
How to plant water chestnut

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Water chestnut (English name: water chestnut, scientific name: Eleocharis dulcis), also known as horseshoe, chestnut, peony, mackerel, black taro, bodhogany, pear, belongs to the monocotyledonous Cyperaceae, is a perennial herb, oblate, pointed above, smooth and shiny surface, purple

Water chestnut (English name: water chestnut, scientific name: Eleocharis dulcis), also known as horseshoe, water chestnut, peony, mackerel, black taro, Bodhogany, pear, belongs to Monocotyledon Cyperaceae, is a perennial herb, oblate, pointed above, smooth and glossy surface, purplish red or dark brown, growing in the pond, the dark green stems on the ground are clustered, and the underground corms are edible. People also call it a horseshoe because it is shaped like a horse's hoof. Its appearance is like chestnut, not only in shape, but also similar to chestnut in nature, taste, composition and function, and it is also known as "ground chestnut" because it is borne in the mud.

Water chestnut originated in China, is suitable for shallow water cultivation of aquatic vegetables, underground bulbs from food, raw food, cooked food, but also can make starch or medicinal. Water chestnut is a perennial herbaceous plant. After corm propagation and corm planting, there are inconspicuous short stems on the corms, slender whisker roots can grow on the basal stem nodes, no root hairs, green leafy aboveground stems can be drawn upward from the shortened stems, the leafy stems are tubular, erect, hollow and tufted, and they can carry out photosynthesis. Stolons can be produced around the shortened stems and grow horizontally in the soil. Some stem nodes can take root and bud, and the bud will protrude immediately. It is called ramet stolon. Some stolon apex can expand into a bulb, which is called bulbous stolon. The bulb is oblate and round, with a smooth surface, dark maroon or jujube red after ripening, with 3-5 circles. The bulb expansion period is about 70 days. The growth of water chestnut is strong and easy to cultivate. it is cultivated in shallow water with deep soil layer, rich in organic matter, rich and soft, with many bulbs and ruddy color. If the water depth is not more than 30 cm, otherwise the shoot is too prosperous, it will affect the formation of the corm, and there are more requirements for phosphorus and potash fertilizer, so as to prevent excessive nitrogen fertilizer, the temperature should be 15-20 degrees in the early stage, 25-28 degrees in the plant division period, and 10-20 degrees in the corm formation period.

Keep the seed strictly to protect the whole seedling. As a kind of water chestnut, the aboveground must be investigated in the middle and later period of plant growth in the previous year, and the aboveground population with neat growth and no disease and insect damage was selected as the primary selection; when the water chestnut was harvested, the bulb with round shape, no damage, strong bud head and single ball weight of more than 15g was selected for overwintering.

Water chestnuts can be broadcast live, but there are many. Raise seedlings and transplant. The seedling period can be determined according to the local climatic conditions. The seeds of Cardamine can be taken out before and after Grain Rain and sprinkled with water to accelerate germination in spring. The specific methods are as follows: first lay a layer of straw on the ground, put the top teeth of Cardamine up densely, staggered and stacked 3-4 layers, and then cover the upper part of the grass; or spread sand in the middle and cover the grass at the top. After spraying water to keep moist, half a month or so, wait for the bud to grow about 1.5 cm, remove straw, continue to spray water to keep warm, when the top bud reaches 10-15 cm, it can be inserted into the seedling field. The seedling field should choose the plot with leeward and sunny direction and convenient drainage and irrigation, plough and rake with water for 2-3 times, and then insert Cardamine into the seedling field. The distance between rows and plants is 20-25 × 20 cm. The rice field needs 30-35 square meters per mu. Use seed 15-20 kg, plant ramets separately when planting, and keep shallow water after planting. When planting water chestnuts in the field, ploughing and raking repeatedly and applying sufficient base fertilizer, the seedling height of 25-35 cm is the most suitable planting period. The planting row spacing is 55-65 cm, and the planting depth generally requires that the base of the leafy stem is even. after planting, the soil next to the root is wiped flat, the tip should be cut off, and the seedling height is about 20 cm, so as to prevent the wind from shaking. 15-20 days after water chestnut planting. For the first time, the area of cultivated land is weeded, and then ploughed and weeded again after the beginning of autumn, water management should be strengthened during the growth period, shallow water should be irrigated about 3-4 cm when planting, in order to take root; when the plant enters the tillering and ramet stage, the water level should always be kept at 6-7 cm. In case of high temperature and drought, the water level should be properly deepened. Topdressing 1-2 times in the field, drainage when topdressing, irrigation after topdressing, drainage after corm formation, but keep the field moist. After the corm is fully expanded, it can be harvested at any time from the aboveground withering to the bulb sprouting in the following year.

Select the bulb which accords with the characteristics of this variety, full and undamaged, smooth epidermis, consistent color and strong bud head as the seed for raising seedlings. Early water water chestnut seedlings were raised in late April and late water water chestnuts in June to July.

Suitable time for planting

Generally, the seedling age of early water water chestnut is 45 ~ 70 days old, and that of late water water chestnut seedlings is 25 ~ 30 days old. The row spacing is generally 55~60cm and the plant spacing is 25~30cm. Both main stem cluster seedlings and ramet seedlings can be used as colonized seedlings. The depth of burying into the soil should be stable. If the seedling is too high, the tip should be cut off and the leafy stem height 25~30cm should be left so as not to be broken and shaken by the wind after planting.

Water layer management

Early water water chestnut kept shallow water 2~3cm in the field at the initial stage, and then gradually deepened to 7~10cm. The late water chestnut should be irrigated to 6~8cm immediately after planting, and the water level should gradually fall to 3~5cm, and finally keep 1~2cm shallow through the winter. ??


Generally, 15-20 days after planting, all living trees and the beginning of split plants, after dew drying, dry field water, spread evenly, and return water 1-2 days after application. When you start to ball, apply fertilizer again.