
Production technology of Wugong Bupleurum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bupleurum: Bupleurum is the root of Bupleurum chinense DC (Umbelliferae). It tastes bitter, pungent and slightly cold. Return to the liver and gallbladder meridians. It has the functions of evacuating and relieving fever, soothing the liver and relieving depression, rising yang and lifting depression. It is mainly used for cold and fever, cold and heat, chest pain and menstruation.

Bupleurum: Bupleurum is the root of Bupleurum chinense DC (Umbelliferae). It tastes bitter, pungent and slightly cold. Return to the liver and gallbladder meridians. It has the functions of evacuating and relieving fever, soothing the liver and relieving depression, rising yang and lifting depression. It is mainly used for cold and fever, cold and heat, chest pain, irregular menstruation, uterine prolapse, anal prolapse and so on.

Bupleurum Bupleurum is suitable for growing in warm and humid climate, it is suitable to grow in dry slopes, forest margins, forest gaps, grasses and ditches in the shallow mountain area of 600m~800m altitude. It has strong cold resistance, drought resistance and fear of flooding. The ideal soil is loam, sandy loam or humus. Bupleurum planting base choosing to establish Bupleurum production and planting base must be the most suitable area for Bupleurum growth and have suitable environmental conditions. According to the requirements of GAP, the atmospheric environment should meet the ambient air quality standard of GB 3095mi 2012, the soil environmental conditions should meet the standard of soil environmental quality standard of GB 15618mi 1995, and the irrigation water should meet the standard of farmland irrigation water quality standard of GB 5084mi 2005. Away from the main roads and pollution sources, convenient transportation, sandy loam or humus soil hillside cultivation, it is not suitable to choose clay and water-prone areas for planting. If it is sowing in the reclaimed wasteland, the stones and branches in the field should be removed.

I. planting management

1.1 Land selection and preparation select sandy soil plots with good drainage. Fully mature farm manure 2000kg~3000kg or 70kg enzyme biological fertilizer was applied per 667m2. Spread the base fertilizer evenly, turn it into the ground, and then plough the fine rake deeply.

1.2 Variety selection and requirements take Bupleurum chinense DC., a plant of Umbelliferae contained in Chinese Pharmacopoeia, as the species source, and select seeds with full grains and no less than 70% germination rate.

1.3 sowing

1.3.1 during sowing period, spring sowing takes place in mid-March, before Qingming Festival, and autumn sowing takes place before and after Frosts Descent.

1.3.2 sowing method according to the 20cm row spacing to open a trench, ditch depth 1.5cm~2cm, evenly withdraw the seeds into the ditch, then covered with soil 1cm~2cm, slightly suppressed, the sowing amount per 667m2 1.5kg~2.0kg.

1.4 Field management

1.4.1 mulch sowing in spring and autumn should be covered with wheat straw or thatch, covering to no exposed soil, and then pressing the branches. After sowing, check every 5 days to observe the moisture, such as dry should be sprayed on the mulch. After the seedlings are unearthed, the mulch is gradually removed many times in cloudy or sunny evenings.

1.4.2 when the seedling height 2cm~5cm is fixed, the seedling is fixed according to the plant distance 5cm~6cm. Where there is a lack of seedlings, strong seedlings will be replanted in cloudy or sunny evenings.

1.4.3 Intertillage weeding combined with fixed seedlings for intertillage weeding. Ploughing in time after watering or rain to keep the field soil loose and free of weeds.

1.4.4 Irrigation and drainage control moisture at seedling stage, timely irrigation at returning to green stage and after topdressing, and appropriate irrigation before harvest. In the rainy season, the drainage ditch is dredged and the stagnant water in the field is discharged.

1.4.5 topdressing diammonium phosphate 20kg per 667m2 in the first ten days of August and applying it in trench.

1.4.6 Heart removal and bud removal in time from July to August. In the early stage of bud formation, the stem tip of the plant growing for more than 2 years was cut off with a knife.

(2) the main types of diseases and insect pests and their occurrence conditions are shown in Appendix A.

(3) Disease and pest control

3.1 the principle of prevention and control implements the plant protection policy of "prevention first, comprehensive control". Through the selection of resistant varieties, cultivation of strong seedlings, strengthening cultivation management, scientific fertilization and other cultivation measures, agricultural control, physical control and biological control are comprehensively adopted. with the scientific and rational use of chemical control, pests can be controlled within the allowable range. The safe use interval of pesticides complies with GB 4285-1989, and the varieties of pesticides that do not indicate the safety interval of pesticides shall be discontinued 30 days before harvest, and the mixture of pesticides shall carry out the safety interval of the most residual active ingredients.

3.2 aphids

3.2.1 physical control of yellow board trapping and killing aphids, the commercial yellow board sold on the market can be used in the initial period of winged aphids, or 60 cm × 40 cm rectangular cardboard or wood board, coated with yellow paint, then coated with a layer of engine oil, hanging between lines, 30 ~ 40 pieces per 667m2.

3.2.2 Natural enemies such as floating insects are protected and used for natural control when the number of aphids is small in the early stage of biological control. At the initial stage of the occurrence of wingless aphids, 0.3% matrine emulsion was sprayed with 800x ~ 1000-fold solution or 2000-fold solution of natural pyrethrin.

3.2.3 alternately spraying 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 1000 times, or 3% acetamiprid EC 1500 times, or 25% imidacloprid wettable powder 3000 times or other effective agents.

2000 times of avermectin EC, or 0.36% matrine aqueous solution, or 2000 times of natural pyrethrin, or 73% carbamate EC 1000 times, or thiazox (5% nisolone EC) 1500 times to 2000 times.

3.4 small land tiger

3.4.1 poison bait every 667m2 was sprayed with 90% trichlorfon crystal 0.5 kg and water 8kg~10kg onto fried 40kg cottonseed cake or wheat boil to make poison bait, which was withdrawn around the seedlings in the evening to trap and kill larvae.

3.4.2 the dosage of benzamide suspension agent 667m2 in the control of 200g/L chlorophora was 5.0g and 6.0g, and it was sprayed at the 1st and 2nd instar, which had a good control effect.

3.5 Yellow Phoenix Butterfly (Golden Butterfly)

3.5.1 Biological control during the peak spawning period or egg hatching period, 10 billion / g live buds were used to hold 200x solution of Bt wettable powder, or 300x solution of cyanobacteria (including 10 billion / g), or 2500 times solution of fluazuron (5% Yitabao). Spray once every 7 days, usually 2 ~ 4 times continuously.

3.5.2 spray 4000 times of cyhalothrin (2.5% Kung Fu EC), or 1000 times of bifenthrin (10% Uranus EC), or 1000 times of phoxim EC, or 90% crystal trichlorfon.

3.6 Root rot

3.6.1 Agricultural prevention and control should select sandy loam with deep soil, slightly higher terrain and smooth drainage to prevent stagnant water, implement reasonable crop rotation, apply reasonable fertilization, apply nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and improve plant disease resistance. pull out the diseased plants and burn them in time.

3.6.2 Chemical control at the initial stage of the disease, 700 times of thiophanate methyl (70% methyl thiophanate wettable powder), or 58% of metalaxyl manganese zinc 600 times, or 3% Guangkuling (carbendazim + metalaxyl) 600 times to 800 times solution or root irrigation. Once every 7 days, continuous irrigation for 2 ~ 3 times. For the plots with high incidence, the roots were irrigated with 1000 times of thiophanate methyl (70% methyl thiophanate wettable powder), or 5% lime milk, and the diseased plants were removed. after pulling out the diseased plants, the disease points should be irrigated with the above agents to prevent spread.

3.7 Leaf blight

3.7.1 Agricultural control people thoroughly remove the disease and remains in the field before winter, and burn them or bury them deeply; strengthen cultivation management, timely ploughing and weeding, reasonable fertilization and irrigation, and timely drainage after rain.

3.7.2 Chemical control Bordeaux solution was sprayed with Bordeaux solution (1 / 150) before onset. at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim was sprayed with 1000 times of carbendazim, or 65% of mancozeb was sprayed with 1000 times of mancozeb, or thiophanate methyl (70% methyl thiophanate wettable powder) was sprayed 800 times to 1000 times, and the drug was sprayed once at the interval of the disease.

(4) it can be harvested after 2 years of harvesting and planting, and excavated when the aboveground stems and leaves begin to wither from October to November. Before digging, cut the aboveground stem from the ground 3cm~5cm, then dig the ditch about 25cm beside the border, and then dig along the border. Dig up the Bupleurum, remove the soil, Reed heads and stems and leaves, and leave them in a ventilated and cool place to dry.