
Attention should be paid to the autumn fertilization of planting pear trees

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, After the pear tree is harvested, applying enough base fertilizer in time will help to produce high-yield and high-quality pears in the coming year. The application of base fertilizer in autumn has a great effect on the growth and development of pear trees: first, the root system enters the second growth peak period from September to November, and fertilization is beneficial to fertilizer at this time.

After the pear tree is harvested, applying enough base fertilizer in time will help to produce high-yield and high-quality pears in the coming year. The application of base fertilizer in autumn has a great effect on the growth and development of pear trees: first, the roots of pear trees enter the second growth peak from September to November, when fertilization is beneficial not only to the rapid decomposition of fertilizer, but also to the absorption and storage of nutrients by new roots.

In order to apply the basic fertilizer of pear trees, we should pay attention to the following points:

1. Choose the best fertilization time. Pear trees can apply basic fertilizer from postharvest to spring sprouting in the following year, but fertilization is the best in autumn. It is recommended to apply fertilizer when soil moisture is good from September to October.

2. Select high quality organic fertilizer. The base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer. Generally, each pear tree applies about 50 kg of mature soil miscellaneous fertilizer or circle manure, 1 kg of calcium superphosphate fertilizer, 0.5 kg of urea, or 0.5 kg of refined organic compound fertilizer Huimanfeng and Deledan. The amount of base fertilizer applied accounts for 60% and 70% of the fertilizer used in the whole year.

3. Adopt the method of fertilization flexibly. The application method of base fertilizer can be flexibly mastered according to tree age and local customs. Pear trees with newly harvested fruit can be applied in ring ditches, open ditches according to the trend of root system, or open trenches between rows of pear trees, or dig holes. These methods should be carried out alternately from year to year. In order to reduce fertilizer waste, fertilizers should be applied deeply, with a depth of 30ml / 50cm. In case of drought, irrigate in time to adjust fertilizer with water.