
Cultivation techniques of virus-free Sweet Potato

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Virus-free sweet potato is different from general sweet potato varieties, and the cultivation techniques are also different. The cultivation techniques are introduced as follows: first, ridging and early planting virus-free sweet potato has strong drought tolerance and prosperous growth, ridging as soon as possible after wheat harvest, and strive for early planting. 2. formula fertilization on dry and thin mu

Virus-free sweet potato is different from general sweet potato varieties, and the cultivation techniques are also different. The cultivation techniques are introduced as follows:

First, ridging and early planting virus-free sweet potato has strong drought tolerance and prosperous growth. Ridging should be done as soon as possible after wheat harvest to strive for early planting.

2. formula fertilization 5000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 30 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 15 kg of potassium sulfate and 40 kg of superphosphate per mu in dry and thin land, and 3000 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 20 kg of potassium sulfate and 30 kg of calcium superphosphate in the middle and upper fertile fields. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, it is also necessary to apply good nest fertilizer, seedling promoting fertilizer, potato promoting fertilizer and foliar topdressing in the later stage.

Third, reasonable close planting virus-free sweet potato has the characteristics of neat growth and rapid tuber expansion, so it should be planted reasonably in cultivation. The suitable number of summer potatoes per mu is 3500000 to 4000 plants.

4. After 3-5 days of planting in the field, the seedlings should be checked and filled in time, and the seedlings should be ploughed in time after returning to the seedlings to promote the early development of seedlings (generally, it is suitable for 2-3 times of mid-ploughing). Do a good job in drought and waterlogging control and pest control in the middle and later stages of growth. In addition, it is best to isolate the cultivation of virus-free sweet potato, pay attention to the prevention and control of aphids in areas without isolation conditions, put an end to the phenomenon of mixed cultivation of virus-free sweet potato and common potato, and strictly prevent the return transmission of virus, so as not to shorten the use cycle of virus-free sweet potato varieties. Other field management measures are the same as those of ordinary sweet potatoes.

Fifth, timely harvest virus-free sweet potatoes should be especially careful during harvest and storage to prevent varieties from being mixed. In addition, because of its good germination, the temperature should be controlled during storage to prevent sprouting ahead of time. The cellar temperature should be controlled at 9 ℃ ~ 15 ℃ and keep a certain humidity.

The virus-free sweet potato varieties can be planted continuously for 3 ~ 4 years, and if the time is longer, the virus will accumulate and the yield will be affected. Therefore, it must be detoxified again.