
Propagation methods of planting papaya

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When it comes to papaya, I think we are all very familiar with it. Papaya has a lot of nutritional value, and it has a very good effect of beauty and beauty, so many women like to eat papaya very much, so the cultivation of papaya in our country is very common. The breeding formula of growing papaya

When it comes to papaya, I think we are all very familiar with it. Papaya has a lot of nutritional value, and it has a very good effect of beauty and beauty, so many women like to eat papaya very much, so the cultivation of papaya in our country is very common.

Propagation methods of planting papaya

Propagation method: papaya is mainly propagated by cuttings, and it can also be propagated by pressing and tillering.

1. Cuttage propagation

Cuttage seedlings can be raised from February to March, June to July and November every year. However, the survival rate of cutting in November is high, up to 85%. When cutting, select 1-2-year-old, fully developed, pest-free branches from the mother tree, which have been completely lignified, with a diameter of 0.5 ~ 0.8 cm, and then cut into cuttings of 15 ~ 20 cm, with more than 3 nodes per cutting. the lower end of the proximal node is cut into a bevel, and the cutting section is quickly dipped in 0.05% rooting powder or 0.05% UV 0.1% acetic acid for 10-15 seconds, then taken out to dry, and then cuttings can be cut. When cutting, first punch the guide hole with a small wooden handle on the border surface of the whole nursery land according to the row spacing of 15 cm × 7 cm, then gently insert more than half of the cuttings into the hole, compaction, pour through water, and cover the soil flush with the border surface. After cutting, cover the arch-shaped plastic film shed on the border to keep warm. The soil should be watered frequently when it is dry to keep the seedling ground moist. If the weather is cold, cover the shed with grass curtain to keep warm; in sunny and warm weather, the film is ventilated and ventilated, and when the weather returns to Qingming Festival in the second year, the cuttings will take root and sprout and the bow shed will be removed in mid-late April. Strengthen management, timely ploughing, weeding and topdressing, after one year of cultivation, seedlings can be planted when the height is 70m / 80cm.

2. Tillering propagation

Papaya has strong sprouting and tillering ability, and many sprouting seedlings grow around the rhizosphere. From September to November every year, seedlings with roots can be dug up with a height of more than 60ml / 80cm, and robust seedlings can be planted as seedlings. The seedlings obtained by this method have a high survival rate, but the propagation coefficient is low, so a large number of seedlings can not be obtained.

3. Striping propagation

In spring or autumn every year. In the plant, the branches that are robust, disease-free and near the ground are bent, pressed into the soil, partially cut and fixed with wood branches, and then piled on top of the plant. After the ring cutting takes root, it is separated from the mother into a separate seedling to be planted as a seedling.

Cultivation and management of papaya

Papaya fertilizer is mainly soil miscellaneous fertilizer, in addition to the application of sufficient base fertilizer before planting, 15 days after planting, new roots grow, you can start to apply fertilizer, pay attention to frequent and thin application. After blooming and fruiting, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to facilitate fruit setting and fruit strength. It is necessary to cultivate soil in time to enhance the wind and drought resistance of papaya. Papaya avoid stagnant water, rainy season should pay attention to drainage, dry season can be irrigated sooner or later. Papaya is a tropical fruit tree, which is vulnerable to low temperature. in addition to strengthening management and applying more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, papaya can also reduce freezing damage by cultivating soil at the top of the tree, covering it with grass and spraying water before the sun rises after frost. For the plants with more fruit, the fruit should be thinned properly to facilitate overwintering and cold resistance. In the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, attention should be paid to the thorough control of aphids, which are the main transmission vector of mosaic disease; in addition, diseased fruits, diseased leaves and ground residual branches and diseased leaves should be removed in time, and 1000 times of carbendazim or other fungicides are often sprayed to control anthracnose and leaf spot.

Planting conditions of papaya trees

1. Soil: papaya trees do not have strict requirements on soil quality, and grow well in sandy soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage, and should not be planted in low-lying water accumulation places.

2. Moisture: papaya trees like to be semi-dry and semi-wet. If the soil is too wet before and after flowering, the flowering period will be short. After seeing the fruit, the fruit will be dry and shrunk, and if the soil is too wet in the fruit ripening stage, the fruit will fall.

3. Light: papaya trees are not tolerant to shade, and the planting land can choose to stay away from the wind and the sun.

4. Temperature: papaya trees like a warm environment and can spend the winter in the open field in the Yangtze-Huaihe River Basin.

Planting methods of papaya seedlings

1. Planting density: papaya can be planted in spring or autumn. After planting, the stem can be fixed at 70cm to 80cm on the ground. When sprouting, the root tillers and the sprouting within 50cm of the trunk base should be wiped out in time, and the over-dense new shoots should be properly removed. The row spacing of plants in mountain and hilly areas is generally 2 × 3 meters, 3 × 4 meters in flat land with good fertilizer and water, and 5 × 5 meters in intercropping with grain and vegetables.

2. Water and fertilizer management: most of the base fertilizers in papaya orchards are applied in autumn, accounting for about 70% of the total fertilizer application in the whole year. Topdressing should be carried out in the period of maximum fertilizer effect according to the growth and fruit of papaya trees. In the full fruit stage, trees should be topdressing before flowering, after flowering and fruit expansion, and the amount of fertilizer applied to young trees should be reduced. Irrigate once after fertilization and pay attention to water control during flowering. After planting in arid areas, the tree plate should be covered with plastic film or covered with grass to preserve soil moisture.

3. Flower and fruit management: flowers will be picked at any time from the first year to the second year of papaya. In the third year, we should strengthen management in spring and catch up with pre-flowering fertilizer, fruit expansion fertilizer and autumn fertilizer. The fruit setting rate of self-pollination of papaya is high, and it is easy to set fruit. Releasing bees or artificial pollination at flowering stage can increase the fruit setting rate. Papaya fruit has the phenomenon of self-thinning, poor pollination of the fruit will automatically fall off, every year after setting fruit in early May, as long as the small fruit, abnormal fruit can be removed.

4. Shaping and pruning: the middle stem of papaya is relatively upright after grafting, and can be shaped into a cup-shaped, cylindrical or slender spindle shape after a little pruning, usually in the shape of a slender spindle. Pruning is mainly sparse, and attention should be paid to cutting off competitive branches in the middle stem, erect long branches in the crown, over-dense branches, thin and weak branches, disease and insect branches and so on. The branch deficiency site can leave 1-2 buds with short weight to promote branching, and the senescent fruiting branch group should be retracted and renewed in time.

Papaya is mainly grown in my south, so it can be seen that papaya is a subtropical fruit. If you want to grow papaya, you must first understand the planting method of papaya. Only by understanding the growth habits and planting methods of papaya can you greatly increase its planting yield.