
How to Cultivate Hami Melon with High Yield

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, 1. Sowing and cultivating seedlings at the right time from the end of December to the first ten days of January of the second year, and the seedling age is 30 days. Seed disinfection, seed soaking and germination are carried out before sowing. Nutrient soil is selected from soil that has not been planted with melon crops or paddy soil, and decomposed manure is applied every 667 square meters.

First, sow seeds at the right time and cultivate strong seedlings

The seedlings were sowed from the end of December to the first ten days of January of the second year, and the seedling age was 30 days. Before sowing, the seeds were disinfected, soaked and germinated. Nutritious soil is selected from soil or paddy soil that has not been planted with melon crops. 2000 kg of rotten manure and 10 kg of calcium superphosphate are used as base fertilizer every 667m2. In order to prevent diseases, 50% carbendazim 3 kg was applied every 667 square meters to disinfect the soil.

Second, timely transplanting and reasonable close planting of cantaloupe should build a greenhouse 15 days before planting, preferably into a greenhouse 5 meters wide, with a convex and high border of 2 meters wide and 15 centimeters high, covered with plastic film, and planting rows in the middle of the bed. The seedlings were transplanted with 2 leaves and 1 heart, and 600 seedlings were planted with 667 square meters. Note that the ground temperature should be above 15 ℃ when transplanting.

III. Fertilizer and water management

Apply sufficient base fertilizer, 50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, 15 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, or 4000 kg of rotten manure every 667m2. All of the base fertilizer 2 beat 3 were deeply applied 15 days before planting, and the other 1 big 3 furrows were applied at 10 cm of the planting row, covered with soil and plastic film. Do not apply fertilizer before fruiting melons, and apply expanded melon fertilizer when melons grow to the size of duck eggs. Cantaloupe is very sensitive to water, the soil should be dry rather than wet, but should not be too dry. 4. Temperature management from planting to survival, the temperature should be controlled above 18 ℃ at night, 25 ℃ at day, 15 ℃ above at night and 30 ℃ at day. The main measures to control temperature are timely ventilation, small ventilation, big ventilation, especially at noon in sunny days. During the melon sitting period, the temperature is 25 ℃ 28 ℃ during the day and 15 ℃ at night. After sitting melon, the greenhouse temperature was kept at 30 ℃ 35 ℃ during the day and 15 ℃ at night.

Fifth, pruning and picking the heart

Generally, the method of double-vine pruning is adopted, that is, when the seedlings have 3 true leaves, the growing points are removed with bamboo sticks to promote the occurrence of the daughter vines in the following two nodes, the sun vines grow on the seed vines, and the sun vines below 6 nodes are erased, and melons are produced by the middle grandchildren with more than 5 Mel and 6 nodes. Generally, the female flower occurs in the first node, and the overgrowth of the late female flower is easy to be erased. at the same time, the sun vine with more than 12 nodes should be erased, and the sun vine with 7 Mel and 12 nodes should be retained. After Sun Meng knot melon, keep the first leaf of melon to pick the heart. Sun Min, who does not sit on melons, leaves 2 leaves to pick his heart. Pick the heart when the vine is 20 leaves. Pruning must be timely and should be carried out on a sunny day to facilitate wound healing. VI. Artificial pollination

The time should be before 10:00 or after 3 p.m., or release bees for insect pollination, or use efficient zigualing to help sit melons. Pest control mainly includes aphids and red spiders. Deltamethrin can be used to control. The main diseases are powdery mildew, anthracnose, vine blight, downy mildew and bacterial angular spot, which can be controlled by powder rust, chlorothalonil, metalaxyl manganese zinc, agricultural streptomycin and so on.