
What kind of fertilizer is good for growing watermelons?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to watermelons, I think everyone is familiar with them. When the hot summer comes, watermelons become everyone's favorite fruit. When we pass in front of the fruit store, the watermelons are piled like mountains. Buy them home and put them in the refrigerator. Eat iced watermelons.

When it comes to watermelon, I think everyone is familiar with it. When the scorching summer comes, watermelon becomes everyone's favorite fruit. When we pass by the fruit shop, watermelon piles up like mountains. Buy it home and put it in the refrigerator. It feels better to eat ice watermelon!

What kind of fertilizer is good for planting watermelon

Farmers often ask: "If you want watermelon sweet, what fertilizer should you use?" Whether watermelon is sweet or not depends first on the variety, followed by light and temperature difference between day and night. Fertilizer is usually ranked after these factors. In the same variety, adjacent fields, planted at the same time, watermelon sweet, taste good, the key lies in fertilizer. Watermelon fertilizer law: every production of 1000 kg watermelon, nitrogen needs 2.25 kg, phosphorus 0.9 kg, potassium 3.38 kg (only refers to the quality of each element in the fertilizer, not nitrogen 2.25 kg, phosphorus 0.9 kg, the same below), and boron, zinc, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt and other trace elements are sensitive, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper also have certain requirements.

On the basis of applying enough decomposed organic fertilizer, the medium fertility soil applied 11 kg of potassium (equivalent to 22 kg of potassium sulfate), 11 kg of nitrogen (equivalent to 55 kg of ammonium sulfate or 24 kg of urea) and 5.7 kg of phosphorus (equivalent to 48 kg of calcium superphosphate) per mu. The watermelon quality was good, the yield was high and the benefit was good. 40- 60kg of 45% organic fertilizer and 70- 80kg of 45% potassium sulfate compound fertilizer are applied to each mu. 30-50% of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer is used as base fertilizer and applied before soil preparation. The rest is used as topdressing and divided into several times. This way, the watermelon will be big and sweet. Jiayou organic fertilizer has been tested for nearly two years, and the effect is remarkable. It has high nutrient content and good absorption, which improves soil properties, even improves plant disease resistance, reduces leaf disease rate, and most importantly improves watermelon quality. The fruit is smooth and shiny, sweet, thin and sandy. The choice of watermelon fertilizer should avoid chlorine-containing fertilizers, such as ammonium chloride, potassium chloride, chlorine-containing compound fertilizer, etc., especially in greenhouse watermelon fields. Because these fertilizers will make melons taste weak, salty, and easy to rot fruit. In short, in order to grow good watermelon, we must achieve a reasonable combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements of a reasonable ratio. Light application of inorganic fertilizer will harden the soil and reduce the quality of watermelon. Good watermelon needs good fertilizer. I hope that farmers can plant watermelon of high quality and amazing yield as soon as possible.

How to fertilize watermelon

1. Raising seedling fertilizer. Urea 1.5- 2.5 kg/667m2 was applied at the stage of 4-5 leaves in northern China. In southern China, before vine extension, watering human excrement 2 or 3 times, applying human excrement 20-30kg per 667m2 each time, combined with intertillage and loosening soil, has better effect.

2. Extension of vine fertilizer. 5-10kg urea and 3-5kg potassium sulfate per 667 m2 were applied in the early stage of vine extension in northern area, and 50-70kg cake fertilizer or 500-750kg decomposed poultry manure per 667m2 after vine extension in southern area.

3. Fruit setting fertilizer. When the young fruit is egg size, urea 10-15kg and potassium sulfate 5-6kg per 667m2 are applied in the north area; urea or compound fertilizer 0.7-1kg per 667m2 is mixed with human feces and urine in the south area.

4, swelling melon fertilizer. 7-10kg urea and 5-6kg potassium sulfate were applied per 667m2 when the fruit was bowl size. Stop topdressing 1 week before harvest. Results In the later period, the mixed solution of 0.3%-0.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.2%-0.3% urea could be used as topdressing, usually sprayed once every 5-7 days for 2 or 3 times continuously.

When to sow watermelon

Greenhouse watermelon planting time March 10 20 small shed watermelon delayed 10-15 days, greenhouse watermelon than greenhouse watermelon appropriate 5-7 days earlier, early spring protected watermelon planting. We should strengthen the management of key temperature, humidity, fertilizer and water, and protect flowers and fruits to promote the growth and development of crops.

The soil preparation for watermelon planting should be carried out 15 days before watermelon planting. Greenhouse watermelon had better adopt high ridge double row cultivation, big row 90 cm, small row 40 cm, make small high embankment, ridge width 30 cm, ridge height 15 cm; after the ridge surface is done, it is covered with plastic film for planting. For greenhouse cultivation, plastic greenhouses can be set up before soil preparation. The inner diameter width of the greenhouse shall not be less than 6.5 meters, the height of the shed shall not be less than 1.6 meters, and the small arch shed in the middle of the greenhouse shall be 2.2 meters wide and 0.7 meters high. The thickness of straw mat shall not be less than 5 cm. 6-7 days before planting in greenhouse, complete the ridge and cover it with plastic film for planting.

Tips for growing watermelon

1. Watermelon is a plant that needs more fertilizer, but too much nitrogen fertilizer, coupled with abundant rainfall or irrigation, will appear coarse vines, coarse vines are not easy to bear fruit, and affect watermelon yield. The way to prevent coarse vines is not to apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, ventilation and light transmission should be strengthened. If coarse vines appear before flowering, they can be removed to destroy their growth and inhibit their growth.

2. Watermelon is a chlorine-free crop, and the application of chlorine-containing fertilizer will affect the quality of watermelon.

3. Do not apply thick fertilizer during drought.

4. The fertilization site should not be too close to the root. The fertilization site of watermelon is generally required to be about 10 cm away from the taproot. It is easy to burn the root if it is too close.

We all know that watermelon is a very juicy fruit, and it tastes very sweet, and the price is very cheap when eating watermelon in summer. It can be said that watermelon is a good fruit with good quality and low price, which is loved by many people, but such a good watermelon is planted hard by our melon farmers.