
Four main points of cultivation of Houttuynia cordata

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Houttuynia cordata is relatively common in our country. Xiao Bian can often see wild Houttuynia cordata by the pond at home. Remember that when Xiao Bian was small, as long as he coughed, he boiled water with Houttuynia cordata. The effect of drinking was very good. Therefore, Xiao Bian treated fish fishy when he was small.

Houttuynia cordata Thunb is quite common in our country. I often see wild Houttuynia cordata by the pond at home. I remember that when I was a little editor, I used Houttuynia cordata to boil water as soon as I coughed, and the effect was very good. Therefore, the editor has a deep memory of Houttuynia cordata when he is young.

Four main points of Houttuynia cordata cultivation

1. Select land for border

The cultivation of Houttuynia cordata Thunb is generally better on sandy loam soil, with 3000-5000 kg of organic fertilizer per mu and 200,250kg of plant ash as base fertilizer. Rake crushed and leveled, make a high border with a width of 1.3-1.7 meters, and open cultivation ditches with a distance of 30-40 cm.

2. Planting

Houttuynia cordata Thunb is generally propagated by dividing roots. The suitable planting period is from 1 to 3 months. First of all, select the stout underground stem, cut into 10 cm short segments, each section has 2-3 nodes, flat in the planting ditch, plant spacing 5-8 cm, soil cover 7 cm thick, 80-100 kg per mu.

3. Fertilization

The fertilizer absorption of Houttuynia cordata is mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, and the demand for phosphorus is low. After planting, the seedlings can be unearthed 3 cm to start topdressing. Nitrogen fertilizer is the main fertilizer in the early stage to promote the growth of seedlings. In the middle and later stage of growth, due to the formation of a large number of rhizomes, the demand for fertilizer increases, on the basis of ensuring nitrogen fertilizer, potash fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer should be applied together.

4. Field management

The soil should be kept moist throughout the growing period, drenched sooner or later during drought, and waterlogged during the rainy season. When the aboveground part is long, the tender stems and leaves should be harvested in time; when the aboveground stems and leaves turn yellow and the stems and leaves are small, fertilizer should be applied properly to promote growth. And the buds should be removed in time so as not to consume a lot of nutrients and inhibit the growth of underground stems. Houttuynia cordata Thunb is rarely harmed by diseases and insect pests.

Efficacy and function of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

1. Antibacterial. Houttuyfonate in the volatile oil of Houttuynia cordata has obvious inhibitory effect on catarrhal coccus, influenza bacillus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus aureus and so on.

2. Diuresis. Houttuynia cordata Thunb contains quercetin and other substances, with antiviral and diuretic effects.

3. Anti-inflammation. Houttuynia cordata has a good effect on upper respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, chronic tracheitis, chronic cervicitis and pertussis, as well as acute conjunctivitis and urinary tract infection.

4. Enhance immunity. Houttuynia cordata Thunb can enhance the immune function of the body, increase the phagocytosis of leukocytes, relieve pain, stop cough, stop bleeding, promote tissue regeneration, dilate capillaries and increase blood flow.

Planting techniques of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

1. Propagation methods: ramet, cuttings and rhizomes can be used to propagate. Ramet propagation is from late March to April, and the mother plant can be dug up and transplanted on the seedbed of sandy soil or directly transplanted. Cuttings can be propagated in spring and summer, cutting disease-free and insect-free branches as cuttings, cutting and growing 12mur15cm, cutting on the seedbed of sandy loam with a row spacing of 16cm × 10cm or 14cm × 10cm. Watering after insertion, shading, rooting and transplanting seedlings. Rhizome propagation can be carried out from February to March. Excellent white and sturdy rhizomes are dug and cut into small segments with more than 2 axillary buds. Shallow trenches are opened on the seedling bed or in the field to raise seedlings or plant.

2. Soil preparation and planting: select sandy loam with loose fertilizer, convenient drainage and irrigation, leeward and sunny soil or soil rich in organic matter. After deep ploughing and loosening the soil, the border is 1.5 m-1.6 m wide, 30 cm high and 20 cm wide at the bottom of the ditch. Apply 3000 kg-4000 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer to farm soil per mu as base fertilizer, open shallow trenches or dig holes according to the row spacing of 14 cm × 20 cm, and water after planting to keep the soil moist.

3. Field management: if drought occurs in the seedling stage, it should be watered sooner or later to moist the border soil. Before the seedlings survived, weeding and topdressing were ploughed and topdressing for 3 times, and the fertilizers were mainly nitrogen fertilizers such as human feces, urine or chemical fertilizers. Each time weeding combined with topdressing, 1000 kg-1500 kg of human feces and urine or 15 kg-25 kg of urea were applied per mu, dilute at first and then concentrated. Nitrogen fertilizer is applied mainly to promote plant germination after harvest every year, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is applied mainly in the second time, and soil is cultivated to survive the winter, so as to lay a good foundation for germination in the coming year.

4. Harvest and processing: the tender Houttuynia cordata Thunb is generally harvested from March to May for consumption. If it is mainly used for medicinal purposes, it can only be harvested once in the same year, and can be harvested in September-October, and twice in the second year, the first in June and the second in September-October. If the beverage is processed, the whole grass can be cut flat with a sickle, washed and dried, according to the requirements of the production process.

Propagation methods of Houttuynia cordata Thunb

The main propagation methods of Houttuynia cordata Thunb are ramet propagation, cuttage propagation and rhizome propagation, usually using rhizome propagation.

The main results are as follows: 1. Ramet propagation: from late March to April, the mother plant can be dug up and transplanted on the seedbed of sandy soil or directly transplanted.

2. Cuttage propagation: in spring and summer, sturdy branches without diseases and insect pests can be cut for cuttings, and the cuttings are cut on the seedbed of sandy loam soil with a row spacing of 16 cm × 10 cm or 14 cm × 10 cm. Watering after insertion, shading, rooting and transplanting seedlings.

3. Rhizome propagation: excellent white and sturdy rhizomes can be dug in February-March, cut into small segments with more than 2 axillary buds, and raised or planted in shallow trenches on the seedling bed or in the field.

With more and more people's cognition and wider knowledge, the value of Houttuynia cordata is excavated by people more and more, so its demand in the market is also more and more, many people have gradually found the market demand of Houttuynia cordata Thunb, start to plant Houttuynia cordata.