
Integrated Control of Zanthoxylum bungeanum Disease

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chinese prickly ash (scientific name: Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.), alias: Zanthoxylum bungeanum, big pepper, Qin pepper, Sichuan pepper, Sichuan pepper or mountain pepper. It is a deciduous shrub or small tree of Rutaceae and Zanthoxylum bungeanum. It can be planted alone and can be used as a protective thorn hedge. Its pericarp can be used as seasoning and fragrance can be extracted.

Chinese prickly ash (scientific name: Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.), alias: Zanthoxylum bungeanum, big pepper, Qin pepper, Sichuan pepper, Sichuan pepper or mountain pepper. It is a deciduous shrub or small tree of Rutaceae and Zanthoxylum bungeanum. It can be planted alone and can be used as a protective thorn hedge. Its pericarp can be used as a seasoning, and can extract aromatic oil, but also can be used as medicine, seeds can be edible, but also can be processed to make soap. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is not only the most commonly used seasoning, but also a traditional Chinese medicine, it can play a role in relieving pain, removing dampness and dispelling cold. Zanthoxylum bungeanum belongs to the three meridians of lung, kidney and liver, which has the function of dampening cold, tonifying kidney yang, clear vision, eliminating food and causing fire to return to the source. Soaking feet with Zanthoxylum bungeanum and Angelica sinensis and safflower has the same effect, can activate blood circulation and open collaterals, so that the blood flow of the whole body is smooth.

In the process of growth and development of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, due to environmental discomfort or damage by pathogens, there are often some diseases that affect the growth, fruit and product quality of pepper trees. The common diseases are Zanthoxylum dodder, Zanthoxylum bungeanum rust, Zanthoxylum bungeanum root rot, Zanthoxylum bungeanum fallen leaf, Zanthracnose, Zanthoxylum canker, Zanthoxylum bungeanum shoot blight, Zanthoxylum bungeanum leaf spot, Zanthoxylum bungeanum plaster and so on. Now mainly introduce Zanthoxylum bungeanum root rot, pepper rust and pepper ointment disease.

1. Prickly ash root rot

Zanthoxylum bungeanum root rot often occurs in nurseries and adult pepper orchards. It is a soil-borne disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. The roots of the damaged plants were discolored and rotten, with a strange smell, the root bark was detached from the xylem, and the xylem was black. The aboveground part of the leaves are small and yellow, the branches are underdeveloped, and the whole plant dies in severe cases.

Prevention and control measures:

① reasonably adjusts the layout to improve the pepper garden with poor drainage and wet environment to make it ventilated and dry.

② did a good job in seedling management, strictly selected the nursery and disinfected the soil with 15% trimethoprim 500,800 times solution. High bed and deep ditch, heavy application of base fertilizer. Pull out the diseased seedlings in time.

When ③ moved the seedlings, the roots were soaked in 500x solution of 50% methyl topiramate for 24 hours. Disinfect the soil with quicklime. And the root was irrigated with 500-800 times solution of thiophanate methyl or 500-800 times solution of 15% strychnine.

In April, ④ irrigated the roots of adult trees with 15% trimethoprim 300,800 times solution, which could effectively prevent the disease. Root irrigation in summer can slow down the severity of the disease, while root irrigation in winter can reduce the overwintering structure of pathogens.

⑤ in time to dig up dead roots, dead trees, and burn, eliminate the disease pathogen.

2. Prickly ash rust

Zanthoxylum bungeanum rust is one of the most important leaf diseases of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Widely distributed in Shaanxi, Sichuan, Hebei, Gansu and other provinces of pepper cultivation areas. In serious cases, the leaves of Zanthoxylum bungeanum fall early, directly affecting the hanging fruit of the following year. In the early stage of the disease, 2-3mm water-stained chlorotic spots appeared on the front of the leaves, and yellow-orange blister appeared on the back of the leaves opposite to the disease spots, which was a pile of summer spores. The disease is caused by Rust of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Summer spores and winter spores occur on Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees. The occurrence of prickly ash rust is mainly related to climate. If there is a large amount of rainfall, especially under the condition of more rainfall and more days of rainfall in the third quarter, the harm is very easy to occur.

Prevention and control measures:

① medicament prevention: spray Bordeaux liquid or 0.1-0.2% Baume lime-sulfur mixture when not sick, or spray Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees with 200-400 times liquid verapamil from early June to late July.

② chemical control: 15% of the powdered powder can be sprayed 1000 times to control the production of summer spores. During the peak period of the disease, you can spray 1V 2v 200 times Bordeaux solution, or 0.1-0.2 Bordeaux-sulfur mixture, or 1000-1500 times wettable powder.

③ strengthens fertilizer and water management, weeds eradication and reasonable pruning. In late autumn, litter weeds were cleared and burned. The disease-resistant varieties cultivated by ④ can be mixed with the varieties with strong disease resistance.

3. Prickly ash plaster disease

Zanthoxylum bungeanum plaster disease is a common disease of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, and its pathogen is the ear of basidiomycete subphylum. The basidium fruit is like a plaster, clinging to the trunk of the prickly ash tree. The light ones make the branches grow poorly and hang less fruit, while the heavy ones cause the branches to die. In many areas, the branches and the whole plant of Zanthoxylum bungeanum are withered, the fruit is few, and the small results are related to plaster disease. The occurrence of plaster disease is related to tree age, humidity and variety. According to the investigation, the plaster disease of Zanthoxylum bungeanum mainly occurs in the shady and moist adult pepper garden; in addition, the occurrence of the disease is related to the harm of the scale insect, and the plaster disease is nourished by the honeydew secreted by the scale insect, so the serious harm of the shell insect in the pepper garden, the plaster disease is serious.

Prevention and control measures:

① should strengthen management, prune properly, remove dead branches and leaves, and reduce the humidity of pepper garden.

② controls the planting density, especially in the mature pepper orchard at full fruiting stage, and thinning should be appropriate if it is too shady.

③ smeared the plaque with Baume 4-5 degree stone sulfur mixture.

④ strengthens the control of scale insects.

4. Gum disease of prickly ash

The gum disease of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is caused by fungi and has strong infectivity. it can quickly cause phloem necrosis, decay and glue flow at the base of the trunk, resulting in leaf yellowing and branch blight.

Prevention and control methods:

① cleaning garden disinfection, in winter cleaning should be thorough, disease and insect branches and leaves will be burned or buried deeply, while spraying tree protection general to disinfect the whole garden.

② should be sprayed timely, prevention should be done, organic fertilizer should be applied in time, and fungicides should be sprayed in the early stage of the disease. Timely application of tree protection at the glue mouth to control the gum disease of Zanthoxylum bungeanum can smooth the tube and improve the inverse resistance of the plant.

③ has sufficient fertilizer and water to eradicate weeds. Zanthoxylum bungeanum Zhuangtieling is sprayed once in the bud stage, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, so as to improve the disease resistance of Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees. At the same time, it can make pepper skin thick, pepper fruit strong, colorful and natural taste strong.

④ chemical control. Gummy disease (dry rot disease) often occurs with longicorn beetles and bugs, so we should timely control the occurrence of longicorn beetles and other diseases and insect pests, and spray targeted agents plus new high-fat film to enhance efficacy, prevent the invasion of airborne bacteria, and spray tree protection generals in the whole garden for disinfection.