
Cultivation techniques of Polyporus umbellatus

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Polyporus umbellatus, alias wild pig food, wild boar dung, wild umbellate, is the sclerotia of Polyporaceae fungus Polyporus umbellatus, is a traditional Chinese medicine, sweet, light, flat, beneficial to urine infiltration, edema, diarrhea and other effects. Modern medicine

Polyporus umbellatus, alias wild pig food, wild boar dung, wild umbellate, is the sclerotia of Polyporaceae fungus Polyporus umbellatus, is a traditional Chinese medicine, sweet, light, flat, beneficial to urine infiltration, edema, diarrhea and other effects. Modern medical research has proved that Polyporus umbellatus mainly contains ergosterol, crude protein, soluble sugar, polysaccharide and so on. Polyporus umbellatus polysaccharide also has a certain anti-tumor, prevention and treatment of hepatitis. Many large and medium-sized pharmaceutical groups (factories) in China have developed a large number of new drugs, specialties and proprietary Chinese medicines with Polyporus umbellatus, with more than 500 kinds. Polyporus umbellatus is also an important variety of foreign exchange earned by export in China. After entering the 21st century, the demand for Polyporus umbellatus in both domestic and international markets has increased year by year, from 900000 kg in 2000 to 4 million kg in 2006, including 1 million kg for export. In recent years, due to excessive mining, wild products have been exhausted, the stock is empty, the contradiction between supply and demand of Polyporus umbellatus has become increasingly acute, and the price has increased year by year, from 15 to 20 yuan (kg price, the same below) in 2000, to 30 yuan in 2001-2002, to 48 yuan in 2003-2004, to 57 yuan in 2005, and to 65 yuan in 2006. Senior people in the industry predict that the price of Polyporus umbellatus is expected to approach the 100 yuan mark in 2008. Cultivation of Polyporus umbellatus is a good project for farmers and laid-off workers to get rich. You might as well give it a try where there are conditions.

Cultivation techniques

Selected location:

In the original broad-leaved forest, mixed forest or secondary forest cultivation, such as birch, oak, maple, tussah, willow and other forests, do not plant in the coniferous forest. It is better to choose the elevation of 1000-2000 meters, the terrain of shady slope or semi-sunny slope, the slope of 15-45 degrees, the humus soil layer of more than 20 cm, and the slightly acidic soil water content of about 40%. Saline-alkali land and peat land are not suitable for cultivation.

Land preparation:

After selecting the land, the nest is dug along the slope (also known as cellar), the length is 70 cm, the width is 60 cm, the depth of the nest is 18-20 cm, and the distance between the nest is 50 cm.

Materials (per square meter): 3 bottles of Polyporus umbellatus, 3 bottles of Armillaria mellea, wood sticks 5 cm in diameter and 50 cm in length, mixture of Polyporus umbellate auxin, broad-leaved leaves, leaves and humus soil.

Reproduction method

Spread the leaves 2cm to 3cm thick at the bottom of the nest, break the Armillaria mellea into small pieces of 1cm and 2cm and spread it evenly on the leaves, then sprinkle Polyporus umbellate auxin evenly on the leaves, put the fungus (wooden stick) on the leaves that have been sprinkled with Armillaria mellea, the distance between the fungus is about 3cm, fill the spacing of the fungus with the mixture, break the Polyporus into blocks of about 2cm, and evenly place the fungus on both sides and ends of the fungus. Then cover about 3 cm of leaves, cover the leaves with about 10 cm of humus soil, and then cover the top of the nest with leaves.

The key to the cultivation of Polyporus umbellatus lies in the quality of Polyporus umbellatus. The hyphae of high quality Polyporus umbellatus were stout, with reticulated mycorrhiza on the surface, strong germination ability and high success rate. The hyphae were planted for 5 days when the ground temperature was above 15 ℃, and the hyphae extended to the soil for 20-30 days. The purchase of bacteria should recognize the advantages and disadvantages, beware of counterfeiting, so as not to be deceived and cause economic losses.

Polyporus umbellatus can germinate at a depth of 10 cm at an average ground temperature of 9.5 ℃. It grows fastest at 18-22 ℃, grows slowly over 28 ℃, stops growing below 9 ℃ and stops growing over 30 ℃.

Harvesting and processing

The mature period of sowing with pure Polyporus umbellatus seed is about 3 years (5 ~ 6 years in the old method). When the color of Polyporus umbellata is hard (called old kernel), it can be harvested in April ~ May in spring or July ~ September in autumn.

Remove impurities from the sclerotia of Polyporus umbellatus harvested, rinse clean and dry in the sun, that is, commercial medicinal materials. Put it in sacks or bamboo baskets and store it in a dry and ventilated place for sale. Polyporus umbellatus skin is jet-black luster, weight, solid, section white or yellow is the superior product.