
Planting techniques of Kirin Watermelon

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Kirin watermelon is a high and new technology which is covered in greenhouse during the whole growth period and fertilized by drip irrigation to achieve early maturity, high yield, good quality and more harvest in one crop. Over the past few years, it has developed rapidly in Shangrao City, which is a bright spot in agricultural production. Every year, it can achieve a number of 100000 yuan households.

Kirin watermelon is a high and new technology which is covered in greenhouse during the whole growth period and fertilized by drip irrigation to achieve early maturity, high yield, good quality and more harvest in one crop. Over the past few years, the rapid development in Shangrao City has been a bright spot in agricultural production, and every year it has achieved a number of new farmers with 100000 yuan and hundreds of thousands of yuan. Because Kirin watermelon grows in the greenhouse, it avoids Rain Water's damage to watermelon leaves, has a long growth period, has more harvest in one crop, and can not be compared with ordinary watermelon in disease resistance, quality and benefit.

Planting techniques of Kirin Watermelon

1. Variety selection. Choose Kirin watermelon planting varieties have very high requirements, first, to be able to endure low temperature, generally strong than ordinary watermelon low temperature tolerance to about 10 ℃; second, growth is small, generally do not need pruning; third, to be able to withstand high temperature, in the greenhouse 80 ℃ high temperature can also grow normally; fourth, good quality, neat size, leather books, seeds, mostly white seeds, high sugar content, suitable for planting varieties have green enjoy brand 8424, Tsuen silver ice sugar Kirin king and so on.

2. Land selection and land preparation. Choose the field block of sandy loam soil, the soil layer is deep, can discharge energy irrigation, centralized continuous piece. According to the width of 4.6 m, ploughing and harrowing are divided into two grooves with a depth of 30cm, and each furrow is divided into 2 beds, each with a sidewalk with 30cm width in the middle.

three. Keep warm and raise seedlings. A seedling greenhouse is built in December every year, with a height of 2m and a width of 4.6m. Two 2m wide sheds are built in the shed. The mixed soil of melon garden topsoil and 45% compound fertilizer is loaded with a nutrition bowl at 30:1, and the seedlings are kept warm in the shed. After sowing, the nutrition bowl soil should be sprayed with dimethazone 600x solution in the evening. The potion should be sprayed once to see white in the topsoil to prevent disease and strengthen seedlings. After 30 days of seedling age, strong seedlings with 3 leaves and 1 heart were selected for transplanting.

What is Qilin melon?

Qilin melon is a cultivated new variety of scientific research, which has very high requirements for growth environment, soil and sunshine, but since it takes only about 60 days from planting to flowering, from flowering to melon harvest, even if planting is fastidious, but because of the short cycle, good taste and quick benefits, farmers in Wenzhou and Hainan are very happy to plant them.

Greenhouse Management of Kirin Watermelon

1. Build a greenhouse. Prepare special film and bamboo slices for watermelon greenhouse manufactured in Zibo, Shandong Province. The shed is 2m high and 4.6m wide, with one shed bar per 80cm. After covering the film, both sides of the greenhouse are compacted with soil to prevent strong wind, and the shed is in the north-south direction. In the high temperature season from June to August, only the shed mouth is opened to dissipate heat.

2. Border treatment. 667m2 sprinkled 45% compound fertilizer 50kg evenly on the border, and then put a drip irrigation tube on it. Finally, the border was covered with agricultural film to prevent grass damage and was beneficial to soil looseness. One plant was planted with 80cm and 300 plants were planted with 667m2.

3. Fertilizer and water management. The first batch of melons were irrigated with fertilizer and water once 10 days before picking, and 667m2 was treated with 48% compound fertilizer 15kg to dissolve the residue and add water to 100kg, and water was pumped into drip irrigation. Thereafter, drip irrigation was applied before each harvest and during the expansion period of young melons, with a total of 10 / 12 drip irrigation.

4. Artificial pollination. After the watermelon blossoms, click on the male flower with a brush, then click on the female flower and mark it with a red line to distinguish it from the unpollinated female flower.

5. Pruning. In general, Kirin watermelons do not need pruning, but only remove diseased vines and diseased leaves.

6. Prevent diseases and insects. Kirin watermelon diseases are anthracnose, Fusarium wilt, vine blight, insect pests are aphids and red spiders, general pest control drugs combined with fertilization can be used, disease control drugs, mainly with 600 times solution of dimethazone.

Open a ditch to make a bed

1. Trenching: a good drainage ditch is opened around the greenhouse, which is required to be 50 cm deep and 30 cm wide, and the ditch between the shed and the shed is 25 cm wide and 25 cm deep. Require heavy rain, the water in the shed ditch can be discharged along the ditch, there can be no stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to cause watermelon rotting roots.

2. Land improvement: planting watermelon plots should turn over the soil deeply and sun up the permafrost when they are idle in winter. When the acidity of the soil is too large, quicklime can be used to neutralize the acidity. Generally, 100kg quicklime is applied to the ground per mu, and then cultivated land is cultivated.

3, make bed: watermelon should be cultivated in deep trench and high border. Generally, the greenhouse 4.5 to 5 meters wide is divided into 2 rows, and the border width is about 2.3 meters, which is about the shape of tortoise back. Each greenhouse only opens a trench in the middle to mourn 40 centimeters, and the ditch is 20 centimeters deep.

4. lower base fertilizer: one month before planting, 2000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 25 kg of calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer, 15 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and 50 kg of rapeseed cake were applied per mu. Boron fertilizer should be applied to boron deficient soil, and 1.5kg borax should be applied per mu. The base fertilizer should be trenched in the middle of the border and covered with soil.

5. Laying drip irrigation pipe and plastic film: half a month before planting, leveling the border surface, laying drip irrigation, covering plastic film and greenhouse film to increase temperature, the ground temperature should be more than 15 ℃ before planting.

At present, the planting technology of Kirin watermelon is not perfect, and it needs to be summarized and improved in the future, especially how to overcome the phenomenon of seedling death caused by long rain and low temperature at seedling stage. Only in this way can Kirin watermelons be planted better and better.