
Cold-resistant and protective measures of growing papaya

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Papaya is a tropical crop, like hot climate, avoid low-temperature frost. Freezing injury occurs when the temperature is below 5 ℃. Therefore, it is very important to take the following measures to prevent freezing: first, to re-apply overwintering fertilizer. Before winter comes, each tree is fertilized with organic fertilizer mixed with mature human and animal manure and plant ash.

Papaya is a tropical crop, like hot climate, avoid low-temperature frost. Freezing injury occurs when the temperature is below 5 ℃.

Therefore, it is very important to take the following measures to prevent freezing:

One is to re-apply overwintering fertilizer. Before the advent of winter, each tree applies 1015 kg of organic fertilizer mixed with mature human and animal manure and 1.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer. At a distance of 80 mi 100 cm from the trunk, dig an annular ditch 20 cm deep and 35 cm wide. After mixing the fertilizer with the dug-up soil, fill it back into the ditch. Cover the tree plate with straw or other weeds after fertilization.

The second is to tie up the tree trunk. Before winter comes, wrap the trunk with straw and fasten it with a rope to prevent the cold wind and rain from directly harming the trunk.

The third is to protect the growing point. Before the cold wave comes, cover the top growing point of the plant with straw or plastic film to protect the growing point from freezing and death.

Fourth, the smoke is heating up. On a clear and windless cold night, rice straw, grain husk, sawdust and turf mud were used to make smoke in the garden to prevent the sinking of cold air and the formation of frost particles and protect plant leaves.

The fifth is to spray water. In the morning when frost grains are formed, spray the plants with clear water and wash the frost grains to reduce the frost damage to the leaves.