
How to manage Zanthoxylum bungeanum in winter

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Zanthoxylum bungeanum, alias: Jiao, big pepper, Qin pepper, Shu pepper, Sichuan pepper or mountain pepper. It is a deciduous shrub or small tree of Rutaceae and Zanthoxylum bungeanum. It can be planted alone and can be used as a protective thorn hedge. Its pericarp can be used as seasoning, and can extract aromatic oil, but also can be used as medicine, and the seeds are edible.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum, alias: zanthoxylum bungeanum, big pepper, Qin pepper, Shu pepper, Sichuan pepper or mountain pepper. For rutaceae, prickly ash belongs to deciduous shrubs or small trees, can be planted alone can also be used as a protective thorn hedge. Its peel can be used as seasoning, and can extract aromatic oil, but also medicine, seeds can be eaten, but also can be processed to make soap.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum L. is an economic shrub species with low investment, quick effect, high benefit, convenient planting and management, wide use and strong adaptability. Its pepper skin is both edible seasoning and medicinal material. Pepper seeds can be used for edible oil extraction and are also raw materials for light industry. With the improvement of people's living standards, the demand is increasing. Now on my county to promote pepper Dahongpao fine varieties and the implementation of the provincial government pepper base county process summarized seedling and high-yield cultivation techniques are as follows:

Pepper adapts to natural conditions

Zanthoxylum bungeanum likes warm and cool climate, vertical distribution can reach 1800~2000m. Not resistant to low temperature, need higher temperature. It requires annual rainfall of 400~500mm. It is more resistant to drought and less resistant to waterlogging. The young shoots of one year old are frozen at-18℃, and the trees of fifteen years old are easily frozen at-25℃. It needs deep fertile and moist soil, grows well on neutral and slightly acidic soil, and grows especially well on calcareous mountains. North and south can be planted, mainly in the Yellow River, Yangtze River basin area, namely northwest, northeast, north China, east China, central and southwest. Afforestation should not be in the mountain top, ridge, tuyere, cold and dry steep hillside.

Overwintering management:

1. Water and fertilizer management in autumn, pepper trees into July should stop topdressing nitrogen, to prevent the latter season crazy growth. At the same time, the basal fertilizer should be applied as early as possible in September and October, which is conducive to improving the nutritional level of the tree.

2. pruning to control the growth of tree, pulling, separating and picking the upright branches from September to October to weaken the growth of the branches, and spraying tree protection generals to keep warm and freeze at the right time, preventing the bacteria from landing on the tree and multiplying, and improving the cold resistance of the tree.

3. To enhance the nutritional level of trees, potassium sulfate and other quick-acting potassium fertilizers can be applied in July and August; high-efficiency micro-fertilizers such as photosynthetic micro-fertilizer and amino acid chelator fertilizer can be sprayed on leaves and added with 800 times solution of new lipid membrane to improve the photosynthetic capacity of trees. Spraying 0.5% KH_2PO_4 + 0.5%-1 Me_2 urea mixed fertilizer solution plus 800 times of new lipid membrane solution on leaves in September and October for 2-3 times every 7-10 days can effectively improve the nutritional reserve and cold resistance of trees.

4. Strengthen overwintering protection management, adopt effective protective measures of trunk cultivation and seedling cultivation, strengthen tree body protection; smear tree general insulation and anti-freezing on trunk or white-coating protection on trunk, and dry tree body coating with 5 parts of quicklime +0.5 parts of sulfur +2 parts of salt +0.1 part of vegetable oil +20 parts of water.

5. Spraying antifreeze, spraying antifreeze 1%-1.25% solution on trees during winter, can effectively prevent tree branches from freezing damage.

Winter management of pepper trees:

First,"shear", that is, plastic pruning winter is a good season for pepper pruning, in pruning must cut off "seven branches", namely: excessive long branches, dry branches, pest branches, dense branches, cross branches, overlapping branches, thin branches. Then burn the pruned branches together to eliminate the pests and germs that overwinter on the branches.

Second,"scraping" means scraping off the thick skin. Many eggs are parasitic in the thick skin cracks of pepper trees for winter, and mulberry white shells are parasitic on the trunk. Scrape off the rough skin and glue spots, concentrated burn, and then wipe with glue Wei, Solibal pesticides, and then smear mud to cover the wound, can eliminate germs and eggs. Adopting this method also has the effect of rejuvenating the tree.

Third,"painting", that is, the trunk painted white can reduce freezing damage, delay the germination and flowering of pepper trees, so that pepper trees are protected from the harm of spring late frost. In addition, it can also kill overwintering eggs and germs hidden in the bark. Pesticides applied to tree trunks include "highly effective whitening agents", which are extremely effective.

4."Spraying" means spraying pesticides. In addition to overwintering on litter and weeds, some germs and eggs can also parasitize and overwinter in branches and other parts of trees. Therefore, spray Solibal pesticide to "99" before pepper tree germinates, preferably spray before pepper leaves fall, the control effect is excellent. At the same time, other trees around the pepper garden should also be sprayed to prevent the spread of pests.

5."Qing" means that some germs and eggs of the green pepper garden pepper tree parasitize on the dead branches and rotten leaves for winter. In winter, the sundries in the pepper garden can be cleaned up before turning over the garden, and the concentrated burning can eliminate overwintering germs and eggs.

6."Shi" means to change soil and fertilize the base of pepper trees and dig up old soil to see roots and cut off diseased roots. Sprinkle root rot powder pesticide, and then replace with new soil buried well, can prevent root rot. Then under the pepper crown using ring shape, radial, strip shape fertilization method, apply farm manure, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, appropriate nitrogen fertilizer.

7."Turning over" means turning over pepper garden to take advantage of the natural conditions of low temperature and drought in winter, and turning over the winter pests in the soil to freeze to death or be eaten by birds. The depth of the garden is 20-25 cm. It is best to do this before the soil freezes. Turning pepper garden can not only eliminate overwintering pests, but also improve soil physical and chemical properties, improve soil structure and improve soil moisture conservation ability in winter.

Eight,"watering", that is, winter watering in the "March 9" season, to pepper watering enough winter water, can play a warm and safe winter and increase nutrition, improve the role of tree resistance.