
Soilless cultivation techniques of Lilium

Published: 2024-10-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/08, The first condition for the production of high-quality cut lily flowers by lily propagation is that there are robust and disease-free bulbs. The propagation of lily (or bulb production) can be divided into post-anthesis bulb propagation, scale cutting, bulb propagation, sowing and tissue culture. Here is an introduction

Propagation method of lily

The first condition for the production of high-quality cut lily flowers is a robust and disease-free seed ball. The propagation of lily (or "seed ball production") can be divided into post-anthesis bulb culture, bulblet propagation, scale cutting, bulb propagation, sowing and tissue culture. This paper introduces several main methods of reproduction.

(1) raising balls after anthesis is also called big ball breeding. When the lily begins to blossom, a new bulb has formed in the ground, but it has not yet leapt into a mature "big ball". Therefore, when harvesting cut flowers, under the premise of ensuring the length of flower branches, leave as many leaves as possible to facilitate the cultivation of new bulbs. 6-8 weeks after anthesis, the new bulbs mature and can be harvested. The success of the subsequent cultivation depends entirely on the maturity of the new bulb.

(2) bulblets propagated in several nodes below the ground of lily Reed will form a number of bulbs. These bulbs have sound roots and can be planted separately and cultivated into commercial cut flower bulbs. At first, the bulbs can be planted in a plastic box and cultured in a mixed medium composed of peat, vermiculite and fine sand at 2:2:1. A year later, the grown bulbs are planted in a cultivation bed or bed. The cultivation of bulbs needs more fertilizer, the principle of fertilization is less and diligent, at the same time, nutrients should be complete. Mixing long-acting organic fertilizer into the cultivation medium is an ideal fertilization method. In the second year of bulb culture (commonly known as bulb cultivation), some buds will appear. These buds should be removed in time to facilitate the cultivation of underground bulbs. After 2 years of culture, the bulb can be used as a flowering bulb. After harvest, it should be graded according to the specification, remove the susceptible ball and pack it.

(3) bulb cuttings using robust scale cuttings is one of the methods to propagate lily bulbs. The cutting medium can choose peat: fine sand = 4:1, or pure peat can be used. Insert 3 (or 3 cm) of the scale into the prepared matrix, keep the matrix moist, avoid moisture and high temperature, and prevent scale decay. The temperature is maintained at 22: 25 ℃, and the relative temperature of the air is maintained at about 90%. There is no special requirement for sunshine, but long sunshine is more conducive to the formation, growth and development of bulbs. After 2 weeks, there are visible small scale processes at the base of the scales; after 3 weeks, one or more fleshy roots gradually grow from the base of the bulbs; after 1 month, tiny leaves can be produced, which can become a small bulb that can live independently.

(4) tissue culture propagation lily tissue culture is easy to survive. The explants that can be used for tissue culture are scales, leaves, buds, flower organs, young stem segments, root segments and so on, and scales are the most convenient. The scales in the middle part of the healthy bulb were peeled off and inoculated on the prepared medium after disinfection. For different species or varieties of lilies, the hormone content and species were different, for example, MS medium + BA0.3 mg / L + NAA0.1 mg / L was used to make the materials differentiate into buds. Then transferred to the rooting medium MS+NAA0.8~1.0 mg / L + BA0.2 mg / L to continue culture, a large number of bulbs can be produced. The culture conditions of lily were as follows: temperature 22 ℃-26 ℃, light 1000 Mel 1200 lux, 10 Mel 14 hours per day, pH 5.6-5.8.

Scale cutting propagation of lily

1 new bulb root 2 new bulb 3 new bulb aboveground leaf

The bulblets propagated by the above ways need to be cultivated for two years to promote the cultivation of bulbs.

Cultivation and management

Taking the cut flower cultivation from March to May, which is the most popular in the cut flower market, the soilless cultivation of lily usually adopts the substrate trench cultivation, especially the organic ecological soilless cultivation is more suitable. Peat, rotten leaves, sawdust, mushroom residue, vermiculite, perlite, bone powder, plant ash and organic solid fertilizer can be used as the ideal compound substrate. The suitable value of pH is 5.5MUR 6.5.

The lilies that need to bloom from March to May can take out the low-temperature treated bulbs one after another and plant them in batches from early December to late February last year. As long as they are managed properly, they can bloom as scheduled.

The planting density varies with variety, bulb size, light and other factors. The first-class ball is not less than 40 cm × 30 cm, and the secondary ball is not less than 30 cm × 20 cm. The planting depth is generally 3 times the diameter of the bulb, and it is easy to cause plant lodging if it is too shallow. After planting, if the substrate is wet, it is not necessary to water it immediately. Watering again 6-10 days after planting is more conducive to the early growth of new roots.

After planting, keeping the suitable temperature in the greenhouse is one of the important conditions for lily growth and flowering. In the first 15-20 days, the soil temperature should be kept at 15-18 ℃, which is the most suitable for root growth and leaf occurrence. If the temperature exceeds 22 ℃, it is easy to delay flowering or decrease the quality of flowering.

After 3-4 weeks of planting, the height of the plant is 10-15 cm from budding to height, and this stage is the vegetative growth period. In this period, it is necessary to strengthen the management of light and fertilizer and water, irrigate the nutrient solution twice a week or spray foliar fertilizer once a week to promote the differentiation and growth of leaves.

When the visible leaves are more than 10 nodes, the process of flower bud differentiation has begun, and the plant changes from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. This stage is very important for cut flower production. Because in the calculation of the price of cut flowers, the more the number of each flower, the higher its economic value. The factors affecting the number of flowers per cut flower, in addition to the size of the bulb, it is also directly related to the method and time of cold treatment, the cultivation variety, the temperature of promoting cultivation in greenhouse, the speed of rooting and the number of roots, light intensity and fertilizer and water management during cultivation. In terms of cultivation and management techniques, when most plants are in the state of undifferentiated flower buds, topdressing outside the root can significantly increase the number of flowers per branch. The method is to apply foliar fertilizer for 2 consecutive days, using 0.1% potassium nitrate for the first time and 0.05% ammonium sulfate plus 0.1% potassium nitrate mixture for the second time.

The fourth stage is from the small buds in the apical foliage to the first bud blooming. This stage is mainly controlled by temperature. Under normal cultivation and management conditions, the time is 30m / m for 35 days.

In the production of cut flowers, in addition to planting by stages, the leaf expansion speed can also be used to adjust the growth and flowering stage, that is, on the basis of the formation of basic leaves, temperature can be used to control the leaf elongation rate to achieve the purpose of properly adjusting the flowering stage.

Cut lilies should have 2 or 3 buds before harvesting. Early harvest will lead to poor blooming of buds, and some buds will not even bloom. But too late harvest, flowers have opened, pollen is easy to spread, pollution petals, will reduce the quality of flower branches; open petals, easy to be damaged when harvested and packaging, will also greatly reduce the price of flower branches. After finishing, the flower branches are sorted out according to the number of flowers on each branch, 1 bouquet for every 10, the buds are facing up, wrapped in wrapping paper, packed in cardboard boxes, and can be listed on the market.