherical, conical and other shapes, the outer skin is green, white or red, and the basal leaves are green. It can be said that the two are very similar, and it is indeed difficult to distinguish them if they are not carefully identified.

Second, the common practice of serving dishes

According to Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica, the dish comes from Xifan Tuyuhun, and it is also recorded in the Huan Emperor Ji of the later Han Dynasty. It can be inferred that the dish was introduced when Zhang Qian passed through the Western regions. Dish has a long history and various practices. Here is a brief introduction to several common dishes.

Common dish practices are stir-fried vegetables with green pepper pork and edamame beans, etc. stir-fried dishes with green pepper pork are first cut into shreds on the chopping board, heat with oil, stir-fry the cut pork, stir-fry, add seasonings such as cooking wine light soy sauce, stir-fry for a while, then combine the cut green peppers and dishes, add salt and chicken essence to get out of the pan. To stir-fry edamame beans, first heat the oil in the pan, stir-fry the washed edamame beans, add an appropriate amount of water and cook until the edamame beans are raw and soft, stir-fry the chopped dishes and add seasonings such as salt and monosodium glutamate to get out of the pan.

Let's stop here about dish. Don't confuse dish with radish when you go to the market next time.