
Key points of cultivation techniques of purple potato, with matters needing attention in management

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Seed selection treatment: seed potatoes suitable for local cultivation were selected, dried and sprayed with 800-fold solution of new high-fat membrane. Soil preparation for ridges: select sandy loam with loose and fertile soil and rich in organic matter to make ridges. Apply sufficient base fertilizer: base fertilizer with organic fertilizer

Seed selection treatment: seed potatoes suitable for local cultivation were selected, dried and sprayed with 800-fold solution of new high-fat membrane. Soil preparation for ridges: select sandy loam with loose and fertile soil and rich in organic matter to make ridges. Application of sufficient base fertilizer: the base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, farm fertilizer and compound fertilizer. Reasonable close planting: row spacing is about 30cm, plant spacing is about 20cm. Strengthen management: according to the situation to carry out ploughing and weeding, and spray targeted drugs plus new high-fat membrane.

I. seed selection and treatment

The main results are as follows: 1. Because the planting range of purple potato is relatively wide, and the climate, soil, light and other growth environment in each region are different, so according to the local actual situation, we should select the seed potato suitable for local planting. Generally, varieties that are resistant to drought and barren, strong resistance to stress and strong resistance to diseases and insect pests can be selected.

2. The size of the potato block is about 150g, and then the seed potato is dried and sprayed with 800 times of the new high-fat membrane, which can not only prevent diseases and insect pests, isolate virus infection, but also strengthen the respiration of seeds and improve the germination rate.

Second, land preparation for ridges

Purple potato is suitable for planting in the land with high topography and convenient drainage and irrigation. We can choose the sandy loam with loose and fertile soil and rich organic matter, and then turn it deeply to make a ridge. The width of the ridge is about 45cm, the height of the ridge is about 30cm, and the distance between the ridge is about 70cm.

Third, apply sufficient base fertilizer

In the process of soil preparation, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, which is mainly organic fertilizer, farm fertilizer and compound fertilizer. Farm fertilizer is sprinkled before deep ploughing, and then the land is deeply ploughed to make the soil fully weathered, and then stem. Chemical fertilizer compound fertilizer should be applied in ditch, and some occult sulfur scales should be applied at the same time, which is beneficial to the prevention of underground pests.

IV. Reasonable close planting

The main results are as follows: 1. To select vigorous and strong potato seedlings for transplantation, the general transplanting time in Huang-Huai area is from the end of March to early April, and plastic film is needed after transplantation, which is helpful to maintain soil temperature and promote potato seedlings to pass through the slow seedling stage smoothly.

2. If it is used as a stem, 2 rows are generally cultivated on the ridge, the row spacing is about 30cm, the plant spacing is about 20cm, and the suitable planting density per mu is about 3000 plants. It is suitable to be cultivated in the afternoon when the sun is not too strong or cloudy. The soil should have a certain humidity during cultivation, and watering should be carried out after planting.

V. strengthening management

The main results are as follows: 1. It is necessary to carry out mid-ploughing and weeding according to the situation, at the same time, combined with mid-ploughing to cultivate the soil to support ridges, timely watering and removing the vine according to the drought, tearing off the root hair, spraying Zhuangtieling after the vine, which can promote the growth and expansion of purple potato, the surface is smooth and the fruit shape is better.

2. We should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests such as ground tigers and red ants, which can be sprayed with targeted drugs and new high-fat membranes. the diseases of purple potatoes often occur in the summer high temperature and rainy season, and carbendazim and other agents can be used to control them in the early stage of the disease. the growth of purple potato is mainly to absorb the nutrients of base fertilizer, generally there is no lack of fertilizer during the growth period, there is no need to topdressing.

VI. Timely harvest

The purple potato planted in April can generally be harvested from August to September, and the purple potato planted from May to June can be harvested in October. If the purple potato is harvested too early, the yield of tuber will be significantly reduced. If the purple potato is harvested too late, the root tuber will be affected by low temperature and chilling injury, resulting in reduced storage tolerance and easy decay, so timely harvest is very important.