
Cultivation experience of double-season Sweet Potato

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, First, the varieties are selected to be virus-free and early-maturing varieties, which can be harvested after planting for more than 3 months, and can be listed in the wrong season, with considerable economic benefits. Early-maturing varieties can choose Japanese sweet potato, Yushu 10, Sushu 8 and so on. These precocious varieties are 50-70 cm long and suitable for close planting.

First, the varieties are selected to be virus-free and early-maturing varieties, which can be harvested after planting for more than 3 months, and can be listed in the wrong season, with considerable economic benefits. Early-maturing varieties can choose Japanese sweet potato, Yushu 10, Sushu 8 and so on. These precocious varieties are 50-70 cm long and suitable for close planting. Planted in mid-late April and harvested in mid-late July, you can also plant a crop of sweet potatoes.

Second, fertilization ridging sweet potato is resistant to drought and waterlogging, and sandy soil with good drainage and high topography should be selected for early maturing cultivation. The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium needed by sweet potato is 1: 0. 7, and a certain amount of trace elements such as zinc, iron, manganese and boron are needed. Sweet potato taboo chlorine, chloride ion in potassium chloride sweet potato is difficult to absorb, and affect the quality of sweet potato, so it is better to apply potassium sulfate in production. Each mu needs to apply fully mature high-quality soil fertilizer 23.3 cubic meters, ammonium bicarbonate 20,30kg, calcium superphosphate 100kg, potassium sulfate 30kg. Combined with fertilization, deep ploughing and ridging, ridge height about 30 cm, ridge width 50 cm 60 cm, small row width 50 cm 60 cm, large row width 70 cm 80 cm, plastic film mulching cultivation or double mulching cultivation with small arch shed.

3. Timely planting can be established when the daily average temperature is stable at 15 ℃ and the ground temperature at the depth of 5 cm to 10 cm is stable at 17 ℃. Strong seedlings and weak seedlings should be planted separately to prevent big seedlings from bullying small ones. Before covering the plastic film, you can use phosphos or 9% trichlorfon crystals to stir-fry wheat bran or grain in the soil. In the old sweet potato producing areas, 5% sweet potato stem line Ling granules can be applied at the same time 1: 1.5 kg per mu. The planting depth is 5cm, and it is better to leave 3 leaves outside the surface. For the growing seedlings, a section can be cut off from the roots and left about 20cm for planting. Due to early-maturing cultivation, high-density cultivation should be adopted in order to get early harvest and high yield, generally 4000-5000 plants per mu.

Fourth, scientific management, timely check and replenish seedlings 3 days after planting, and timely ploughing, weeding and soil cultivation. Sweet potatoes should be protected from waterlogging when they enter the middle stage of growth. Timely control of leaf curlers, sweet potato moths, etc., when entering the rainy season, it is easy to cause potato vines to take root and grow, at this time can be combined with pulling grass, the rooted potato vines can be lifted and broken roots, and then put back to the original place, it is strictly forbidden to turn the vines. It is necessary to carry out coring and chemical control for plots that have been seriously overgrown. For the land with general soil fertility and premature senility, it should be combined with watering, about 15 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer per mu, and spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate and sweet potato dilatonin for 3 times.