
The method of breeding and cultivation of Fangfeng

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fangfeng is a perennial herb of Umbelliferae, which is used as medicine by root. Sweet taste, pungent, warm nature. It has the functions of relieving table, dispelling wind and reducing dampness and so on. Treat cold, headache, fever, no sweating, arthralgia, rheumatic arthralgia, limb clonus, skin itching and other diseases. Mainly produced in Heilongjiang

Fangfeng is a perennial herb of Umbelliferae, which is used as medicine by root. Sweet taste, pungent, warm nature. It has the functions of relieving table, dispelling wind and reducing dampness and so on. Treat cold, headache, fever, no sweating, arthralgia, rheumatic arthralgia, limb clonus, skin itching and other diseases. Mainly produced in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Inner Mongolia and Shandong and other places, Heilongjiang is the best.

Fangfeng likes sunny and cool climatic conditions, avoid high temperature, waterlogging and soil too wet, more cold-resistant, drought-resistant. In aeolian sandy soil, meadow sandy soil and grassland chernozem, the main root is well developed, the lateral root is few, the skin is brown, and the commodity quality is good.

I. Propagation and seedling protection

Seed propagation and root propagation can be used, and seed propagation is often used in production. Seeds can be sowed in spring, summer and autumn, but in arid areas, the emergence rate and seedling preservation rate are generally low. Mastering the appropriate sowing time and sowing method is the key to seedling protection. Spring sowing has a long growth period and high yield, but it needs to be irrigated or sowed by soil moisture, and covered with agricultural film in time. Sowing after summer rain is beneficial to seedling emergence and seedling protection, and can also cover agricultural film. After covering the film, press a small pile of soil at intervals to prevent the agricultural film from being blown off by the wind. Break the membrane to cool down in time after emergence, and the seedlings will be scalded too late.

The planting land should be selected with high dry and sunny terrain, good drainage and deep soil layer. Clayey soil has short roots, many bifurcations and poor quality. The planting field can use raw wasteland or secondary wasteland, and the seed field can be used as mature land. Apply sufficient basic fertilizer before soil preparation, use 3000-5000 kg of farm manure for every 667 square meters, pay attention to deep ploughing and fine rake, and make beds with irrigation conditions, with a width of about 1.3 meters.

Soak the seeds in clean water for 1 day before sowing, cover them with a wet cloth or sack, keep them moist, and sow when the seeds begin to germinate. Sow ditches with a depth of 2 cm according to the line spacing of 30 cm. Every 667 square meters use 1kg of seeds, sow the seeds evenly into the ditch, cover the soil flat, slightly suppress, water the grass or cover the agricultural film to keep the soil moist.

The method of root-splitting propagation can also be used. When harvesting medicinal materials in autumn or early spring, take roots more than 0.7 cm thick, cut them into root segments 3 cm long, open holes according to row spacing of 50 cm, plant spacing of 15 cm, hole depth of 6 cm to 8 cm, and plant each hole vertically or obliquely into a root section, cover soil 3 cm and 5 cm, and pay attention to the upper end of the root upward. The seed roots can also be pseudo-planted in the greenhouse in winter according to row spacing of 10 cm and plant spacing of 5 cm. When there are 1 or 2 leaves in the early spring of the second year, the unsprouted roots can not be planted. The seedling preservation rate of asexual reproduction was higher.

II. Cultivation, management and protection

1. The seedlings are divided into two stages. When the seedling height is 5 cm, the seedling spacing is 7 cm; when the seedling height is 10 cm, the seedling spacing is 15 cm.

two。 Weeds should be removed in time for weeding and soil cultivation. When the plant is closed, in order to maintain ventilation and light transmission and prevent lodging, the old leaves can be removed and the soil can be cultivated. Before the beginning of winter, combined with field cleaning, cultivate soil to protect the roots to survive the winter.

3. Topdressing was applied once in early June and late August respectively, and diammonium phosphate and compost could be used in trenching between rows.

4. Bolting 2-year-old non-seed field, it is found that the flower is removed in time, otherwise it is easy to consume nutrients and affect the root development, resulting in root Lignification and loss of medicinal value.

5. After drainage and irrigation sowing or planting to before emergence, the soil should be kept moist to promote the emergence of seedlings neatly. When the seedling height is 10 to 15 centimeters, the drought resistance is enhanced, and there is generally no need to irrigate during the growth period. Pay attention to timely drainage in the rainy season to prevent stagnant water from rotting roots.

6. We should do a good job in the control of leaf powdery mildew and leaf spot blight in summer and autumn. Pay attention to timely ventilation and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Spray 0.3 Baomedo stone sulfur mixture, 50% methyl topiramate wettable powder 600 times 800 times, 70% mancozeb or 77% mancozeb 500 times before onset, alternately, once every 10 days, 2 times for 3 times.

III. Harvest and processing

Harvest from late October to mid-November or before sprouting in spring. Fangfeng, which is propagated by root, can be harvested in a year with better conditions of water and fertilizer. Seed reproduction is usually harvested in two years. After the roots are dug out, remove the remaining stems, leaves and soil, remove the whiskers when they are half-dry, and then grade them according to the thickness of the roots when they are 80% to 90% dry. Tie them into small bundles weighing about 1 kg, and continue to dry or dry. Generally, 250 kilograms of dry goods can be collected for every 667 square meters, with a drying rate of about 25%.

The goods are divided into two grades: the first-class root is cylindrical, with a length of more than 15 cm and a diameter of more than 0.6 cm. The second-class roots are occasionally branched, the diameter under the Reed is more than 0.4 cm, and the others are the same. The quality of the root strip is strong, the outer skin is thin and tight, the cross-section skin is light brown and the xylem is light yellow.