
Nine key points of planting jujube in autumn

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting jujube in autumn can sprout early, blossom early and bear stable fruit. And with the gradual decrease of air temperature, the wound of underground root heals quickly, the evaporation of aboveground part is small, and the survival rate is high. Planting jujube trees in autumn should pay attention to the following nine points. 1. The earlier the planting time, the earlier the survival rate of jujube trees planted in autumn

Planting jujube in autumn can sprout early, blossom early and bear stable fruit. And with the gradual decrease of air temperature, the wound of underground root heals quickly, the evaporation of aboveground part is small, and the survival rate is high. Planting jujube trees in autumn should pay attention to the following nine points.

1. Planting time

The earlier the jujube is planted in autumn, the higher the survival rate, and it is generally suitable to be planted from mid-September to early December.

two。 Digging

Dig 60 cm long and wide planting pits, apply sufficient bottom fertilizer, fill soil, water, and wait for planting.

3. Seedling emergence

High-quality seedlings with a high degree of Lignification are better for jujube trees planted in autumn. The nursery should be watered once before raising seedlings. Seedling emergence requires complete root system, main root length of more than 30 cm, less damage to lateral root and whisker root, and seedlings should be planted along with it.

4. Planting

Dig a good tree hole at the planting point, backfill part of the ripe soil, and then put the seedlings into the pit to straighten, fill fine wet soil, and lift the seedlings slightly upward to stretch the roots, and then fill the soil to step on. Planting depth requires that the rhizome is flat with the ground or slightly deeper, the deepest is no more than 5 cm, and cultivate a small pile of soil after planting.

5. Cut dry

Good quality jujube seedlings cut off 20 cm, poor quality cut off the seedling height 1 beat 3, and cut off a secondary branch to facilitate the germination of new branches.

6. Pour frozen water

Pour frozen water once before the beginning of winter, in the middle and late November.

7. Bury the earth to protect against cold

The seedlings should be pressed southward from the end of November to the beginning of December to prevent the sunburn caused by the great change of soil temperature above the rhizome of the seedlings. Can not bend when crushed, because the seedling is brittle and hard, it is easy to cause cracks or breaks. when crushed, you should first cultivate a 20-centimeter-high inclined soil platform on the south side of the seedling, gently press the seedling on the ramp, and then cover 20 centimeters of wet fine soil.

8. Remove cold-proof soil

Due to the late germination of jujube trees, the soil removal time is a little later than that of apples and pears, which is generally controlled in the middle of April, and can be postponed in case of spring cold. To remove the soil in two stages, first remove a thin layer of soil, and then gradually remove all the soil, and straighten the seedlings.

9. Cover with plastic film

Water was poured once before germination in spring, and then covered with plastic film to preserve soil moisture, so as to improve the survival rate of seedlings.