
Teach you how to grow strawberries in greenhouse

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, I think there are no strawberries I don't know. In the editor's impression, strawberries are available only in winter every year. Anyone who has eaten strawberries knows that strawberries taste excellent, sweet and have a faint fragrance. They can't stop eating, not a plate at all.

I think there are no strawberries I don't know. In the editor's impression, strawberries are available only in winter every year. Anyone who has eaten strawberries knows that strawberries taste excellent, sweet and have a faint fragrance. They can't stop eating at all, and the plate bottoms out in a short time.

How to grow strawberries in greenhouse

Strawberries used to grow mostly in the northern plains, but later, with the increase in market demand, some growers appeared in the south. Later, in order to put it on the market all the year round, people began to grow strawberries in the greenhouse. It just takes a certain amount of technology to do this, and many people want to grow it, but they don't know what to do. "the growth and fruiting period of strawberries in greenhouse is in the winter of low temperature and low light, which is prone to poor coloring, sour taste, abnormal fruit and smaller fruit. But as long as strict management, careful care, fruit quality will not decline. Well, now our strawberries sell for more than 100 yuan per kilogram. " On January 2, the reporter came to Yongxing Village, Huangxing Town, Jiangyang District, Luzhou City. Deng Hongfang and Wang Cailian, who are managing strawberries in the solar greenhouse, happily said, "Strawberries want high quality and high yield, and several new methods are effective."

The root system of strawberry planting is shallow, so strawberry should be cultivated on sandy slope soil with loose soil slope, more organic matter, flat terrain, convenient irrigation and drainage and pH value of 5.5 ~ 6.5. Because strawberry has the characteristic of positive tolerance, it can be intercropped or interplanted with tall stalk crops or young fruit trees, so it is suitable for cultivation in the courtyard. About 15 days before strawberry planting, to prepare the soil, first spray trifluralin herbicide, 200 grams per 667 square meters. Then deep ploughing and soil preparation was carried out, and the soil was ploughed 30cm deep, and 4000 kg of high-quality farm manure, 15 kg of diammonium phosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate were applied every 667 square meters. Finally, the soil should be raked fine and flat to lay the foundation for border or ridging. When making the border, the border is 10 meters long, 60 meters wide and 70 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters high. When ridging, the ridge width is 50ml 55cm, the ridge height is 15cm, and the ridge width is 20cm. After these early foundations are done, it is the key to planting. The disease-free seedlings with strong growth and many fibrous roots were selected. Generally speaking, the seedlings should have at least 4 leaves and the stem is about 1 cm thick. If the seedlings are purchased from far away, the big leaves on the periphery of the plant should be cut off during cultivation, leaving only 3 leaves in the middle, which can reduce the evaporation of water in the leaves and improve the survival rate.

Attentive methods of planting

It is best to choose rainy days or sunny days in the evening to plant seedlings, to achieve deep planting, shallow soil does not expose roots, the root neck of the seedlings is flush with the ground. Many people do not pay attention to the method of planting. If buried too deep, the growth point of the seedlings will be pressed and the seedlings will rot easily; when the soil is too shallow, the seedlings will die easily because of the exposed roots. When transplanting, dig a hole first, then put the seedlings into the pit to stretch their roots, and then fill and water them until the seedlings grow new leaves. Autumn planting can be carried out in mid-late August, because the temperature and humidity are more suitable, strawberries can quickly grow seedlings and enter the normal growth and growth. When cultivated on flat beds, 2 rows were planted on each border, with a spacing of 20 cm and about ten thousand plants per 667 square meters. Leave a 30cm aisle between the two beds. When planting in ridges, 2 rows were planted in each ridge, the row spacing was 20 cm, the plant spacing was 15 cm, and 9000 seedlings were planted every 667m2.

In order to make the seedlings grow and develop well after planting and promote the formation of flower buds, one is to get rid of the aged leaves and stolons on the plant in time; the second is to apply nitrogen fertilizer once in late September, 15 kg of ammonium nitrate per 667 square meters, and appropriate phosphorus; third, it is necessary to irrigate in time, ploughing once after each irrigation, so as to keep the soil loose and raise the soil temperature, which is conducive to the rooting of seedlings. During the growth and development of strawberries, gray mold, powdery mildew, leaf spot and red spiders often occur. For the prevention and control of Botrytis cinerea, 0.3% lime-sulfur mixture can be sprayed at the initial stage of the disease; in the prevention and control of powdery mildew and leaf spot, methyl topiramine with 800x solution or 800-l000 solution can be sprayed; when red spider damage occurs, 40% dimethoate emulsion can be sprayed 1200 times.

How to avoid "soil-borne diseases" for strawberries? like many melon and fruit crops, strawberries will be affected by "soil-borne diseases" for several years, threatening the quality of strawberries and even plant death. Strawberries must also avoid continuous cropping. Rotation can improve the disease resistance of strawberries and reduce the number of deformed fruits and insect pests. The rotation of the open space between the sheds can be fully utilized and can only be replanted after a few years. In order to overcome the obstacle of continuous cropping, it is necessary to hinder the spread of "soil-borne diseases" and kill harmful germs in the soil. For strawberries, those who cannot exchange land should be "fallow", that is, the strawberry fields irrigated with fertile water should be covered with plastic film by the method of "stuffy sun" at high temperature in summer. In this way, in the scorching sun, the soil temperature in the film can even reach 60 or 70 degrees to kill harmful bacteria.

Because strawberries are very popular, and the market price of strawberries is not expensive, strawberries are the best-selling fruits among all kinds of fruits. And strawberries are far more than fruit, we all know that a lot of milk, candy, drinks and so on have strawberry flavor, we can see how broad the market for strawberries is!