
Key Points of Dwarfing and Densely Planting Pear

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, According to the principle and characteristics of flower bud differentiation, branch pulling and modeling were carried out in summer to break the balance of endogenous hormones in fruit trees and create good economic benefits under the premise of strengthening conventional management

In order to make fruit trees hang fruit early, market in the morning, and create good economic benefits, dwarf and dense planting cultivation was carried out on the premise of strengthening routine management, and branch modeling was carried out in summer according to the principle and characteristics of flower bud differentiation. break the balance of endogenous hormones of fruit trees, promote flower bud differentiation, make fruit trees hang fruit early, let orchards put into production earlier, and get good results. Huanghua pear, which was planted in March 2000, has been put into production in 2002. the highest plant produces about 10 kg, which is 2-3 years earlier than that of conventional management. it is characterized by weak tree potential, small crown, low yield per plant, high yield per mu, early trial fruit, early investment, putting into production and building tree crown at the same time, saving nutrients and investment.... no, no, no. The specific measures are as follows:

I. Orchard construction

According to the characteristics of barren tolerance and strong adaptability of pear trees, and combined with the reality that the low-yield tea garden on the high slope of our farm is in urgent need of transformation, it is determined that the pear orchard will be built in the low-yield tea garden at an altitude of 900m and 1020 meters. First cut down tea trees, and then plan along the contour line according to the mountain topography, mark the location of the planting hole with lime according to the specification of row spacing × plant spacing of 4 meters × 3 meters, and dig out all the rest except the tea stakes designated for biological stalks, and level the whole garden deeply. The planting holes are dug strictly according to the standard of 90 cm × 90 cm × 90 cm, and the topsoil and core soil are stacked separately. After the planting hole is dug, the bottom of the hole is covered with 15 kilograms of weeds. Leaves and straw, and then fill with topsoil to 2 beat 3 places tight, then evenly sprinkle 2 kg of phosphate fertilizer, and then backfill a thin layer of soil. The planting time can be from October to March of the following year, and cloudy and rainy days are the best. According to the climatic characteristics of our field, combined with the fact that the high slope is not conducive to watering the root water, we choose to cultivate it from the end of February to the middle of March in the low temperature and rainy days. When planting, we should step on the soil of the root, and fill the soil about 20 centimeters above the ground, showing the shape of steamed bread. At the same time, make sure the grafting joint is higher than the ground.

II. Shaping and pruning

In order to save nutrients, advocate less cutting Dora, pull instead of cutting, four seasons pull branch pruning, especially in summer and autumn is the most important. After the planting of the pear tree, it is required to retain the tree height of 60-100 cm. After germination, the main branch is pulled according to the different light of each plant, and the main branch is transformed into a fruiting mother branch. At the same time, pay attention to the cultivation of lateral branches and new main branches, and then pull branches and constantly replace the main branches. At the same time, it is equipped with techniques such as coring, sprouting and twisting branches to cultivate fruiting branches to create tree shape and tree posture.

The flower bud differentiation of pear generally begins to differentiate shortly after the new shoot growth stops or after the rapid growth, when the bud growth point is in an active state, if the nutrition is proper, the condition is suitable and the proportion of endogenous hormones is balanced. Generally from May to October, most of them are concentrated from June to August, so in the second year, while strengthening the management of fertilizer cultivation, we carried out techniques such as wiping buds, coring, drawing branches, supporting branches, falling branches, twisting branches and folding branches before pear flower bud differentiation in summer, so as to change the angle of branches, turn branches, change positions and turn heads, so as to balance the growth of trees, promote flower bud differentiation and ensure trial production of hanging fruit in the next year.