
Planting techniques of Loquat in Spring

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, (1) soil preparation: planting ditches should be dug for loquat orchards in flat land. Generally, the ditches are 0.80m in width and 0.80m in depth. The distance between planting ditches is generally about 3m. The length of planting ditches depends on the size of the garden or the length of the slope. When digging trenches, separate the topsoil from the core soil, and put the topsoil in

(1) soil preparation: planting ditches should be dug for loquat orchards in flat land. Generally, the ditches are 0.80m in width and 0.80m in depth. The distance between planting ditches is generally about 3m. The length of planting ditches depends on the size of the garden or the length of the slope. When digging ditches, open the topsoil and core soil, put the topsoil on the upper edge, backfill the topsoil first, and divide it into three Murray and four layers to bury straw, straw, farm manure, phosphate fertilizer and so on. Generally speaking, basal fertilizer was applied 2 months before planting.

Loquat has a wide adaptability to soil, and can be cultivated in general sandy or gravelly loam, but it is better in the soil with deep soil layer, loose soil, high humus content, strong water conservation and fertility, but not easy to accumulate water. If the soil is too sticky and heavy, it can be mixed with some sandy soil. if the soil is acidic, it should be combined with fertilization and appropriate lime should be applied to improve the soil. Sloping land must be built into equal-level terraces. The mountain soil is barren, so it must be cultivated with large holes and large fertilizers. The planting holes are 1m long and 1m wide, 0.8Mel deep and 1.0m deep. At the same time, each hole is divided into three Murray four layers to backfill stable manure, green manure and other 50kg, phosphate fertilizer 0.8--1kg, quicklime 1kg. Fertilizer should be fully mixed with soil, farm manure should be placed at the bottom, which is beneficial to root absorption, and phosphate fertilizer and lime should be put in layers and can not be mixed. Wait for the fertilizer to rot, loosen the soil and settle before planting. (2) selection of fine and strong seedlings: the selection of varieties should follow the principle of "suitable land and suitable trees". At the same time, grafted varieties with large fruit, generally about 50g, thick and sweet meat, high yield and strong disease resistance are required. (3) planting time: before spring shoot sprouting, usually around March in spring. When the spring shoot is affected too late, the soil is too wet or the wind speed is too high, it is not suitable for planting. (4) planting density: close planting is generally determined according to cultivated varieties, soil fertility, topography, etc. Usually the sloping land with poor soil is denser than the fertile and deep flat land, and the trees with weak potential are denser than those with strong trees. The row spacing of 111 plants is generally 2x3m and 667 square meters, or 2.5x3.5m according to the row spacing of 2x3.5m. (5) rational allocation of pollination trees and proper collocation of varieties: most of loquat are self-pollinated, but some varieties are self-pollinated. Therefore, three varieties of 2Murray should be cultivated in the same garden, but the flowering period of the varieties should be similar in order to facilitate pollination. Generally, every 2 rows of main varieties, and then one row of pollination varieties, the proportion is 2:1, can also be combined with the release of bees at flowering stage to increase the pollination rate, loquat orchard to implement the combination of early, middle and late mature varieties, can adapt to the supply and demand of the market according to different maturity. Generally speaking, early, middle and late ripening varieties are matched according to 1Mui 3MU 5MUR 6MUR 2MUR 4. (6) reasonable planting: transplanting seedlings with soil, generally transplanting with high survival rate, transplanting without soil, root system should be dipped in mud. When planting, the seedlings were placed in the center of the planting point, and the roots were evenly distributed in the holes, and then filled in layers to make the roots fully contact the soil, filling and collapsing the soil, watering the root water, covering the soil again near the grafting interface, and then pouring the root water to make the soil fully contact with the loquat root system and fill the soil again. Generally, the backfill is about 10--20cm higher than the ground. A soil circle with about high 5cm was made around each loquat seedling to water, fertilize or intercept precipitation. (7) fixed stem: the fixed stem height is above the graft interface 30--40cm, and the branch length is about 20cm. Three full buds are selected above the dry height and cultured as the main branch, and the direction of each main branch is 120 degrees.