
Experience in planting and cultivation of eight Immortals

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1. Planting can be planted in the south, overwintering in the open field, and planted before sprouting in spring. Potted plants should be planted in the north, overwintering indoors, and can be planted or changed after falling leaves to before sprouting in the following spring. 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of river sand were fully mixed in basin soil.

1. Planting can be planted in the south, overwintering in the open field, and planted before sprouting in spring. Potted plants should be planted in the north, overwintering indoors, and can be planted or changed after falling leaves to before sprouting in the following spring. In the basin soil, 4 pieces of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of river sand were selected. When planting, it is necessary to pad some horseshoe slices and bone powder as base fertilizer. Pour water once after planting and keep it in the shade. Wait until the growth is stable and sprout and then move to a place where you can see a certain amount of sunlight.

2. The light and temperature are short-day plants, and the requirements of light are not strict. The suitable temperature for growth is 25 ℃. In winter, you should enter the greenhouse and put it in a place where the light is not strong, also known as keeping it in the sunny place for management. when the room temperature is kept at 10-15 ℃, the plant leaves can be green without falling leaves, and the lowest temperature is 5 ℃, but the leaves will fall. After leaving the house in spring, it should be maintained in a damp environment and avoid the scorching sun, which can lead to plant burns and even death in strong light.

3. Water thoroughly after watering and fertilization planting to keep the basin soil fully moist, but the water should not be large, because of its fleshy roots, the water is big and easy to rot. Fertilization was carried out by the combination of liquid and fertilizer once or twice a month. Always spray water around the hot and dry weather basin to keep the environment moist to facilitate the growth of potted flowers. Stop fertilizing at the back of the room and water less.

4. Reshaping and pruning in early spring, the weak, dry and over-dense branches will be trimmed in time. Cut off the residual flowers in time after flowering, promote the growth of new branches, and make the plant plump and robust. Proper short shearing can enrich the buds to facilitate the growth of flower branches in the following year.

5. Florescence control if you want the eight Immortals to bloom during the Spring Festival, you can cut off the residual flowers in time in early October and cut the branches shortly. the length of the remaining branches is determined according to the size of the pot and plant type, generally leaving about 6 cm. Potted soil should also be replaced in time, increase an appropriate amount of base fertilizer, and then move into a high-temperature greenhouse to maintain a temperature of 24-30 ℃, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and blossom and watch during the Spring Festival.