
Fertilization methods of Sesame in different periods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sesame still eats a lot in our lives. Many candies contain sesame, which tastes particularly sweet, and some dishes also put some sesame in order to make them more delicious. Therefore, the use of sesame in our lives is still

Sesame still eats a lot in our lives. Many candies contain sesame, which tastes particularly sweet, and some dishes also put some sesame in order to make them more delicious. Therefore, sesame is widely used in our lives.

What is sesame?

Zh sesame (sesame) was originally called flax. It is said that it may have originated in Africa or India. It is said that Zhang Qian introduced China when he was in the Western Han Dynasty, but now scientific research shows that sesame is native to China's Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The seeds of ancient sesame were found in the Neolithic site of Qianshanyang in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province and the prehistoric site of Paddy Field in Hangzhou, which confirmed that China is also the hometown of sesame.

Sesame belongs to the family Sesamaceae, which is the seed of flax. Although its close relatives appear in Africa, the natural origin of the sesame variety is still unknown. It's all over the tropics of the world. Sesame is one of the four major edible oil crops in China and one of the main oil crops in China. Sesame products have high application value. Its seeds contain as much as 61% oil. China has been famous for many famous and special foods and delicacies made from sesame and sesame oil since ancient times.

Fertilization methods of Sesame in different periods

Seedling stage: because the bottom application of too much nitrogen fertilizer is easy to make the seedlings grow and form tall seedlings, so the sesame seedling stage generally uses only part of the nitrogen fertilizer as the base fertilizer. The masses have the saying of "looking at seedlings and topdressing". When the seedling condition is very poor or the seedling size is different, a small amount of seedling fertilizer can be applied first, and the effect of diluting mature human feces and urine or urea is better. Because the root system of sesame is relatively shallow at this time, the daily amount of fertilizer should be applied shallowly.

Budding stage: this is the period of flower bud differentiation, when the vegetative growth and reproductive growth of sesame go hand in hand, and the effect of topdressing is the best. Topdressing should be based on nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Boron fertilizer should be applied in boron-deficient areas.

Flowering period: sesame seeds grow most rapidly when they enter the flowering stage, and the nutrients absorbed during this period account for 70% and 80% of the whole growth period. In order to meet the needs of plant growth and development, make sesame grow vigorously, accumulate more photosynthates, increase the number of flower capsules, stabilize growth in the later stage without early senescence, and make grains full, flower fertilizer must be re-applied. At this time, a large number of lateral roots have begun to form, the absorption capacity of the root system has been enhanced, the plant growth rate has been accelerated, and the demand for nutrients has also increased significantly. Fertilizing with chemical fertilizer is more convenient, but also can apply mature cake fertilizer, manure, barnyard manure and so on.

During strip sowing, ditch application or spot application was applied in a soil layer 10 cm deep from the sesame plant, which was absorbed by the root and covered with soil. according to the experiment, the yield of shallow application (10-13 cm) was 11% higher than that of deep application (25 cm). In the case of sowing, rotten cake fertilizer or granular urea can be mixed with soil, and then plough and loosen the soil to cover fertilizer. When the weather is dry, water should be sprayed after application to give full play to the fertilizer effect.

Planting environment of sesame

1. Soil: because the seed is small and the root system is shallow, it is most suitable to be planted in loose soil from slight acid to neutral (PH6.5~7.5). Loose soil can coordinate the contradiction among water, fertilizer and air supply, which is beneficial to the extension of root system.

2. Accumulated temperature: the accumulated temperature during the whole growth period of sesame is 2500 ~ 3000 ℃, and the most suitable temperature for the development of sesame is 20 ~ 24 ℃.

3. Precipitation: the suitable rainfall during the whole growing period of sesame is 210-250 mm.

4. Sunshine: sufficient sunlight is needed during the whole growth period of sesame, which can strengthen photosynthesis, contribute to the accumulation of nutrients, meet the needs of flowering and fruiting, make the fruit full and conducive to the formation of oil.

Cultivation techniques of Sesame

1. Sowing the whole border: the width of the furrow is 33 cm, the height of the border is 20 cm, the width of the border is 1 to 1.2 meters, and the width of the border is appropriate and easy to manage. Digging shallow trenches on the border surface, the furrow spacing (also line spacing) is 33 cm. When sowing, because the seeds of sesame seeds are small and the density is difficult to control, they can be mixed well with a small amount of dry fine soil and then sowed.

2. Chemical weeding: in 3 days after sowing, 60% Horniss EC was used for 60 ml per mu, diluted with 50 kg water and evenly sprayed on the border surface, which could reduce the growth of weeds.

3. Suitable time seedlings: after more than ten days, after they grow 2-3 cotyledons, they will grow again in 5-6 days, so that the plant spacing is between 22-24 cm, and 8000-10000 seedlings are planted per mu. Suitable plant spacing is beneficial to its branching.

4. Scientific fertilization: first, it is necessary to apply sufficient basic fertilizer, applying 1500 kg of farm manure per mu. After the growth of 3-4 true leaves, human feces and urine were applied twice. The flowering and capsule-forming period was the most exuberant period for sesame growth, and it was also the peak period for fertilizer demand. Ammonium sulfate was applied at 10 kg per mu, and foliar spraying was carried out with a mixture of 0.4% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.2% borax, once every 5 days and twice in succession.

5. Topping harvest: after the full fruiting period, when the leaf nodes at the top of the main stem are clustered and almost stop growing, pick the apical bud on a sunny morning. If the sesame fruit is yellow and ripe, the grain can be harvested in black.

With the continuous development of rural planting industry, many migrant workers have begun to return to their hometown to start their own businesses. Planting sesame is indeed a promising project, its investment cost is very low, but the market demand for sesame is huge, so this kind of low-risk project is especially suitable for friends who do not have enough money but want to start their own business.