
How to apply fertilizer to the red grape growing grape

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Hongti grape is resistant to storage and transportation, high yield, hard and crisp pulp, sweet but not sour, so it is deeply loved by consumers in large and medium-sized cities. However, most of the red grape growers manage the red grapes according to the conventional grape fertilization management methods, resulting in the quality of domestic and imported red grapes.

Hongti grape is resistant to storage and transportation, high yield, hard and crisp pulp, sweet but not sour, so it is deeply loved by consumers in large and medium-sized cities. However, most of the red grape growers manage the red grape according to the conventional grape fertilization management methods, resulting in a big gap in quality between the domestic red grape and the imported red grape. The fertilization techniques of Hongti grape are introduced as follows.

1. Prepare the soil and fertilize. Like other grape varieties, Hongti also likes the soil with good air permeability, so the soil should choose fertile, deep sandy loam or loose soil, about 6.5 to 7.5, with good irrigation and drainage conditions. If the soil is too sticky or too sandy, it is necessary to increase the amount of organic fertilizer, and 2000kg / 3000kg of rotten organic fertilizer should be applied to one mu of land before planting.

two。 Base fertilizer. The base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer, which is expanded and turned deeply every 1-2 months, with a depth of 60-80 cm and a width of 30-40 cm. The effect of base fertilizer is generally better after fruit harvest and before soil freezing, and the amount of base fertilizer per mu is 1000kg to 1500kg. Proper early application is beneficial to the decomposition of organic fertilizer and the healing of root wounds, and is helpful to restore tree potential and improve cold and drought resistance.

3. Top dressing. Mainly with quick-acting fertilizer, a ditch of 50 cm deep and 20 cm wide can be opened near the root tip (about 40 cm away from the trunk for 5 years) according to the size of the tree, and the mixed soil of chemical fertilizer can be buried in the ditch. For grapevines in full fruit stage, topdressing can be carried out before sprouting, before flowering, during fruit expansion, during coloring and after harvest. Before and after being unearthed in early spring, the first topdressing was carried out, mainly nitrogen and potassium, with a small amount of phosphate fertilizer, called budding fertilizer; in about seven days of flowering, the second topdressing was mainly nitrogen and potassium, which was called flowering fertilizer. In addition, 0.3% borax can be sprayed on the leaves according to the situation to increase the fruit setting rate; during the berry growth period, that is, when the berries grow to the size of soybeans, the third topdressing can be carried out in order to promote fruit expansion and branch growth, mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, that is, fruit-promoting fertilizer. From fruit picking to the first frost period, it is an important stage for grape branches to mature, restore tree potential and accumulate nutrients for the growth of the next year.

4. The amount of topdressing. The specific amount and times of topdressing should be determined according to the fertility of the soil, the growth of the grape and the yield target. If the new shoots grow moderately and the leaves are thick green, it shows that the nutrients in the soil are relatively balanced and sufficient. If the growth of new shoots is too prosperous, the use of available nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation should be properly controlled. on the contrary, the thin and weak shoots and yellowish leaves indicate a lack of nutrients in the soil.