
Control of Bud Blight of eight Immortals

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Botrytis cinerea is also called Botrytis cinerea. Harm the buds and flowers of the plant. Symptoms: plants cultivated in the open field tend to occur in dense clusters of spherical flowers, causing them to rot in the form of water stains. When cultivated in greenhouse, buds are easy to blacken and wither. Pathogen: pathogen is

Botrytis cinerea is also called Botrytis cinerea. Harm the buds and flowers of the plant.

Symptoms: plants cultivated in the open field tend to occur in dense clusters of spherical flowers, causing them to rot in the form of water stains. When cultivated in greenhouse, buds are easy to blacken and wither.

Pathogen: the pathogen is Botrytis cinerea (BotrytiscinereaPers.), which belongs to the subphylum Trichospora, Trichospora, Trichoderma and Botrytis.

The regularity of the disease: the pathogen overwintered with mycelium in the disease residue. Conidia were produced in the spring of the following year, and the conidia spread and infected the plant by wind and rain. Conidia can repeatedly infect the host during the growing season. Under warm and humid conditions, the disease occurs seriously.

Prevention and treatment:

(1) reduce the source of infection: thoroughly remove the disabled body and destroy it centrally.

(2) Chemical control: at the initial stage of the disease, 70% topazine wettable powder was sprayed 1000 times, or 50% benzoate 800-1000 times, every 10-15 days, 2-3 times. During the storage period in greenhouse, 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be sprayed 8-1000 times, or 50% benzoate 1000 times.