
Watermelon planting techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Watermelon in China's demand is very large, especially in summer, hot summer eat a watermelon, instant can play a cooling, summer heat, especially iced watermelon summer eat up special cool. Watermelon planting technology 1, land selection, soil preparation.

Watermelon in China's demand is very large, especially in summer, hot summer eat a watermelon, instant can play a cooling, summer heat, especially iced watermelon summer eat up special cool.

Watermelon planting techniques

1. Land selection and preparation. Watermelon drought, fear of waterlogging, can not be continuous cropping, land selection should be good ventilation fertile sandy loam is appropriate, generally do not choose continuous planting watermelon garden, land preparation should be deep ploughing, furrow, waist ditch, ditch communication, to facilitate irrigation and drainage.

2. Fertilizer and water management. Base fertilizer accounts for about 60%-70% of the total amount. The application method is furrow application or hole application. Organic fertilizer is the main one. Cake fertilizer 100kg and bone meal 50kg per mu. Farmers without cake fertilizer and bone meal can use ternary compound fertilizer 50- 80kg, manure 2000kg and high quality compost 2000- 3000kg. top dressing is determined according to the watermelon growth period. After watermelon planting and survival, sufficient seedling fertilizer should be applied, i.e., ternary compound fertilizer 20kg/mu should be applied in furrows or holes, vine accelerating fertilizer (ternary compound fertilizer) 10-20kg should be applied when 5-6 true leaves are planted, melon fertilizer should be added when young fruits are stable (egg size), fruit strengthening fertilizer, i.e., decomposed human manure 1000kg/mu should be applied in furrows or holes, or ternary compound fertilizer 50kg/mu should be applied. Watermelon growth period combined with disease and insect control can be applied topdressing (0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate +0.3% urea solution) to protect leaves and increase yield.

Disease Treatment of Watermelon

1. Watermelon wilt: The disease is mainly caused by soil bacteria, and the bacteria in the soil can exist for 5-7 years. Control measures: a, crop rotation. Rotation with non-melon crops for more than 3 years;b Grafting. Rootstocks such as round gourd, long gourd, gourd and waist gourd performed well, and the grafting method was simple and easy. planting watermelon when the tips of the gourd sprout and expose, and grafting is suitable for the period of two leaves and one heart of the rootstock; wiping off the growth point of the rootstock with a bamboo stalk during grafting, vertically inserting a small hole (about 1cm deep) from the growth point with the tip of a bamboo skewer, then taking watermelon seedlings, closing and pinching the cotyledons tightly, cutting the cotyledons at the position of about 1cm at the lower part of the leaves into wedge surfaces with a section length of about 0.8cm, inserting the wedge surfaces into the small holes of the rootstock after the juices flow out, completing the grafting, and finally covering the film to keep moisture; and c, chemical control. At the early stage of disease or when the vine grows to 55cm, the root is irrigated with 500-800 times solution of 40% carbendazim colloidal solution or 25.9% complex ammonia copper zinc solution (Kangkuling), once every 7-10 days, and continuously irrigated for 2-3 times.

2. Watermelon charcoal rot. To soil seed epidermis mainly bacteria, through running water, wound transmission invasion, control measures: a, deep ditch. High ridge to prevent ponding, fruit spread grass, so that watermelon does not directly contact the ground;b, chemical control. At the early stage of disease, 40% carbendazim suspension or 70% chlorothalonil warm-temperature powder or 25% carbon terin wettable powder 600-700 times solution spray is selected to control once every 7-10 days for about 3 times.

Pest Control of Watermelon

Watermelon pests are mainly caused by aphids biting leaves, adults of Liriomyza sativae biting leaves and laying eggs, larvae eating mesophyll in leaves; thrips sucking tender shoots, tender leaves, flowers and young melon juice, adults eating leaves, tender stems, flowers and young melons, larvae damaging roots.

Prevention measures:

1. Plastic film mulching to avoid aphids.

2. Chemical control. Spray 10% Pyrimidone WP 1500 times to control aphid, whitefly, etc.; irrigate root with 80% trichlorfon 1000 times to control yellow dwarf melon larvae and underground pests; use 73% EC 2000-3000 times to control red spider and thrips. Also available 20% cypermethrin EC 2000 times liquid spray.

Environmental Requirements for Watermelon Growth

1. Temperature

Watermelon is a heat-resistant crop, not resistant to low temperatures, more afraid of frost, in the whole growth process require higher temperatures. The minimum temperature for watermelon growth is 10℃, the maximum temperature is 40℃, and the optimum temperature is 25~30℃. However, different growth periods have different requirements for temperature. The temperature in June and July in Alxa League melon producing area is higher, the sunshine is sufficient and the rainfall is less, so the watermelon yield is high and the quality is good.

2. Light

Watermelon is a light-loving crop. During its growth period, it needs sufficient sunshine hours and strong light intensity. Generally, it should have 10~12 hours of sunshine every day. Sufficient light plant growth robust, stem vine stout, leaves hypertrophy. At the same time, it is also necessary to prevent the sunshine from June to July from being too strong and forming "sunburn disease". In addition, light quality also had significant effects on watermelon seedling growth.

3. Moisture

Watermelon leaves flourish, large fruit and high water content, so water consumption is large. On the other hand, it has a strong root system that can fully absorb water from the soil. Watermelon has different water requirements at different growth stages: soil moisture is required at germination stage; soil moisture is required at seedling stage to adapt to early drought, and appropriate drought can promote root expansion and enhance drought resistance; soil moisture is appropriately increased at vine stage; water is properly controlled before and after flowering; water is required most at fruiting stage, especially before and during fruit rapid expansion, and sufficient water should be supplied in time; water should be stopped in time after fruit setting to facilitate sugar accumulation. Dry climate is very beneficial to watermelon cultivation. Watermelon bogey fear of waterlogging, waterlogging prevention and drainage of watermelons is particularly important.

4. Soil

Watermelon on the soil requirements are not strict, more drought resistance, barren resistance, but because of the watermelon roots aerobic, so the need for adequate soil air. Watermelon is best suited to good drainage, deep soil loam or sandy loam, its good ventilation, rainfall or irrigation after water infiltration fast, early spring ground temperature rise fast, rapid heat dissipation at night, large temperature difference between day and night, such soil can make seedlings grow healthy and fruit sugar accumulation, good quality.

5. Fertilizer

Watermelon has short growth period, fast growth, high yield per unit area and large fertilizer requirement. In addition, watermelon is mostly planted in sandy loam or barren sandy soil, so it is estimated that sufficient fertilizer should be supplied. Among them, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the most important for normal growth and development of watermelon. The absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium by watermelon in the whole growth period was the most, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus. In fruit development period should be appropriate to increase some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, do not apply large amounts of nitrogen, so as not to affect fruit quality.

Watermelon planting is very common in our country. Many people plant watermelon in rural areas. However, so many fruit farmers plant watermelon. Some people have achieved a bumper harvest, while others have done nothing. In addition to the hard work of fruit farmers, it also has a certain relationship with the planting technology of fruit farmers.