
Control of diseases and insect pests in the middle and later stages of growing apples

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The young fruit stage is the peak of infection of early deciduous disease, the initial period of branch ring disease, and the peak of damage of aphids, leaf mites and shell insects. Therefore, to do a good job in the prevention and control of apple diseases and insect pests in the young fruit stage can enhance the tree potential, improve the fruit quality and realize the increase.

The young fruit stage is the peak of infection of early deciduous disease, the initial period of branch ring disease, and the peak of damage of aphids, leaf mites and shell insects. Therefore, to do a good job in the prevention and control of apple diseases and insect pests in the young fruit stage is very important to strengthen the tree potential, improve the fruit quality and increase the yield and income.

First, the trend forecast of apple diseases and insect pests in the middle and later stage.

According to the weather forecast, the precipitation from June to August is more than that of previous years, which is beneficial to the infection of fruit tree diseases and is not conducive to the occurrence and harm of insect pests. According to the comprehensive analysis of the current occurrence of diseases and insect pests and weather forecasts, it is expected that the occurrence of diseases and insect pests in the middle and later stages of fruit trees is moderate, in which apple deciduous leaf disease and powdery mildew occur moderately, ring streak, anthracnose and rust occur slightly. Hawthorn leaf mite, apple leaf roll moth, aphids, shell insects, golden moth, peach heart borer occurred lightly.

II. Prevention and control measures

1. Agricultural control combined with summer shearing to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of orchards, scientific fertilization, planting clover, timely detection and removal of infected branches, shoots, fruits and other infected parts or insect bodies, concentrated burning or deep burial outside the orchard.

2. Chemical control

①, chemical control fungicides for diseases should be both protective and therapeutic. The protective agents include 75% mancozeb water dispersible granules, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder, 10% difenoconazole water dispersible granules or suspending agents, 10% antimycin wettable powders, 70% methyl thiophanate wettable powders, etc., and one protective agent and one therapeutic agent.

②, chemical pest control insecticides according to the type and degree of insect pests in the orchard, select 2.5% high-efficiency cyhalothrin water emulsion, 5% methylvitamin salt water dispersible particles, 25% diflubenzuron suspension, 20% cypermethrin suspension, 48% chlorpyrifos EC, 5% acarate suspension, 50% tetramethazine suspension and so on.

③, young fruit stage is the key period of calcium absorption, at this time appropriate calcium supplement to promote the growth of young fruit.

3. Physical prevention and control

Install solar energy insecticidal lamp or frequency vibrating insecticidal lamp, hanging yellow board and sex attractant.

Matters needing attention

1. The prevention and control of diseases must be based on prevention, and the period of prevention and control of insect pests should be grasped.

2. The prevention and control of wheel rot is the key before wheat harvest, and spraying must be timely and thoughtful.

3. In the prevention and control of diseases, we should pay special attention to the relationship between rainfall and disease, pay attention to timely spraying combined with rainfall, and spray as much as possible after rain.

4. avoid high temperature when spraying, use pesticides alternately as far as possible, according to the instructions, do not increase the dosage at will, reduce or avoid the occurrence of drug damage and drug resistance.