
Look at the world and let the national seed industry "go out"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, the state has vigorously supported the national seed industry, the exchanges between domestic seed enterprises and international leading seed enterprises have become increasingly close, and more and more experts and scholars, technology and materials have been introduced into China. With the implementation of the strategy of "Belt and Road Initiative" and "going out", the national seed industry is not only

In recent years, the state has vigorously supported the national seed industry, the exchanges between domestic seed enterprises and international leading seed enterprises have become increasingly close, and more and more experts and scholars, technology and materials have been introduced into China. With the implementation of the strategy of "Belt and Road Initiative" and "going out", the national seed industry should not only introduce talents, resources, and funds from overseas, but also export our excellent varieties, sophisticated technology, ideas, and even culture overseas. This will be an important measure for the development and revitalization of the national seed industry.

In breeding, heterosis is the best known in cross breeding, and hybrids with distant parents are relatively prettier and smarter. The same is true for seed enterprises, the confrontation and integration of different concepts, culture, technology and resources is an important driving force for the development of seed enterprises and even seed industry.

In 2011, China seed Group Co., Ltd. and the Hybrid Wheat Research Center of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences established Intermediate Hybrid Wheat seed Industry (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and the first company in the world with hybrid wheat as the main project was established. Today, while vigorously promoting the industrialization of domestic hybrid wheat, China Hybrid Wheat Company does not forget to open its international horizons and devote itself to promoting hybrid wheat to go abroad.

The first stop out of the country

Conduct comprehensive trials in Pakistan

Pakistan, which is located in Central Asia, and China are both big wheat growers, with a domestic wheat planting area of about 130 million mu. Based on the estimated cost of 50 yuan per mu of wheat seeds, the potential market size of wheat seeds in Pakistan is about 6.5 billion yuan.

At the end of May last year, during the World seed Congress, China Hybrid Wheat (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Pakistan Jiade Agricultural Research and Service (Private) Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement on the industrialization of China-Pakistan hybrid wheat in Beijing. China's hybrid wheat has taken the first step towards the world.

Since signing the contract for more than one year, the China Hybrid Wheat Company has carried out a comprehensive test work in Pakistan, established 28 test bases, provided 20 hybrid combinations each year for test, and selected the combinations suitable for local production.

According to Song Weibo, deputy general manager of China seed Group, the cooperative test and demonstration of two-line hybrid wheat carried out in Pakistan this year has achieved remarkable results, with an increase of 30% to 50%. And large-scale demonstration, promotion and application work has been carried out in Pakistan, which has been highly recognized by all sectors of Pakistani society, and some of the advantage combinations introduced have entered the variety review (recognition) process in Pakistan.

"introducing germplasm resources and creating new combinations suitable for application in Pakistan is what we have been doing." Song Weibo told reporters that on the basis of Yuanmou Base in Yunnan Province, a hybrid wheat breeding base specifically for Pakistan has been established. At present, two male sterile line materials with equal consanguinity in Pakistan have been improved, 50 excellent restorer line materials have been improved, and 2 excellent restorer lines have been created.

Under the action of China-Pakistan cooperation, combined with the characteristics of wheat as the most important food rations in the countries along the "Belt and Road Initiative" route, in May this year, the China Hybrid Wheat Company signed a material transfer agreement with Bangladesh Golden Barn Kingdom (Private) Co., Ltd., which has just established a cooperative relationship with Bangladesh, and the hybrid wheat varieties currently participating in the test have already begun to sow.

Focus on the "future" of the seed industry

Hybrid wheat gives China's seed industry a chance

As the three major staple food crops in the world, wheat has the first planting area in the world and plays an important role in world food security. In terms of the direction of wheat breeding in China, because of the fact that there is little land and a large population for many years, our country has relatively high requirements for crop yield and comprehensive stress resistance. "the emphasis on these two elements is mainly to solve the problem of satiety, while in Europe and North America, it is more about the quality of wheat." Song Weibo said, "because of its obvious characteristics in reducing sowing rate, saving water and resisting drought, hybrid wheat shows great advantages in medium-and low-yield fields, especially in saline-alkali land, and its high yield is very good."

In what crop breeding is China's seed industry likely to lead the world in the next few years or even decades? This is a problem that the Chinese species has been exploring for many years.

In Song Weibo's view, hybrid wheat contains great commercial value. Scientists all over the world have studied hybrid wheat for decades, but so far they have not been able to achieve large-scale industrialization, while China's two-line hybrid wheat technology is in the lead in the world, and has initially realized industrialization. "if hybrid wheat can be commercialized on a large scale one day, not only the Chinese market, but also the global market has great potential." Song Weibo said, "judging from the technological development trend and future market potential, this is an opportunity to make China's seed industry lead in the world, so we have to do this."

Respect the law of industry development--

Seed industry is a global industry.

"at present, there are strong dominant combinations of hybrid wheat, and great progress has been made in the research and development of large-scale seed production technology, but there is still a long way to go to meet the requirements of industrialization." Song Weibo said frankly.

The hybrid combination with strong advantage is the basis of industrialization. "only varieties that can make people pay the bill can be competitive." Song Weibo has always used a market-oriented concept to look at the issue of breeding scientific research. "strong advantage combinations must have the characteristics of increasing production and resistance to diseases and insect pests, so that only varieties that are affordable to farmers can have a market."

Commercial feasibility is also crucial. "the output and quality of seed production, the development of large-scale seed production technology, and the supporting facilities for the whole process of mechanized seed production are all important factors that determine whether the hybrid wheat industry can be commercialized smoothly." Song Weibo said.

If we say that the ability of independent R & D technology and the allocation of resources and funds can be called the hard power of the enterprise, while the management ability and multicultural integration ability are the soft power of the enterprise. "in the end, the problem of management will fall on people, on ideas and culture." Song Weibo said of improving the enterprise management ability, "there are many ways to improve the enterprise management ability, one of the most effective is to invite people in and out."

Invite excellent foreign teams in and send their own excellent teams out. It is in such exchanges that the Chinese Group gradually integrates into the big circle of global development. "the seed industry is a global industry, and its technology diffusion needs to be supported by a global market, and technological R & D investment also needs to be fed back by a global market." Song Weibo believes that if the national seed industry wants to develop and grow, going out is the only way. As for the way to go out, "how multinational companies enter the Chinese market, we go out."

"policies compatible with industry are equally important." Song Weibo told reporters, "We cannot ask the state to formulate supporting policies at the initial stage of industrialization, but with the step-by-step development of the industry, I believe the policy will become more and more perfect."

Linked wheat

The Crescent fertile land of wheat origin in West Asia. The earliest wheat site found in China is near Hemudu Valley. Carbonized wheat was found in Loulan Tomb more than 4,000 years ago. Wheat has been a traditional crop in China since ancient times, and there was an agricultural proverb "harvesting wheat is like putting out a fire" as early as before the Yuan Dynasty.

Up to now, most of the wheat planted in China and even around the world are conventional wheat, until the "Jingmai 6" selected by Zhao Changping, director of the Hybrid Wheat Engineering and Technology Research Center of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, was approved by Beijing in 2005. The first winter two-line hybrid wheat variety came out in the world.