
Various techniques of planting Fangfeng cultivation

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, ⑴, selecting land and preventing wind are not very strict to the soil, but the sunny land with high and dry terrain should be selected, and the sandy loam with loose, fertile, deep soil layer and good drainage is the most suitable. Clay, waterlogged, acidic or heavily saline-alkali land is not suitable for planting. ⑵, integral

(1), the selection of windproof soil requirements are not very strict, but should choose high dry sunny land, soil to loose, fertile, deep soil layer, good drainage sandy loam is the most suitable. Clay, waterlogging, acid or heavy saline soil should not be planted.

(2), soil preparation for the deep root plant, two years root length can reach 50~70 cm. Therefore, in autumn, it is required to carry out deep ploughing of the land up to 40 cm or more, fine soil preparation in early spring, clean stubble and sundries, and create good basic conditions for windbreak growth.

(3) Fertilization is required for the growth and development of windbreak for many years. It is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, apply 3000-4000 kg of high-quality farm manure per mu, and add 20-30 kg of calcium superphosphate or 8-10 kg of diammonium phosphate. It is best applied to the surface before deep ploughing in autumn and then ploughed into the plough layer. At the latest, it should be applied before soil preparation. Fertilize evenly.

Windproof seeding technique

1. The time of seedling raising in early spring with arch shed should be 7-10 days earlier than that of direct seeding in open field, because the shed has the effect of keeping moisture and increasing temperature. The sowing method is mainly broadcast.

2, open field direct seeding should be carried out in early spring when the temperature reaches 15℃ or above, in mid-April, ridge (strip) seeding is appropriate.

(3) Seed treatment and sowing The selected seeds are soaked in warm water 3-5 days before sowing. Soak in warm water at 35℃ for hours, soak in warm water at 40-50℃ for 8-12 hours, so that its seeds fully absorb water to facilitate germination. When soaking, stir while scattering seeds, remove the shriveled seeds and impurities floating on the water surface, soak the plump seeds at the bottom, take them out, and sow them after drying slightly.

When sowing in the arched shed seedling field, the ridge surface shall be arranged, water shall be sprayed thoroughly, and then seeds shall be broadcast manually, with seeds of 2.5-3.0 kg per mu. After sowing evenly, sieve with bamboo or iron sieve on 2 cm thick wet new soil moisture preservation, cover strict seeds, and then insert bow button film.

Open field flat bed seedling adopts drilling, artificial trenching with pick, row spacing 15- 20cm, trenching depth 2- 3cm (slightly shallow loam, slightly deeper sandy soil), seeds are evenly sown in the ditch with dipper, soil cover 1- 1.5cm thick, and when it is slightly dry, it is pressed to preserve moisture.

Production field direct seeding, seeding method is basically the same as the open field seedling method, but the row spacing should be increased to 25-30 cm, and the seed amount per mu should be reduced to 1.0-1.5 kg.

Windbreak and Bedding Technique

Windbreak can be propagated by seed direct seeding or seedling transplanting. It was found in production practice that the method of seedling raising in the first year and transplanting in the second spring could not only save seeds, but also facilitate management and save land. Especially in some places where economic ditch (slope) construction is carried out, Chinese herbal medicine materials such as windbreak are developed as ecological economic plants, and seedlings are raised in the first year, thus overcoming the disadvantages of direct seeding in dry slope. Autumn rainfall sufficient seedlings can be transplanted, or the following spring water transplant, high survival rate, good ecological construction effect, it is worth vigorously promoting. Conditions can be root propagation, the use of root germination and rhizomes, cut 5 cm long root segment, early spring ditching, planting root segment. 35-40 kg per mu. Cover soil after planting and water to preserve moisture.

(1), bed production for bed seedlings have two kinds of open field direct seeding seedlings and protected plastic shed seedlings, can be selected according to the ground

①, open field direct seeding ridge surface length and width generally due to terrain conditions, to adapt to local conditions, in order to facilitate management principles. Ridge bed requirements ridge flat, ridge straight, solid.

2. Arch shed bed shed: 2.4 meters wide and 15-20 meters long. Shed: ridge width 1.2 meters, ridge length 15-20 meters, ridge spacing 40 cm, are made 10-15 cm below the ground level of the trail ditch.