
Field Management of returning Green and tillering stage of planting Rice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rice turning green and tillering stage refers to the period from seedling planting to jointing and booting. This period is an important period for determining the number of panicles and laying the foundation for panicle grain development. the main goal of field management is to promote good rooting, quick turning green, early tillering and strong enough formation of rice.

Rice turning green and tillering stage refers to the period from seedling planting to jointing and booting. This period is an important period to determine the number of panicles and lay the foundation for panicle grain development. the main goal of field management is to promote good rooting, quick return to green, early tillering, sufficient strong tillers and prevent rigid seedlings.

The main measures of field management are:

1. Scientific irrigation

In order to meet the physiological water requirements of rice, water should be used to regulate the growth and development of rice plants to achieve the growth and appearance of high yield. At the turning green and tillering stage, the water slurry management should achieve "an inch of water turning green", "thin water promoting tiller" and "enough tillering to dry the field".

1) "an inch of water turns green". Because the root of the seedling is damaged during transplanting, the water absorption is weak, and the foliar transpiration is not reduced, so it is easy to lose the water balance. If the seedlings are flooded too deep, it is easy to cause anoxia to die or delay turning green, so keeping a water layer of about 1 inch in the field can create a relatively warm and humid environment, ease the contradiction between water loss and water supply, and promote the occurrence of new roots. quickly return to green and live trees.

2) "thin water promotes tillering". In the tillering stage, the paddy field should be frequently irrigated with shallow water and keep thin layer water. First, it can meet the needs of rice plant foliar transpiration, make metabolism normal, promote the growth of tillers and leaves; second, it can make the base of rice plants and soil receive sunlight, increase soil temperature and water temperature, and increase soil oxygen content and effective nutrients, which is beneficial to root growth and tiller production. Third, it is beneficial to the germination of low tiller buds, reduce the tiller node position, shorten the leaf sheath, protrude the tiller quickly, heading early and improve the panicle rate.

3) "enough tillers to dry the fields". Through the dynamic investigation of tillering in the field, when the total number of tillers in the whole field reached the number of seedlings per panicle, the water should be drained in time to dry the field. The main functions of drying the field are: first, to update the soil environment, enhance root activity, and strengthen the activities of microorganisms; second, to control ineffective tillers, consolidate effective tillers, and increase the panicle rate of tillers; third, it is conducive to strong stems and enhance lodging resistance; the fourth is to adjust appearance, improve physique, and reduce diseases and insect pests.

2. Scientific application of tiller fertilizer

The tillering stage of rice is the most vigorous period of nitrogen metabolism in rice life. if the fertility is insufficient, the rice plant will produce leaves slowly, tiller less and the root system will grow poorly. Therefore, it is necessary to apply tiller fertilizer scientifically. Topdressing tillering fertilizer should be comprehensively analyzed and comprehensively considered according to the soil fertility status of paddy field, the amount of base fertilizer (middle fertilizer) and the growth of rice plants in the field, and then decide whether to apply or not, what fertilizer to apply and how much fertilizer to apply. Tillering fertilizer is generally applied 7-10 days after planting. If the soil fertility is high and the amount of base fertilizer (middle fertilizer) is sufficient, tiller fertilizer can be applied less or not. On the contrary, it is necessary to apply more tillering fertilizer early. The amount of tiller fertilizer is generally 5-7 kg urea per mu. In the middle and later stages of tillering, if it is found that the growth of seedlings is poor, seedlings turn yellow, and there is a phenomenon of de-fertilization, a small amount of adjustment fertilizer or tiller protection fertilizer can be applied, generally 3-5 kg urea per mu. For fields that are cold-soaked in autumn and prone to bacterial blight, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be added in addition to quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer, and 0.2% zinc sulfate solution should be sprayed 2-3 times in time, once every 7-10 days, to prevent stiff seedlings. In short, it is necessary to scientifically apply tiller fertilizer to ensure that the maximum number of tillers reaches 80-90% (35-400000) of the pre-application target about 35 days after planting.

3. Ploughing and weeding

In order to control farmland non-point source pollution and protect Erhai Lake, Dali City proposed to "abolish chemical weeding and advocate the use of artificial weeding". In view of the fact that the conditions for comprehensive "elimination of chemical weeding" in a large area of rice are not yet complete, it is suggested that rice weeding can be carried out by using a new herbicide with safety, high efficiency, low toxicity and low residue, usually 10-15 days after planting, with 60% butachlor 100-150ml plus 10% bensulfuron (bensulfuron) wettable powder 15g per mu, poisonous soil application, water retention layer 3-5cm a week, the weeding effect is better. It not only kills the grass widely, but also has a long effect.

4. timely prevention and control of diseases, pests and rodents

The main diseases in rice turning green and tillering stage are leaf blast and stripe leaf blight, the main insect pests are armyworm and borer, and the rodent damage is mainly voles. Timely prevention and control should be carried out according to the situation of measurement and forecast and field investigation. Leaf plague can be controlled by thiazole, stripe blight should be controlled by rice planthopper, rice planthopper can be controlled by Shikeduke, armyworm can be controlled by kung fu, stem borer can be controlled by Shachongshuang, and rodent damage can be controlled by putting diphacinone salt "poison bait".