
Seedling raising and Field Management of Green Pepper

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Green pepper belongs to the plant kingdom, dicotyledonous class, chrysanthemum subclass, Solanaceae. And red chili are collectively referred to as chili. The fruit is a berry. There are many aliases, big pepper, lantern pepper, persimmon pepper are its names, because it can bear sweet berries, also known as sweet pepper, vegetable pepper. Born in one year or more

Green pepper belongs to the plant kingdom, dicotyledonous class, chrysanthemum subclass, Solanaceae. And red chili are collectively referred to as chili. The fruit is a berry. There are many aliases, big pepper, lantern pepper, persimmon pepper are its names, because it can bear sweet berries, also known as sweet pepper, vegetable pepper. Annual or perennial herb characterized by large fruit, less spicy or even not spicy at all, eaten as a vegetable rather than as a seasoning. Because it is green and bright, the newly cultivated varieties also have a variety of colors such as red, yellow, purple and so on, so it can not only form a dish of its own, but also is widely used in side dishes. Green pepper evolved from tropical pepper in Central and South America in North America. After long-term cultivation, domestication and artificial selection, the fruit volume increased, the pulp thickened, the spicy taste disappeared and the number of carpels and ovaries increased. China was introduced more than 100 years ago and is now widely cultivated all over the country. Green pepper is rich in vitamin c and is suitable for people with hypertension and hyperlipidemia.

Green pepper seedlings:

1. Seed treatment: seedlings are generally raised from the Spring Equinox to Qingming. The seeds were exposed to the sun for 2 days to promote post-ripening, improve the germination rate and kill the germs carried on the seed surface. Or use 0.5% trisodium phosphate, or 300 times 400 times potassium permanganate. Or 1% thiourea soak for 20 minutes for 30 minutes to kill the germs carried on the seeds. After rinsing the seed repeatedly, soak it in warm water of 25 degrees 30 degrees for 8 hours.

2. Seedling sowing: after the nursery bed is done, it is necessary to fill with enough bottom water, and then spray Luheng No. 1 3000 times for disinfection. Then sprinkle a thin layer of fine soil, sprinkle the seeds evenly on the seedling bed, cover with a layer of 0.5cm thick fine soil, and finally cover the shed to keep moisturizing and warming.

3. Nursery bed management: after sowing, the daytime temperature is 2528 degrees, and the ground temperature is about 20 degrees. The seedlings can emerge in 6-7 days. After 70% of the seedlings arch the soil, sprinkle fine soil 0.5 cm thick to the seedling bed when there is no water on the leaf surface. In order to close the seam to preserve soil moisture and prevent seedling roots from being exposed. The seedbed should have an adequate supply of water, but it should not make the soil too wet. Green pepper height to 5 cm to the seedbed ventilation seedlings, vents according to seedling growth and weather temperature flexible control, 10 days before planting can be open-air seedlings. Seedling refinement should be carried out step by step, and must not be put in place in one step. If the seedlings grow, you can spray 500 milliliters per kilogram of paracetamol, or 5 milliliters per kilogram of metoprolol. The seedling weak yellow can be sprayed up to 2116 with foliar spraying on the root belt before planting, which has a better effect on preventing the virus.

Field planting and management of green pepper:

The main results are as follows: 1. The seedling age of spring green pepper is about 110 days, and some can reach more than 150 days. In the northern region, it can only be planted in mid-April and late May. Green pepper itself is high-yielding and stable, but the reduction in yield in some places is due to the degradation of varieties. The disease resistance is poor and the disease is serious, so the planting plot should choose the spring white land where eggplant fruits and vegetables and cucumbers and yellow tobacco have not been planted in recent years. The plot that has just harvested the overwintering spinach is not good either. About 7 days before planting, 5000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 75 kg of superphosphate and 30 kg of ammonia bicarbonate were applied per mu, ditched according to 70 cm row spacing, leveled, ridged and covered with plastic film to wait for planting. It can be planted at a distance of 30 cm, with two open seedlings adjacent to each other and two in each hole. 2500-3000 points per 667m2.

2. From planting to fruiting period is the early stage of field management of green pepper, which should promote root, seedling and growth. Attention should be paid to watering and mid-ploughing. After 15 days of planting, 10 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 5 kg of urea should be applied, and the height of soil should be 10-13 cm, so as to protect the root system from lodging. After entering the full fruit period, the focus of management is to strengthen seedlings and promote fruit. The door pepper should be removed in time to prevent the decline of the fruit caused by the fall of the fruit. Combined with watering and fertilization, 20 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 5 kg of urea were applied every 667 square meters, and the roots were cultivated again. Pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention. Foliar fertilizers and hormones should be sprayed together to supplement nutrients and prevent viruses.

The main diseases of green pepper are: seedling disease (quenching disease, blight), virus disease, anthracnose and scab (bacterial perforation), etc.; insect pests are mainly aphids, cotton bollworm, tobacco green worm and so on.

1. Prevention and control of diseases in seedling stage. Before ploughing the land, ① evenly sprinkled 70% of the raw powder of dimethazone 25ml 30kg per mu. ② per square meter of seedbed soil was evenly sprayed with 50% carbendazim EC according to 1 ∶ 1000. Three weeks before sowing, ③ was poured on the bed soil with 40 milliliters of formalin and 4 kilograms of water per square meter. After two weeks, the soil was loosened and sown. If there are a small number of quenching disease and blight disease in the seedling stage of ④, 70% pentachloronitrobenzene 5 grams plus dry soil 15 kg 17 kg can be mixed into medicinal soil and sprinkled into the seedling rhizome to control.

2. Control of aphids. ① was treated with drugs at the seedling stage, especially in the first ten days of June after planting. ② agent selection: 40% omethoate EC 1000 times liquid spray; 50% malathion 1000mi 1800x liquid spray, evenly sprayed once every 7 times every 10 days, in order to improve the control effect.

3. Control of Helicoverpa armigera and tobacco green worm. The second generation of larvae occurred in early June and early July, which could be controlled by 1000 times dilution of trichlorfon powder with water.

4. Prevention and treatment of virus diseases. From planting to budding, the aphids were sprayed with 5% 15% zinc sulfate every 7 ~ 10 days.

5. Prevention and control of bacterial spot disease and anthrax. ① 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600x liquid spray; ② 50% anthrax Fumi wettable powder 300Lv 400x liquid spray; ③ agricultural streptomycin or neophytomycin 200ppm spray. Generally, it can get better effect if it is sprayed continuously for 3 times.