
Experience in Breaking Dormancy of Winter Chives

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Leek is a very common dish in life, leek scrambled eggs I think many people like to eat, but the general leek is planted in spring, summer and autumn, in winter the weather is too cold is not suitable for planting leek, but now people's species

Leek is a very common dish in daily life. Scrambled Egg with Leek, I think many people like to eat leek, but generally leek is planted in spring, summer and autumn. It is not suitable to grow leek when the weather is too cold in winter. But now people's planting technology is constantly improving, and many people grow leek in winter.

Experience of breaking dormancy of planting leek in winter

After October, the weather became colder and colder, so that the plants died naturally in the field, and the nutrients were fully returned to the roots. Remove the withered grass in the field, and if the land has been frozen, it can be thawed by proper cover. Remove the soil between the rows, trench and pull out the bulbs for cold stimulation and sunlight to break dormancy. After 3-5 days, the leek root changed color, sprinkled with fine soil and mixed fertilizer, and poured once to control insects. Pour water thoroughly, set up a wind barrier every 2 beds, insert bow-shaped bamboo slices on the border, and cover it with film. Cover the grass to keep warm and keep 20-25 ℃ during the day. After the plant grows up, it should be ventilated and ventilated to reduce dampness and prevent disease. As long as the temperature in the border does not drop on a cloudy day, it is necessary to uncover the grass leek and let the leek receive scattered light.

Cover for 30-40 days and harvest the first crop. After harvest, urea is applied once when the seedlings grow to 5-10 cm, water is watered once, and then covered. The second crop can be harvested 25 days after the first crop harvest, and the third crop can be harvested 30-35 days after the second crop harvest. Remove the mulch in time after the weather gets warmer.

Prevention and control of diseases of Chinese chive

1. Ventilation and humidity reduction, 1-2 days after harvest, proper control of watering.

2, chemical control: when the seedling height is 2-3 cm, spray with 1500 times of 50% propofol wettable powder, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, once every 7-10 days, for 2-3 times. 2. Epidemic disease. The root can be irrigated with 1200 times of 40% aluminum ethyl phosphate wettable powder or 1200 times of 25% ribavirin wettable powder, or sprayed with 40% ethyl phosphate aluminum wettable powder 200,300 times or 25% Ruidu wettable powder 800-1000 times.

Sowing techniques of planting leek

1. Sowing time. After the soil is thawed, the Autumn Equinox can sow seeds at any time, usually from late March to early May, suitable for sowing in spring and early rather than late in summer.

2. Sowing rate. It takes 4-5 kilograms per mu. Seedling transplanting in open field is 1.5-2kg.

3. Sowing method. Before sowing, first pick up a part of the soil on the surface of the border (sifted for sowing and cover the soil), then shallow hoe and hold flat, first irrigate the bottom water, about 3.3 cm deep, and then pour 3.3 cm deep water after the water seeps down. After the water seeps down, spread the seeds evenly, then cover the soil about 1.5 cm, and flatten it with a tooth rake the next day to keep the topsoil loose and moist, which is conducive to seed germination. After sowing, cover with plastic film to preserve soil moisture, after more than 30% of the seeds emerge, remove the plastic film in time to prevent burning seedlings, and find white lodging, it is necessary to add some moist soil.

Planting time of leek

1. Spring sowing: it is better to sow early than late, and when the local temperature is stable at 5-10 ℃ in spring, the land is not fully melted, and the return to grain period is not moist to the surface, so it is easy to emerge seedlings. This sowing method also avoids grass damage, because leek seedlings come out quickly after sowing, and the temperature at that time is not suitable for weed germination, resulting in a jet lag. Therefore, it is recommended that people try to use this kind of sowing method.

2. Summer sowing: generally sowing after the cucumber and tomato strike, at this time the high temperature is prone to drought and waterlogging, the sowing amount is about 1/3 larger than that in spring, and the soil cover is not easy to be too thick, keeping the soil moist, which is conducive to the emergence of the whole seedling.

3. Autumn sowing: generally sowing before and after the Beginning of Autumn, the sowing amount is twice as large as that in spring, and the management is mainly dry and wet. Attention should be paid to grass damage in the later stage. Autumn sowing is generally not recommended.

Now the planting industry in China is constantly developing, and a lot of out-of-season vegetables can be planted, so leek can also be planted in winter, but we should pay attention to control its temperature when planting in winter. As well as to master some techniques for growing leeks and so on.