
Perennial cultivation method of growing chili

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pepper perennial cultivation, that is, the use of the first crop of old pepper to winter to the next year cultivation, omitting the conventional seedling sowing link, simple and easy, can save more than 50% of labor, effectively prevent the occurrence of rotten seedlings and diseases and insect pests, the survival rate is 90%. It is an option to be able to go on the market 40 to 50 days earlier.

Pepper perennial cultivation, that is, the use of the first crop of old pepper to winter to the next year cultivation, omitting the conventional seedling sowing link, simple and easy, can save more than 50% of labor, effectively prevent the occurrence of rotten seedlings and diseases and insect pests, the survival rate is 90%. It can be put on the market 40-50 days ahead of schedule, which is a practical new technology that can create high economic benefits.

1. The production of dormitory bed is made of sandy loam with leeward and sunny, deep soil layer, good refreshing water, and no Solanaceae crops have been cultivated, and the PH value is 5.5-7. The bed is 1.5 meters wide and the length is determined according to the number of cultivation. Soil ridges are made around, with a height of 60 cm to 70 cm and a width of 20 cm to 30 cm. A good drainage ditch is opened around the ridge. Deeply turn the soil in the bed, fine leveling, apply sufficient base fertilizer, 10-15 kg of rotten barnyard manure per square meter or 30 kg of compost, and fully mix with the bed soil. Spray disinfection with 50 times of formalin, and pepper curd can be transplanted 15 days later.

two。 The transplanting period is from the first ten days of October to the middle of November, when the pepper plant begins to senescence. Select the strong plant, cut off the crown at 20-25 cm from the ground, commonly known as "decapitation", and retain 4-5 lateral branches at the base. Shake off the soil from the root after picking up, gently handle it, and remove the damaged and weak plants. Soak the rice with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution, then transplant it to the dormitory bed according to the row spacing of 8 cm × 10 cm, and cover the nutritive soil of 8 cm × 10 cm (nutritious soil preparation: 60% of fresh garden soil, 1 kg of ternary compound fertilizer, 40% of rotten fine barnyard manure mixed evenly). Then insert bamboo or wood strips to make arches, and cover the ridges of the bed with thin film to protect against cold and heat preservation.

3. Dormitory bed management ① keep the temperature in the bed at 14: 22 ℃ in winter. If the temperature drops in case of rain and snow, it can be covered with straw or thatch to keep warm. Pay attention to check the cover membrane, find the damage and repair the cover in time. Every 15 days or so choose a sunny day at noon to open the film for observation, and air for 2-3 hours, if the soil surface is dry, you can pour light fat water to keep the bed soil moist. After the temperature of ② rises at the beginning of spring, first remove the cover grass to make it transparent, and uncover the film and ventilate for 3 hours at noon every day, then cover it again in the afternoon. Uncover the film at both ends, then both sides, and then all of it. Do not uncover the film on rainy days and cold waves in low temperature days, and continue to cover grass for heat preservation until the temperature picks up. When the persistent root of ③ pepper sprouts, the fresh water dung should be applied in time, 150g potassium dihydrogen phosphate is added to each load of dung water, and the bed soil is wet, which can accelerate the rapid development of old pepper and early emergence of new branches and new buds. Often watering, keep moist, pay attention to drainage, strictly prevent waterlogging in the bed. When the new buds of ④ pepper seedlings grow to 10-15 cm, they begin to refine the seedlings. First of all, the two ends of the film are ventilated on a cloudy or sunny night, the next evening, the film is put on the top of the arch, and on the third day, the seedlings can be transplanted in 2 or 3 days. In case of cloudy or rainy days, the film can be uncovered during the day and night. If the temperature is low at night, the cover can be uncovered during the day and at night.

4. In the cultivation of perennial seedlings, the new soil was turned half a month in advance, and 40 kilograms of ternary compound fertilizer was applied per 667 square meters (1 mu). Make the border and nest according to the conventional cultivation distance, irrigate the nest with human and animal dung water, cover the soil compaction, and immediately cover the plastic film. to prevent grass, increase temperature and keep moisture. Cut a round hole in the plastic film in the nest, plant the pepper seedlings, drench the nest with 1000 times of zinc sulfate (for both clear water and freshwater feces), and then cover the fine soil 1 / 2 cm to prevent and cure the virus. Soon after the seedlings have survived, they will bud and blossom, so it is necessary to apply flower and fruit fertilizer in time, applying urea 10kg / 667 square meters, human and animal feces 1500kg / 2000kg, and using soil barrier to prevent toppling. Pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, other management is the same as conventional cultivation.