
"Internet +" provides new power for the leapfrog development of agriculture.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, "Internet +" has become a national strategy, and "Internet +" has become a new growth point of development, the focus of central and local policy support, and the focus of investment. "Internet +" shows more vitality in promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

At present, "Internet +" has become a national strategy, and "Internet +" has become a new growth point of development, the focus of central and local policy support, and the focus of investment. In promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation, "Internet +" shows more vitality and high participation, which will have a far-reaching impact on China's agricultural modernization. Based on the reality of Hubei, it is necessary to strengthen strategic planning and promote "Internet +" modern agriculture in a down-to-earth manner so as to provide a new driving force for agricultural leapfrog development.

Seize the opportunity for development and make clear the importance and urgency of promoting the work

This year, Premier Li Keqiang made it clear in his government report that the "Internet +" action plan should be implemented. At present, "Internet +" has changed from an emerging concept to a ubiquitous practice, and "Internet +" modern agricultural development is facing unprecedented opportunities. "Internet +" modern agriculture is to make full use of the cross-border integration of new generation information technologies such as mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of things with agriculture to innovate new agricultural products, new models and new business type based on the Internet platform. We should fully understand the significance of promoting "Internet +" modern agriculture under the new normal.

(1) promoting "Internet +" modern agriculture is an important embodiment of the implementation of the national strategy. Since the beginning of this year, focusing on promoting the "Internet +" action, the State Council alone has issued six important documents in an unprecedented intensity. High-level meetings were held in Suichang, Zhejiang and Rongchang, Chongqing, and arrangements were made for the promotion of "Internet +" modern agriculture. In September this year, the Hubei Provincial CPC Committee and the Hubei Provincial Government successively held an on-the-spot meeting to speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development and a conference on intelligent Hubei construction, made arrangements for promoting "Internet +" modern agriculture, and issued a series of policy opinions accordingly. It is necessary to earnestly understand the relevant spirit of the central authorities and provinces, arm agriculture with "Internet +", promote agriculture, realize the transformation of agriculture from "growing well" to "selling well", and rely on "selling well" to "grow better." to achieve the sustainable development of agriculture.

(2) promoting "Internet +" modern agriculture is the inherent requirement of speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development. In the link of production management, agricultural production automation and precision can be realized, sustainable development can be achieved, and production efficiency can be greatly improved. In the marketing link, we should change consumption habits, realize the effective docking of production and consumption, and form a market mechanism in which consumption guides production. In the management service link, we can establish a more effective data collection and decision-making mechanism, integrate a comprehensive cloud service platform, implement traceability management such as the quality of agricultural products, and effectively improve the efficiency of management and service.

(3) promoting "Internet +" modern agriculture is an important starting point for the agricultural and rural economy to realize "curve transcendence". "Internet +" is the operating system of modern agriculture, which will subvert and transform our agricultural production, supply and circulation chain, and promote the reconstruction of agricultural value system. Xiaying Village, Jianchi Township, Yunxi County, the only "Taobao village" in Hubei Province, has an annual sales of 40 million yuan and an per capita income of more than 10,000 yuan through the development of e-commerce, which was unimaginable in the past. This model of "one village, one product, one shop" is rapidly forming and developing in various parts of the province, creating a good experience for the development of modern agriculture, which can be used for reference.

Take positive actions to accelerate the Development of "Internet +" Modern Agriculture

The 13th five-year Plan is a key period for comprehensively implementing the "Internet +" modern agricultural development strategy and speeding up the development of agricultural informatization. During the 13th five-year Plan period, the comprehensive services for agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the 12316-year Plan will be fully covered, the integrated development of the Internet and agriculture, rural areas and farmers has achieved remarkable results, and the on-line transformation of traditional agricultural industries has been initially completed. the efficiency of management and convenience of service have been basically realized, and the production intelligence and management network have reached a new level.

(1) accelerate the demonstration application of the Internet of things in agriculture. First, we must adhere to "taking use as the key", rely on new agricultural operators such as leading enterprises and cooperatives, and strengthen the industrial chain of the Internet of things in agriculture. Second, it is necessary to give full play to the strength of scientific research institutes and carry out research on the Internet of things in agriculture, so as to provide technical support for the system integration, mass production and scale application of the Internet of things in agriculture. Third, it is necessary to build a "Internet +" modern agricultural demonstration base to promote the overall development of the Internet of things in agriculture. The national and provincial modern agricultural demonstration zones, provincial agricultural industrialization demonstration parks, agricultural products processing parks, and agricultural science and technology exhibition bases should take the lead in demonstrating and creating a number of application models of Internet of things technology that can be seen, learned, replicated and popularized.

(2) make every effort to expand and strengthen the "12316" service brand. First, we should improve the platform system. We will promote the extension of the virtual platform to the county and rural areas, make the best use of the service resources of grass-roots agricultural service institutions and production and operation entities, and gradually build a platform system of technology isomorphism, resource sharing and business coordination. Second, we should promote the extension of services. Make full use of the existing facilities to develop village-level information service points to meet the information needs of farmers nearby. Third, we should give full play to the role of agricultural experts. Further enrich the team of experts, achieve the combination of online and offline services, emergency and long-term services, special and comprehensive services, and strengthen the interaction between experts and farmers. Fourth, we should attach importance to the development of information resources. We should pay attention to collecting the basic information of farmers, agricultural production and management subjects and all kinds of agricultural service teams, and establish a dynamic correction mechanism embedded in the service process to accurately grasp the needs of farmers and provide targeted and accurate services. Fifth, we should promote multi-party participation. It is necessary to fully open up the "12316" service system and establish a work pattern of multi-party participation and win-win cooperation.

(3) vigorously develop agricultural e-commerce. First, it is necessary to cultivate the market main body of agricultural e-commerce. It is necessary to strengthen the information cultivation of new business entities, especially new professional farmers, and make them become the market main body of agricultural e-commerce as soon as possible. Strengthening farmers' mobile Internet training and services and developing agricultural e-commerce are important measures to promote agricultural and rural informatization to "surpass the curve". Second, it is necessary to coordinate the new business entities to dock with the e-commerce platform, let farmers share the value-added profits of "Internet +", and gradually form a development pattern of "fixed production by sales". Third, it is necessary to do a good job in pilot promotion. Taking the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries as a breakthrough, we will carry out e-commerce pilot projects for fresh agricultural products and agricultural materials.

(4) actively promote the innovative development of big data in agriculture. The core of "Internet +" modern agriculture is to promote the on-line and digitization of traditional industries. It is necessary to co-ordinate existing and new data resources, take data sharing and opening up as the core, take the development and utilization of big data as the focus, and gradually form a development pattern of big data in agricultural and rural areas with comprehensive coverage, business coordination, up-to-down communication, and crowdfunding sharing. First, we should strengthen the construction of data centers. The provincial departments have launched the construction of the provincial agricultural information center and the "12316" cloud platform, the main purpose of which is to promote the integration of cross-departmental and cross-domain information resources through the construction of the "1N1" platform. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of agricultural intelligent service system. We will improve the function of the "12316 five-in-one" platform for benefiting farmers, and speed up the establishment of a cloud platform for agricultural science and technology services. Third, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of the command system of agricultural administration. Improve the comprehensive agricultural command system as soon as possible, and gradually improve the office automation system, agricultural product quality traceability system, agricultural geographic information system, and so on. Fourth, it is necessary to strengthen the research and application of agricultural intelligent model system. Focusing on the application of satellite remote sensing and Beidou navigation, the key technologies of agricultural big data intelligent learning and analysis model system are studied, and an effective mathematical model is established to process data and assist agricultural decision-making.

(5) to explore the pilot implementation of information into villages and households. Focus on four tasks: first, to build a new platform for agricultural services based on gridding, promote grass-roots agrotechnical services to the villages, promote Dangyang, Yidu, Songzi and other models, and solve the problem of "the last kilometer" of agrotechnical services. Second, streamlining administration and delegating powers to further devolve agricultural services, so that agricultural management services that meet the policies, the requirements of the masses, can be handled by villages, and can be handled by their own units can be released as soon as possible and generally incorporated into the rural gridding platform. Third, efforts should be made to improve the construction level of village-level stations and enhance the ability of sustainable operation and public welfare services of village-level stations in comparison with the "six have" standards of the Ministry of Agriculture. Fourth, strengthen coordination and cooperation to form a strong joint force for common promotion, take the initiative to link up and cooperate with comprehensive management departments, unify planning, form a "big data" pattern, and promote the upgrading of services for agriculture.

(6) to seek financial support for the overall promotion of project construction. The main construction objectives are as follows: first, relying on rural gridding, promoting the entry of information into villages and households in accordance with the arrangements of the Ministry of Agriculture, and building a village-level information service station covering the whole province; second, focusing on the standardization network monitoring and demonstration base, build an agricultural Internet of things base covering major crop varieties and superior agricultural products The third is to comprehensively promote the integration of the agricultural information service system and the grass-roots agricultural service system, so as to realize the global opening and network access of the "12316-year Plan"; and the fourth is to popularize 50, 000 Beidou terminals with emphasis on the demonstration application of Beidou navigation. build agricultural precision farming service system and precision dispatching system. Fifth, take the construction of the provincial agricultural information center and the "12316" service platform as a breakthrough, complete the construction of the province's intelligent agricultural cloud platform, and build an agricultural information service system with the "12316" service as the link, village-level information staff as the window, and township information points as the support. The county has a service center and the province has a cloud service platform.

Strengthening leadership to provide Job guarantee for "Internet +" Modern Agriculture

(1) to strengthen organizational leadership. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen institutions, attract and train information talents, and the main leaders of agricultural departments at all levels should personally grasp them, specifically grasp them, take the initiative to integrate the internal resources of agricultural departments, and enhance their work strength. Establish a cross-disciplinary and cross-industry expert advisory committee as a whole to provide support for decision-making and implementation.

(2) strengthen planning and guidance. It is necessary to incorporate "Internet +" modern agricultural work into the local comprehensive economic development plan, "Internet +" development plan, and modern agricultural development plan, and at the same time formulate special development plans. It is necessary to fully take into account the speed of the development and progress of Internet technology, leaving room and interfaces.

(3) to carry out the work responsibility. In accordance with the key links and major industries, we should clearly define the development priorities and objectives and tasks, implement the main body of responsibility, and achieve the task to the person and the responsibility to the person. Strengthen supervision, inspection and service guidance, and promote the orderly development of the work.

(4) strengthen publicity and training. Strengthen the training of farmers, focus on the new type of professional farmers, new agricultural business subjects to carry out information knowledge training, to create a "Internet +" modern agricultural construction team. Strengthen the training in the system, improve the pertinence of the training, and improve the working ability of our "Internet +". (the author Dai Guizhou is the Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Department of Agriculture of Hubei Province.)