
Out-of-season cultivation of Lily

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, Lily is a perennial bulb flower, its out-of-season cultivation should pay attention to the following points: first, at present, domestic commercial lily bulbs are mainly imported from the Netherlands, and bulbs with full development, disease-free spots and mildew should be selected. the root system is well developed. Suitable

Lily is a perennial bulb flower, its out-of-season cultivation should pay attention to the following points:

1. Seed bulb selection at present, domestic commercial lily bulbs are mainly imported from the Netherlands, and bulbs with full development, disease-free spots, mildew and developed roots should be selected. The main varieties suitable for off-season cultivation in northern China are: Asian: Brounello (orange), Pollyanna (yellow), Oriental: Siberia (white), Sorbonne (pink), musk: Whitefox (white). In addition, the selection of bulbs should also consider many factors, such as local planting conditions, growth cycle, market conditions and so on. In short, a reasonable choice is very important to your economic benefits.

Second, the greenhouse requires the northern region to use a solar greenhouse for production, which should provide the lily with the most suitable light and heat conditions according to the local actual conditions, and the greenhouse should also be equipped with irrigation, light supplement, shading and other facilities. Powerful companies can use modern automated multi-span greenhouses.

III. Cultivation and management

1. The soil preparation of lily requires loose air permeability, high humus content, pH of 5.5 to 7, low salt content and chlorine content, preferably no bulb flowers planted in the previous crop. Formaldehyde is used to disinfect the soil before sowing, and peat, carbonized rice husk or straw can be added to the land with poor soil permeability. Oriental lily is best cultivated with substrate, and peat, perlite, vermiculite and carbonized rice husk are mixed into artificial substrate according to a certain proportion, which can avoid diseases and insect pests, but pay attention to adjust pH value.

2. Water management lily requires slightly acidic water with low salt content, such as natural Rain Water, water management will directly affect the quality of lily. It is best to use sprinkler irrigation system when planting lilies. During the whole growing period of lilies, three times of irrigation are more important, the first is a few days before planting or immediately after planting, the second is before budding, and the third is before flower picking (buds are not colored). The water should be watered evenly these three times, and the soil moisture should be pinched into a mass by hand, and it is appropriate to disperse when it falls to the ground. The best watering time is in the morning, so the soil is relatively dry in the evening, which can reduce the occurrence of staphylococcal diseases.

3. Fertilizer management lilies do not have high requirements for fertilizer. If the soil fertility is poor, you can apply fully mature cow manure and other organic fertilizer 3 weeks before planting. The growth of lily is mainly topdressing, topdressing urea once when the plant height is 15 to 20 cm, and spraying KNO3 twice on the leaf. In addition, urea and KNO3 should be applied once before budding and before flower picking, and KH2PO4 liquid fertilizer should be sprayed twice on the leaf surface.