
Application of Biopesticide in Tea production

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Tea has a vast producing area and a wide variety in our country. it is not only an important consumer goods for the Chinese people, but also the main agricultural products for export to earn foreign exchange. At present, the tea market, especially the tea export, has high requirements for the quality and safety of tea. At present, tea in China

Tea in China's vast production areas, a wide variety of Chinese people is an important consumer goods, but also the main export of agricultural products. At present, tea market, especially tea export, has high requirements for tea quality and safety.

At present, China has implemented "pollution-free production" in tea production; vigorously promoted and popularized comprehensive pest control techniques, greatly reducing the amount of chemical pesticides used in tea production; banned the use of some stable and systemic pesticides (such as HCH) in tea production; advocated the use of pesticides with low toxicity, high efficiency, low residue, low water solubility and easy degradation, plant pesticides and microbial pesticides; and established a safety interval system for pesticides in tea production. Biological pesticides, including microbial pesticides and botanical pesticides, do not pollute tea and the environment, and have low toxicity to humans and livestock, and do not constitute residual toxicity, so they are suitable pesticides for producing green food tea. In the current production of A-grade green food tea, especially organic tea and AA-grade green food tea, the use of the following biological pesticides is worth promoting.

Rotenone. Also known as rotenin, it is a botanical insecticide with a long history of application. Easy to decompose in the air, low residual toxicity, environmentally friendly. It has contact killing and stomach poisoning effects on pests. Its insecticidal spectrum is wide and its duration is short, generally 5~6 days, only 2~3 days in summer sunlight. can be used for producing A-grade green tea leaves, preventing and controlling tea looper, tea caterpillar, tea silkworm, leaf roller, lionid moth, thorn moth, green leafhopper, black thorn whitefly and tea aphid, spraying 2.5% rotenone EC150 - 250mL per 667m2 and diluting into 300 - 500 times liquid by adding water. This pesticide should not be mixed with alkaline pesticides. Rotenone is highly toxic to fish and should be used to prevent contamination of fish ponds.

Matrine. Also known as oxymatrine, is a Chinese herbal medicine root, fruit with ethanol and other organic solvent extraction made of alkaloids preparation. It is easy to degrade in the environment and basically has no residue. To control tea black moth and tea caterpillar, spray 0.2% matrine AS50~75 mL diluted with 50 ~ 75 L water per 667m2 at the first instar, second instar larvae or egg hatching peak. It can be used to control tea geometrid in organic tea garden. Before the third instar larvae, 3.2% EC is used per 667m2.