
How to restrain the growth of sweet potato vine leaves

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Sweet potato is also called sweet potato, because it grows in the field, so it is named sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are quite common in our lives, and we often eat them. In particular, I often see that kind of baked sweet potato stalls on the side of the road can smell a fragrance from far away.

Sweet potato is also called sweet potato, because it grows in the field, so it is named sweet potato. Sweet potatoes are quite common in our lives, and we often eat them. In particular, I often see that kind of baked sweet potato stalls on the side of the road can smell a fragrance from far away, and it is even more admiring to eat it!

How to restrain the growth of sweet potato vine leaves

First, topping: the first time when the main vine grows to 40 cm, the growth point of the main vine is removed; the second time when the branch grows to 30 cm, the growing point of the branch is removed. In this way, the branches are increased, the stems and leaves are luxuriant, and the photosynthesis is enhanced, which shortens the distance of nutrient transport between roots, stems and leaves, thus promoting tuber expansion.

Second, Titeng: when the rattan leaves flourish and grow, lift them from the ground and place them in the same place without twisting the stems and leaves, disturbing the order of the rattan leaves, and not breaking them. This can inhibit the adventitious roots of stem nodes and the vigorous growth of rattan leaves, generally once every 10-15 days.

Third, spraying potassium: after the rattan leaves are ridged, 100 kg of water is sprayed with 500 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu, once every 10 days, twice in a row. It can also be 15-20 kg of plant ash to 50 kg of water, soak for 24 hours to remove the residue, spray in the afternoon of cloudy or sunny days, and apply 50-60 kg of leaching solution per mu. In this way, potassium spraying can promote the activity of root cambium and the synthesis and transport of carbohydrates, thicken the stems and leaves, thus prevent the rattan leaves from growing, which is beneficial to the expansion of potato blocks.

What is Ye Tuchang of sweet potato?

The phenomenon of losing the original sturdy shape and the crazy elongation of stems and leaves like this is called "overgrowth". The lack of sunshine, dim light and relatively more watering are the main reasons. For plants that have grown in vain, it is basically impossible to change back. You can wait for the spring and autumn growth period, cut off the top to dry the wound and then insert the branches. Always remember to bask in the sun (except at noon in summer). If you can't guarantee sunshine, water should be controlled a little.

What about the sweet potato vine?

The overgrowth of sweet potato vines will not only consume too much nutrients, but also affect the yield of sweet potatoes. The phenomenon of overgrowing sweet potato vines can be controlled by the following methods.

1. Remove the growth point: when the main vine of sweet potato grows to about 50 cm, remove the growth point, wait for the branch vine to grow to about 40 cm, and then remove the growth point (remove 2 or 3 vines)

2. Turning the vine: gently lift the vine (can not drive the stem) and turn it over in the same direction. When the overturned vine adventitious root begins to take root and grow, turn the vine in the other direction, so pull the vine for 2 or 3 times.

3. Cut off the excess vines: when the vines are thickened and grow, cut off some of the excess branches in order to reduce nutrient consumption and promote the expansion of potato blocks.

4. Spraying foliar fertilizer: after sealing the vines, spray 100kg of water with 500g potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu, once every 10 days, twice in a row. In this way, the stems and leaves can be thickened and thickened, thus restraining the excessive growth of vines, which is beneficial to the expansion of potato blocks.

How to plant sweet potato with high yield

1. Temperature

Sweet potato likes warm and cold. When planting seedlings, it takes 5 days for 15 ℃ to root, 17-18 ℃ for normal root, 20 ℃ for 3 days, and 27-30 ℃ for only one day.

The stem and leaf grow faster when the temperature is 25-28 ℃. When the temperature is more than 30 ℃, the stem and leaf grow faster, but the tuber expands slowly. The respiratory consumption was more than 38 ℃, and the stem and leaf grew slowly. The stem and leaf grew fast when the temperature was below 20 ℃, and stopped growing at 15 ℃. The duration below 10 ℃ became frost, and the stem and leaf withered.

2. Lighting

Sweet potato likes light, under the condition of sufficient light, the leaf color is thicker, the leaf age is longer, the stem vine is sturdy, the stem transport tissue is developed, and the yield is higher. If the light is insufficient, the leaves are yellow, the leaves are more deciduous, the leaf age is short, the stem is slender, the transport tissue is underdeveloped, the organic nutrients formed by assimilation are less transported to the root tuber and the yield is low.

3. Moisture

Sweet potato is a drought-tolerant crop, but too much and too little moisture is not conducive to yield increase. Sweet potato is afraid of flooding, especially after fruiting, it has a great impact on the yield. The unbalanced growth rate of tuber inside and outside of the soil caused by the uncertainty of soil dryness and humidity often leads to the phenomenon of bark cracking. In short, sweet potatoes are afraid of both waterlogging and drought. The masses say, "dry long firewood roots, wet long whisker roots, non-dry and wet long roots." In order to obtain high yield of sweet potato, we should timely and properly irrigate according to specific conditions, drain waterlogging in time and thoroughly, and strengthen ploughing and preserving soil moisture in dry land.

4. Nutrients

Sweet potato has strong fertilizer absorption ability and tolerance to barren, but sufficient fertilizer must be applied in order to achieve high yield. In addition to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, sulfur, iron, magnesium and calcium also play an important role. Among the three elements, sweet potato has the most requirements for potassium, followed by nitrogen and phosphorus. According to the analysis, every 1000 jin of sweet potato contains 3.5jin of nitrogen, 1.75jin of phosphorus and 5.6jin of potassium. Therefore, increasing the application of potassium fertilizer, timely and appropriate amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer can significantly increase the yield.

5. Soil

It is better to use sandy loam and sandy soil with deep soil layer, rich organic matter, loose, aerated and good drainage performance. When the soil is sticky and heavy, the root skin color is not good, rough, the potato shape is irregular, the yield is low, and is not resistant to storage. However, sandy loam and sandy soil generally have low fertility and poor water retention, so fertilization and other measures should be adopted to gradually improve soil fertility in order to obtain high yield. Sweet potato is more resistant to acid and alkali, and the range of PH value is about 4.5-8.5, but 5.2-6.7 is suitable. When the soil salt content is more than 0.2%, it is not suitable to plant sweet potatoes.

Thus it can be seen that there are still many things to pay attention to if we want to grow sweet potatoes, otherwise we will be busy for nothing and the output will not be high, especially if the leaves of sweet potatoes cannot grow too long, otherwise the yield of sweet potatoes will be reduced a lot. therefore, if you want to grow high-yield sweet potatoes, you still need to consult and learn a lot!