
High-yield cultivation of green pepper

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Green pepper belongs to the plant kingdom, dicotyledonous class, chrysanthemum subclass, Solanaceae. And red chili are collectively referred to as chili. The fruit is a berry. There are many aliases, big pepper, lantern pepper, persimmon pepper are its names, because it can bear sweet berries, also known as sweet pepper, vegetable pepper. Green pepper is nutritious

Green pepper belongs to the plant kingdom, dicotyledonous class, chrysanthemum subclass, Solanaceae. And red chili are collectively referred to as chili. The fruit is a berry. There are many aliases, big pepper, lantern pepper, persimmon pepper are its names, because it can bear sweet berries, also known as sweet pepper, vegetable pepper. Green pepper is rich in nutrition and is one of the favorite vegetables all the year round.


The main results are as follows: 1. The main root of pepper is underdeveloped and the root quantity is small. Most of the root groups are distributed in the topsoil layer of 10 ~ 15 cm. The root system is neither drought-resistant nor waterlogging-resistant. The ability of root regeneration was weaker than that of tomato and eggplant. I can't stand thick fertilizer.

2. Generally, when the main stem grows to 15 leaves, flower buds are formed at the end of the stem and continue to grow with double or three branches. Generally speaking, even if the same variety is planted in autumn, the number of leaves when bifurcating is less than that in spring, generally at 8 Mel 9.

3. High temperature and drought induce the occurrence and spread of virus disease, and high temperature and heavy rain often lead to the epidemic of virus disease.

4. Flower drop, fruit drop and leaf drop (commonly known as "three falls") of hot pepper are also easy to occur, which is an important problem in pepper production and has a great impact on pepper yield. The reasons for the "three falls" are complicated. Early spring flower drop is mainly caused by low temperature affecting pollination and pollen tube elongation; drought in soil and air is also the cause of flower drop; excessive or insufficient nitrogen fertilizer, excessive or insufficient branches and leaves, lack of light and other factors directly affect the balance between vegetative growth and reproductive growth. High temperature and drought lead to the occurrence of virus diseases, or high temperatures and floods weaken the absorptive capacity of roots, physiological disorders of plants, as well as diseases and insect pests (anthracnose, ring disease, cotton bollworm, night moth), causing a large number of "three falls".

Requirements for environmental conditions

1. Temperature ① germination period: from seed germination to cotyledon flattening and true leaf exposure. The optimum temperature for germination is 25 ℃ 30 ℃, and it is not easy to germinate below 15 ℃. In the seedling stage of ②, it is from the appearance of true leaves to the budding of the first flower. The suitable temperature for seedling growth was 25 ℃ at daytime, 20 ℃ at night, and soil temperature was 17 ℃ at night. The flowering and fruiting stage of ③ was from the first flower bud to the first fruit setting, and it was favorable for 25 ℃ at daytime and 16 ℃ at night. When the temperature exceeded 40 ℃, the growth almost stopped.

2. Light requires medium light intensity, about 45,000 lux. The growth is poor under strong light, and sunburn disease is easy to occur. For most temperature-loving vegetables, the light saturation point of photosynthesis is mostly about 50, 000 lux.

3. The water demand is not too high, but the root population is not developed, and the soil is not always moist, so it is difficult to obtain high yield. When chili peppers are flooded for a few hours, the plant will die.

4. the soil grows well in the high-dry, well-drained, fertile and deep soil. General sandy soil and clay can also be cultivated, but they should not be planted on low-lying waterlogged land. Avoid continuous cropping with eggplant crops.

5. Fertilizer has a long growing period and strict requirements for soil nutrition conditions. High yield can only be achieved by planting on the soil with medium or above fertility. With the heavy application of base fertilizer, the effect of early topdressing was obvious.

Variety selection

The varieties with high temperature resistance, virus resistance, strong growth potential, concentrated fruit, large fruit, thick flesh and cold tolerance were selected. The advantage of pepper hybrid is very obvious, and the application of hybrid horned pepper is advocated.

Sowing date and seed treatment

(1) soaking seeds to accelerate budding

Before sowing, rinse the seeds with clean water, scrub the mucus on the surface of the seeds, remove them and put them in water of 55-60 degrees, stirring constantly. When the water temperature drops to 30-35 degrees, stop stirring, soak for 5-6 hours, fish out, spread out for a little bit, put the seeds at 28-30 degrees Celsius to promote germination, wash once a day, and continue to promote germination after slightly drying. After 3-4 days, 50% of 60% of the seeds can be sown.

(2) sowing date

Although the characteristics of green pepper, more than 35 ℃ easy to fall flowers, but choose July 10-15 sowing, the risk is not great, this is conducive to the vegetative growth of pepper and increase yield. On the other hand, green pepper has the habit of continuous flowering and fruiting, even if the door eggplant falls flowers, continue to eggplant. According to the average temperature, in the last ten days of August, the average temperature in the first five days and the last five days is 26.9 ℃ and 26.6 ℃ respectively, and the annual average temperature in the first ten days of September is 25.3 ℃. The flowering and fruiting of green pepper is suitable for 20 ℃. Generally speaking, the morning and evening are cooler in autumn, so it is beneficial to analyze the climate of late August and early September for the flowering and fruiting of green pepper.

Cultivate strong seedlings

Because of the high temperature, strong light and typhoon rainstorm when sowing, the seedling must be carried out in the shaded greenhouse. The seedlings were raised by direct seeding with nutritious soil block or plastic (9865205.00 2.12%). We think that it is better to raise seedlings with nutritious soil blocks, and seedlings raised in plastic pots are easy to lose water and accompanied by high temperature. After emergence, replenish an appropriate amount of water to prevent drought, but to avoid high temperature. Appropriate amount of topdressing quick-acting fertilizer, generally 0.5% concentration of imported compound fertilizer liquid pouring. Spray with 600 times liquid of chlorothalonil, carbendazim and fungicide to prevent diseases and thicken leaves. The leaves are dark green, the roots are well developed, and there are no diseases and insect pests.

Field management

(1) colonization

When the seedling is 10mm high and has 6 true leaves, it can be planted. Pour through the seedling bed the day before planting, cut the weight with soil and transplant, double seedlings per weight. The plant shape of pepper is compact and has great potential for reasonable close planting. Close planting is also beneficial to the early closure of plants, so that the surface is covered with shade, the change of soil temperature is small, and the root system is not easy to be exposed, so it can achieve the effect of protecting roots and trees and reducing virus disease. therefore, sparse planting should be changed into reasonable close planting, which can be increased to 4500 ponds per mu. In the field layout, in order to facilitate the operation and management and better strive for the marginal effect (the edge plants with more space can increase the hanging fruit and promote high quality), it is appropriate to have two rows of soil moisture, the row spacing is 60 cm, and the pond spacing is reduced to 25 cm. Intercropping is also beneficial to reduce the occurrence of diseases such as virus diseases.

(2) seedling stage

The formation of terminal buds from the first true leaf takes about 50 to 60 days to complete. In this period, the plant grows slowly and is sensitive to low temperature. Within 2-3 days after the emergence of the first true leaf, it is necessary to control the water and temperature. When the seedling grows to 6-7 true leaves, apply a small amount of urea as seedling fertilizer to promote the stem and leaf growth of the seedling and divide the seedling in time when the seedling is high. If the environmental conditions and management are reasonable, strong seedlings with developed root system, short stem and green leaves can be cultivated, which will lay a good foundation for the formation of flowering and fruiting and yield of green pepper.

(3) Water management

Green pepper in each growth water requirements are different, seed germination needs to absorb a certain amount of water, so to soak seeds; seedlings planted small, different water requirements, soil moisture on the line; after transplanting, the tree is large, water demand increases; fruit expansion period, if insufficient moisture, it will cause fruit surface wrinkling, bending, dim color, reducing yield and quality. Therefore, supplying enough water during this period is an important measure to obtain high yield.

(4) topdressing

Door pepper sitting, combined with watering to force a fertilizer, urea 15 kg per mu, into the full fruit period, combined watering every 20 days left topdressing once, each time the application of diammonium phosphate 15-20 kg and potassium sulfate 10 kg. Combined with spraying, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be used for foliar topdressing.

(5) pruning

After the door pepper sat on the fruit, all the lateral branches below the door pepper were removed, and in the later stage, the old leaves, yellow leaves and diseased leaves at the bottom of the plant were removed, and the invalid branches were removed.

5. Pest control

In the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, it is necessary to timely control the virus disease, anthrax and blight that occur during the growth of green pepper. Spray with 70% methyl topiramate wettable powder 500600 times, or 64% germicidal alum M8SK wettable powder, or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 400x, once every 7-10 days, the effect is very good. 1500 times dimethoate EC is used to control aphids. Combined with spraying, potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed on the leaves.