
Standardized cultivation of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Houttuynia cordata Thunb, the scientific name Houttuyniacordata Thunb., also known as Pleurotus ostreatus, belongs to the family Tripterygiaceae, perennial herb, plant collapse, underground stem creeping growth, is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, with heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis and detumescence, food Shuqi

Houttuynia cordata Thunb, the scientific name Houttuyniacordata Thunb., is Pleurotus ostreatus, also known as Pleurotus ostreatus, belongs to the family Tripterygiaceae, perennial herb, plant collapse, underground stem creeping growth, is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, with heat-clearing and detoxification, diuresis and detumescence, food and qi, analgesia, cough, expelling wind, stomach and other effects. Houttuynia cordata tender stem, tender leaves cold or boiled soup taste delicious, often eat can prevent influenza, pneumonia, eczema and other diseases, is a health vegetable for both medicine and food. With the enhancement of people's health awareness, Houttuynia cordata as a pollution-free health vegetable has been gradually accepted and recognized, and developed and processed into houttuynia cordata tea, wine, soda and other health drinks and food, the market prospect is very promising. Yuxi grassland is a wild plant, with the popularity of people's consumption, the demand increases sharply, and the wild one alone can no longer meet the demand, so artificial cultivation arises at the historic moment. Inkstone Mountain has a history of cultivation in recent years. In order to gradually improve the standardized cultivation techniques of Houttuynia cordata Thunb in our county, to produce more health care and high quality Houttuynia cordata Thunb in line with the needs of modern citizens and the market, the standardized cultivation techniques of Houttuynia cordata Thunb are specially drawn up as follows:

I. requirements of Houttuynia cordata Thunb on environmental conditions

Houttuynia cordata Thunb likes warm and humid environment, is afraid of frost and drought, and its underground stem is more hardy. It can survive the winter below-15 ℃, begin to germinate at 12 ℃, and grow at a suitable temperature of 16 ℃. It originally grows in low humid depressions and ditches, and has high requirements for water. Sufficient water supply is required throughout the growing period to keep the soil moist. The requirement of soil and light is not strict, the soil rich in organic matter is better, and the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 1:1:5. Houttuynia cordata Thunb can be terrestrial or hydroponic, net or interplanted in orchards.

II. Land selection, land preparation and application of base fertilizer

The main results are as follows: 1. The plot should choose loam or sandy loam with flat topography, sufficient water source, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep plough layer, suitable soil structure, good physical and chemical properties and moderate fertility.

2. After the plot is selected for fine land preparation, weeds and gravel are thoroughly removed, and deep ploughing and sun drying are carried out. Ploughing and raking flat before planting, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, so that the land is loose, fertile and flat.

3. Before applying sufficient base fertilizer, 2000--3000kg, 150--200kg (or potassium sulfate 15kg) of fully mature farm manure, plant ash (or potassium sulfate) were evenly sprinkled every 667m2, ploughed once and deep 25--30cm, so that the fertilizer and soil were fully mixed.

4. Scientifically make beds according to local conditions, low-lying land and cold-soaked land into sunny beds, highlands into low-lying or flat beds, 2 meters of moisture to make beds, with a width of 1.5 mi 1.7 m.

III. Planting techniques

The main results are as follows: 1. the mode of reproduction is planted after the end of late frost in spring. Houttuynia cordata Thunb generally uses underground stem for asexual propagation, rhizome propagation and cutting propagation.

(1) rhizome propagation. From February to March, the rhizome was dug out before the new seedlings germinated. Cut into small segments 10-12 cm long with more than 2 axillary buds and leave whisker roots. Open a shallow trench with a depth of 3cm to 4.5cm according to a row spacing of 30cm, place the cut rhizome in the trench according to the spacing of 8m / 10cm, cover the soil with 6cm / 10cm, and water it after a little suppression. Keep the soil moist and seedlings can emerge after 20 days.

(2) cutting propagation. Can be carried out in spring and summer, select a thicker, disease-free and robust aboveground stem, cut into 12mur15cm in length, with a small section of 3cm 4 nodes as cuttings, cut in the cuttage bed of open sandy loam soil, the row spacing is 14cm × 10cm, the two sections of cuttings are inserted into the bed soil, exposing 1cm and 2nodes. After plugging in, set up a shed on the bed to cover the cuteness. The temperature of the inserting bed is 25 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ and the relative humidity is above 90%. After the cuttings take root and grow new leaves, the shade canopy can be removed gradually and transplanted to the field to grow after 10-15 days.

3. In the planting method, the fat seed stem was selected and cut into 5--10cm length with sterilized knife to ensure that there were 3 Murray and 4 segments in each segment. The planting ditch of 15cm and deep 20cm was opened on the border surface, and the seed stem was placed in the ditch according to the plant distance of 5cm, covered with thick and fine soil of 6--7cm, the soil moist did not need to be watered, and the soil was irrigated at the right time when the soil was dry. The seed amount per mu was 80-100kg in 20 days.