
Seven attentions for girdling in planting jujube trees

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, I think everyone is very familiar with the jujube tree, many people should have witnessed the growth process of the jujube, as the saying goes, eating three dates a day, youth will never grow old, so the jujube is deeply loved by everyone. Don't underestimate the dates, in fact, they contain a big nutritional price.

I think everyone is very familiar with the jujube tree, many people should have witnessed the growth process of the jujube, as the saying goes, "three dates a day, youth will never grow old", so the jujube is deeply loved by everyone. Do not underestimate the dates, in fact, it contains a lot of nutritional value!

Seven attentions for girdling in planting jujube trees

The flower and fruit drop of jujube is serious, which seriously affects the increase of yield. Girdling, also known as shackle trees and opening armour, is a simple and effective measure to increase fruit setting, promote maturity and improve quality. The application of this technique should pay attention to the following seven points:

1. Time: in general, the suitable period for varieties with heavy falling flowers is the early stage of blooming (the number of flowers is 30% 50%), and varieties with heavy falling fruits should be peeled around after blooming and before the peak of falling fruit. It is better to strip around on a sunny noon.

Second, location: generally carried out on the trunk 10-20cm from the ground, and then gradually stripped upward every year at intervals of 3-5cm until the first main branch. Strong and vigorous branches can be carried out at the base of the branches at 5-10cm.

Width: generally 0.3-0.7cm. When girdling, the rough skin of the girdling part should be scraped off, the upper knife is inclined, the lower knife is inclined, and the peeling mouth must be connected into a closed ring, leaving no residual skin and no stubble, otherwise the effect is not good. Strong trees should be wide and weak trees should be narrow. Generally, the peeling wound healed 25-30 days after peeling.

Fourth, depth: use a sharp knife to reach the xylem, but do not hurt the xylem, only peel off the phloem, leaving the cambium for the degree, so that the aboveground nutrition accumulation to meet the needs of flowering and fruiting nutrition. If you use an axe, cut the trunk flat with a sharp axe, with the same depth and depth as deep as the xylem. The young tree is cut once a year, once broken three times, showing a plum blossom three-point shape, the full fruit tree is cut every three days, a total of 3-4 times, until the fruit.

5. Peeling: after peeling, the wound should be coated with insecticide against insects and wrapped with paper or plastic film to prevent sun-drying or human and animal damage.

6. Object: generally, it is only carried out on big trees (more than 7 years old or the trunk diameter is greater than 10cm), strong trees and strong branches, and it is best not to use small trees and weak trees. For young and prosperous trees (4-7 years old), 1-2 branches can be peeled in turn every year, and the width is 0.2-0.3cm according to the branch diameter, and the ring can be cut 2-3 times (without peeling the cortex).

Seventh, management: if you sit too much fruit after peeling, you can properly thinning fruit, and strengthen fertilizer and water management to ensure adequate nutrition to prevent pre-harvest fruit drop and weak tree potential. Hanging branches should be carried out when setting fruit for a long time to prevent breaking and splitting branches.

Planting time of jujube

Jujube planting period can be divided into two types: autumn planting and spring planting. Where there is no severe cold in winter and the average temperature in January is not lower than-8 ℃, it can be planted in autumn, that is, after the fallen leaves of jujube trees are planted before the soil freezes. In the jujube area south of the Yangtze River in China, the winter is relatively warm and the soil moisture is good. The wound of jujube root system can heal in the same year of planting, and some new roots occur. It will grow in time next spring. Therefore, the survival rate of jujube planted in autumn is high and grows well.

Jujube also known as jujube, jujube, thorn jujube, Guan jujube. Grows in mountains, hills or plains below 1700 meters above sea level. It is widely cultivated. This species is native to China and is often cultivated in Asia, Europe and America. Jujube is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P. in addition to fresh food, jujube can be made into candied fruit and preserved fruit, such as honey jujube, red jujube, smoked jujube, black jujube, wine jujube and tooth jujube. it can also be used as jujube paste, jujube noodle, jujube wine, jujube vinegar and so on.

In most jujube areas north of the Yangtze River in China, the winter is cold, the ground temperature is low, and even frozen. After the jujube seedlings were planted in autumn, the water absorption of the roots was weak, and drought and windy often caused the transpiration of the aboveground parts to increase, resulting in serious water loss of the branches, wrinkled and withered, and even dead seedlings. In recent years, when planting jujube trees in autumn in some areas, the survival rate of autumn jujube seedlings has been significantly improved by watering after planting, pouring frozen water and rewatering budding water in the following spring.

However, most parts of the north still adopt the method of planting in spring. The experiments of planting jujube trees in different periods in Hebei Province show that the survival rate of jujube trees planted about 10 days before germination is significantly higher than that of jujube trees planted in other periods. Planted in this period, the phenomenon of buds and buds is less, and the growth potential is also strong. The reason is that the transpiration of seedlings in this period is small, there are many nutrients stored in the body, the root system recovers quickly after planting, and the survival rate is high.

Growth habits of jujube

The jujube tree grows in the mountains, hills or plains below 1700 meters above sea level. It is a temperature-loving fruit tree. The average annual temperature in the producing area is about 15 ℃. The temperature in the budding stage is 13-15 ℃, the temperature in the leaf-spreading stage is 17 ℃, the temperature in the flowering and fruiting stage is 22-25 ℃, and the temperature in the fruit-ripening stage is 18-22 ℃. Jujube has strong tolerance to drought and waterlogging, but it requires higher air humidity at flowering stage, otherwise it is disadvantageous to pollinate and set fruit. In addition, jujube has strong light preference, sensitive to light, strong adaptability to soil, barren and saline-alkali tolerance. But afraid of the wind, so we should pay attention to avoid the tuyere in the process of building the garden.

Planting techniques of jujube

The main results are as follows: 1. Garden selection: jujube has strong adaptability and lax requirements on soil conditions, so wasteland and saline-alkali land can be fully utilized for cultivation. However, in order to achieve higher economic benefits and produce high-quality and pollution-free products, we should try our best to choose the environment such as air, water source and soil without pollution, flat and open terrain, good drainage conditions, strong soil permeability and good aeration performance. the groundwater level is higher and the garden land with fertile soil is better. When planting jujube trees in mountainous and hilly areas, sunny slopes with deep soil layers should be selected, while shady slopes should not be planted.

2. Planting varieties: there are many varieties of jujube, and a high-quality variety must have good tree potential, strong resistance to diseases and insect pests, crack resistance, good fruit shape, good fruit color, high nutrient content and good taste. At present, the excellent varieties used for drying are Jinsifeng, Jinsi honey, seedless red, seedless No. 1, seedless No. 3, Zanhuang jujube and so on. Among the precocious varieties, the excellent varieties used for fresh food are Zaocuiwang, Jingwei fresh jujube, early maturing pear jujube and so on, and the excellent varieties used for processing are pear jujube, Zanhuang jujube and so on. Late-maturing varieties are mainly used for fresh food, high-quality varieties are Jingwei Daxue jujube, winter jujube and so on. New and special varieties, there are fruit shape peculiar Mopan jujube, gourd jujube, tree-shaped peculiar feili red, Longxu jujube and so on.

3. Cultivation mode: first, dwarfing and dense planting, which is mainly suitable for varieties with early fruit and small tree type, and the suitable row spacing is 2 m × 3 m or 3 m × 2 m. The second is intercropping cultivation, which is mainly suitable for varieties with medium or large tree type and late fruit, with row spacing of 8m to 10m. The distance between plants is 3 to 5 meters. Other crops can be planted among trees in the early stage.

4. Cultivation time: jujube can be cultivated in the whole dormancy period from defoliation to germination in the next year, which can be divided into spring planting and autumn planting. According to years of cultivation experience, if 2-year-old and more than 2-year-old root tiller seedlings are planted and immediately watered in spring, the survival rate can easily reach more than 90%, while the survival rate of autumn planting can hardly reach more than 90% even after planting. However, the survival rate of autumn planting can reach more than 70% even without watering, while the survival rate of spring planting without watering is obviously lower than that of autumn planting.

When planting jujube, it still needs a lot of attention, not any kind, it can grow healthily, and finally it can be fruitful. If jujube trees can grow healthily and grow jujubes, they must be taken good care of and cared for.