
How to cultivate strawberries with high yield and high efficiency

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Saiva and Madelete are two new varieties of large fruit sunny neutral strawberries. These two varieties blossom in four seasons, bear fruit every month, taste big and delicious, and have good quality, which solves the problem of excessive concentration of strawberries on the market in spring and vacancy in summer and autumn, and realizes the anniversary of strawberries.

Saiva and Madelete are two new varieties of large fruit sunny neutral strawberries. These two varieties blossom in four seasons, bear fruit every month, the fruit is big and delicious, and the quality is very good, which solves the problem of excessive concentration of strawberries on the market in spring, while the market vacancy in summer and autumn, and realizes the annual production of strawberries. it is an ideal variety for upgrading in the current strawberry production. Its efficient cultivation techniques are introduced as follows.

First, garden site selection and pre-planting preparation

Strawberries of the four seasons like fertilizer, water and light, but they are afraid of waterlogging and drought. Therefore, sandy loam or neutral soil with sufficient sunshine, flat ground, loose soil fertility and good drainage and irrigation conditions should be selected, and the pH value should be 5.5-6.5. Clay soil had better be planted with more organic fertilizer or improved in Gaza. Before planting, 3000-5000 kg of rotten high-quality organic fertilizer is applied per mu, and 50 kg of compound fertilizer is applied at the same time. After fertilization, the ploughing is about 30 cm, so that the fertile soil is fully mixed, raked and settled, and then the whole bed or ridge is formed. There are two ways: ① flat planting. In order to facilitate watering management, the border should not be too long or too wide. Generally, the border is 1.2-1.5 meters wide (planting 3-4 rows), 10-20 meters long, and the ridge is 15 centimeters high. after finishing the border, rake flat and wait for planting. ② ridging and planting. Ridges can be planted in lowlands, poorly drained plots and protected areas in winter, with a ridge height of 15-20 cm, a ridge top width of 40-50 cm (planting 2 rows), a bottom width of 60-70 cm, and a furrow width of 15-20 cm. After making a good border and ridge, you can irrigate a small amount of water or properly suppress it, so that the soil can be settled.

II. Planting techniques

1. Planting period. It is usually planted in spring or autumn. The use of winter warm greenhouse can also be planted in winter. Spring planting is generally from mid-late March to early April, and autumn planting is from mid-late August to mid-late October.

2. Seed and seedling selection. Planting strong seedlings is the key to the premature and high yield of strawberries. It is generally required that the colonized seedlings have 4-6 large leaves, sturdy roots and stems, and no diseases and insect pests.

3. Planting density and depth. Strawberry fields of the four seasons should maintain good ventilation and light transmission conditions and larger soil area in order to achieve high yield, high quality and large fruit. Planting should not be too dense, plant spacing should be 30-40 cm × 40-50 cm, triangular planting, 8000-11000 plants per mu. The planting depth should be "shallow without revealing roots, deep without immersion".

III. Post-planting management

1. Control of weeds in the field. Weeds and strawberries compete for water, glory and nutrients, which will reduce strawberry yield and quality. Therefore, weed control is an important guarantee for the production of high quality big fruit strawberries. Comprehensive measures such as artificial weeding, plastic film mulching and crop rotation can be adopted for weeding in the field. In order to reduce labor, herbicides can also be used to control weeds. The specific method is: ⑴ strawberry planting before soil closure treatment. One week before strawberry transplanting, after raking the soil flat, use 48% trifluralin EC 100-125 ml per mu, add 35 kg of water and spray evenly on the soil surface, then hoe at a depth of 1-3 cm, so that the solution is fully mixed with the soil. Generally, the time from spray to shallow hoe is no more than 6 hours, otherwise it will affect the efficacy. You can also use 50% oxanolamine (Dahuili) wettable powder 100-200 grams, add about 30 kilograms of water, spray evenly on the soil surface, safe for strawberries. It should be noted that when using any herbicide, the soil should not be too dry, and the soil water content should generally be controlled at 50-60% of the maximum water holding capacity in the field, that is, when the soil is moist, a good control effect can be obtained. Weed control of ⑵ strawberry in growing season. After artificial weeding at the seedling stage, in the 3-5 leaf stage of weeds such as purslane, dogtail grass, barnyardgrass and other weeds, 40-70ml EC was sprayed with 40-70ml of water per mu with 35% EC per mu, or about 35kg of water was added with 40-125ml EC of 10% grass per mu, which was sprayed evenly on the stems and leaves of weeds. The effect is good, and strawberry seedlings are safe (experiments should be done before application).

2. Fertilizer and water management. As the four seasons strawberries can blossom and bear fruit continuously in a year, they need more nutrition in the whole growing season. Therefore, the growing season requires many times of underground topdressing and foliar spraying, especially in strawberry orchards with insufficient basic fertilizer before planting, it is more necessary to do a good job of topdressing. Underground topdressing is generally applied 4-6 times a year, each time about 50 kg of compound fertilizer or multi-compound fertilizer per mu, evenly spread fertilizer in the strawberry border, water in time after topdressing, do not sprinkle fertilizer in the heart of strawberries, so as not to burn young leaves. The fertilizer can also be mixed into mother liquor and flushed with watering. Foliar fertilizer is sprayed every 20 days or so, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer with a concentration of 0.2-0.3%. Water should be watered in time after each topdressing, and watered several times during the growing season in dry years, so that the soil water content can be kept at 70-80% of the maximum field capacity. Strawberries are not resistant to waterlogging and should be drained in the rainy season.

3. Thinning flowers and fruits. Strawberries can blossom and bear fruit about 60 days after planting. In order to produce high-quality large fruit, high yield and high efficiency, it is necessary to plant strong seedlings and raise large seedlings; especially for seedlings planted in spring, the seedlings must be raised and strengthened before bearing fruit, and early attention should be paid to the timely thinning of flower seedlings and stolons. Leave flowers and bear fruit when the crown of the seedling is 30-40 cm. Or planting seedlings in spring, strengthening the culture tube, bearing fruit in late summer and early autumn, not only large fruit with high quality, but also high yield and high efficiency.

Keep 4-5 early and large flowers at flowering stage, and remove small and late flowers. The sooner you spend time, the better. After setting fruit, and then remove small fruit, abnormal fruit, each time each plant can retain 3-4 large fruit. After the previous fruit is ripe, 4-5 large flowers are selected to keep blooming and fruiting continuously.

4. Remove stolons and old leaves. In order to reduce nutrition consumption and ensure high yield and continuous fruit, stolons should be removed continuously during the growing season. Early removal of stolons can increase the yield of strawberries by about 20%.

Four seasons strawberry has new leaves and new stems all the year round. In the whole growing season, the lower old leaves should be constantly removed to promote the growth of new leaves and stems in the upper part. Old leaves are generally yellowed at the beginning of the petiole and can be removed from the base of the petiole when the petiole changes from erect to flat.

5. Fruit bedding grass. With the increase of fruit, the inflorescence gradually droops down and touches the ground, which is easy to be contaminated by soil, which not only affects the coloring and quality, but also causes rotten fruit. Strawberry orchards without plastic film mulching should cover strawberry plants under the fruit 2-3 weeks after flowering, or circle the straw into a grass circle and put the fruit on the grass circle.

6. Disease and pest control. Attention should be paid to the early control of gray mold, aphids and mites in the growing season. Measures such as shading and ventilation are taken to improve environmental conditions and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

Fourth, winter management. Strawberries of the four seasons can blossom and bear fruit every year as long as the temperature is right. Therefore, it can be cultivated in open field in spring, summer and autumn. In the middle and last ten days of October, when the temperature drops to 5-7 ℃, the shed should be fastened in time to ensure its continuous flowering and fruiting. The management in the shed is the same as ordinary strawberries.

Fifth, update in time. Under general management conditions, the growth began to decline in the third year after planting, the yield decreased, the quality decreased, the diseases and insect pests occurred more, and the economic benefit decreased. In order to ensure that the four seasons strawberries not only blossom and bear fruit continuously, but also have high yield, high quality and high efficiency, it is generally required to be renewed every 2-3 years, and it is more suitable to plant strawberries once every two years in the open field.