
The technique of Cassia seed interplanting Artemisia angustifolia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The medicinal material Cassia seed is the dry and mature seed of Cassia Leguminosae or Cassia oleifera, which has the functions of moistening the intestines and relieving defecation, lowering blood fat and eyesight, treating constipation and hyperlipidemia, hypertension, the demand of medicinal materials is large, and the price is relatively stable. Tiannanxing, also known as Pinellia ternata, is a perennial herb.

Cassia seed is the dried mature seed of Cassia obtusifolia L. or Cassia obtusifolia L., which has the functions of moistening intestines and relaxing bowels, reducing fat and improving eyesight, treating constipation, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. The demand for medicinal materials is large, and the price is relatively stable. Rhizoma arisaematis alias palm leaf pinellia ternata, perennial herbs, plant height 30~45 cm, monoecious, to block bulbs used as medicine. Cassia seed is an annual semi-shrub herb, Arisaema generally grows in a cool, humid forest environment, not resistant to strong light and high temperature. Cassia seed can provide a good shade environment for the growth of Arisaema. At the same time, Rhizoma Arisaematis likes water and fertilizer, and sufficient base fertilizer can produce high yield. Cassia seed interplanted with Rhizoma Arisaematis can increase the yield per unit area of land, improve the utilization rate of land fertilizer and increase income.

Planting techniques:

1. Land selection and fertilization.

Cassia seed likes high temperature and humid climate. Suitable for sandy loam, humus soil or medium fertilizer soil growth. It is advisable to select flat land or sunny slope with better drainage and irrigation conditions. Rhizoma Arisaematis is a dwarf shallow-rooted plant that likes water and fertilizer. It is suitable for planting in fertile sandy loam, afraid of drought and long-term ponding. Cold tolerance, seedlings can winter in the field, but the second year of growth of plants can not winter in the field. Before planting, select plots according to growth habits, apply manure or compost 3000~4000 kg/mu, diammonium phosphate 40 kg (or calcium superphosphate 130 kg), potassium sulfate 15 kg/mu, spread fertilizer evenly and then plough and prepare beds. Generally made of ridge width of 1.2 meters and 0.3 meters of the size of alternate flat ridge, ridge length according to the plot, to facilitate irrigation as well. Big ridge planting Arisaema, small ridge planting Cassia seed.

2. Breeding methods. Arisaema is divided into tuber reproduction and seed reproduction in two ways, multi-choice tuber reproduction.

Tuber propagation: "Qingming" festival to "Grain Rain" festival, in the whole good furrow surface ditch, ditch depth 5~7 cm, according to the plant spacing of 12~15 cm under the seed, tuber bud head upward. After planting, cover with miscellaneous fertilizer and fine soil 3~4 cm thick. Small tubers should be covered with shallow soil, large tubers should be deep. Each mu needs to plant 40~60 kg of large tubers and 25~35 kg of small tubers.

Cassia seed is propagated by seed. In the middle and last ten days of April, seeds with full seeds and no insect damage are selected, soaked in warm water at 50 DEG C for 24 hours, taken out and dried slightly, and then trenched and drilled according to the row spacing of 60 cm, and the groove depth is 5-7 cm. After sowing, cover 3 cm with soil, slightly press and water. 10-15 days to emerge. Thinning begins when the seedlings are about 5 cm high. When the seedling height is 15 cm, the seedling is fixed according to the plant spacing of 30 - 40 cm in combination with intertillage and weeding.

3. Field management. Because the root of Arisaema is shallow, the cultivation should be shallow and not deep. It is necessary to loosen the soil frequently, keep the land loose, and pull out the weeds in time. Before sealing the ridge, the cassia seed is combined with intertillage, and 1000 - 1500 kg of thin human excrement is applied per mu, and 15 kg of urea is added. Then again in mid-June (same as before). In late July, it was the peak growth period of Arisaema, and 1500~2000 kg of decomposed manure was applied per mu. In late August, urea 10kg and calcium superphosphate 15kg were applied per mu. Pay attention to watering during the growth period, watering should be a small number of times. Pay attention to drainage in rainy season to prevent flooding. After Arisaema hybrida blooms, except for the remaining seed plants, the inflorescences of the rest of the plants should be cut off in time to increase production.

4. Harvesting and processing.

Cassia seed gradually ripens at the autumnal equinox (late September), harvests when the pods turn brown, cuts off the whole plant and dries it in the sun, knocks out seeds and removes impurities, thus obtaining the medicinal materials.

Rhizoma Arisaematis is propagated by corms, and harvested when the leaves are withered from the autumn equinox to the cold dew festival of that year; and harvested after two years of seedling cultivation by seeds. Pluck out the bulbs, remove the stems and leaves, shake off the soil, put them into sacks (1/3 of the sacks can be filled), put them on a board, rub off the skin, pour them out and wash them with water, scrape off the skin at the depression with a bamboo knife, and then dry them in the sun.