
Cultivation and Management of Taro

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Taro, also known as taro, taro, the underground bulb of Araceae plants, the shape and meat quality vary from variety to variety, usually eaten as small taro. Perennial tuber often cultivated as an annual crop. Leaf blade peltate, petiole long and hypertrophic, green or purplish red; plant

Taro, also known as taro, taro, the underground bulb of Araceae plants, the shape and meat quality vary from variety to variety, usually eaten as small taro. Perennial tuber often cultivated as an annual crop. The leaf is shield-shaped, the petiole is long and hypertrophic, green or purplish red; the base of the plant forms a short shrinking stem and gradually accumulates nutrients to form a fleshy bulb, called "taro" or "mother taro", spherical, ovoid, oval or massive, and so on.

The mother taro has a brain bud in each node, but the axillary buds in the middle and lower nodes are the strongest, and the first tiller occurs to form a small corm called "son taro". Under suitable conditions, great-grandson or great-grandson taro can be formed.

Cultivation of Taro

1. After the soil preparation and ditching is done, ditch is opened according to the row spacing of 80MU / 100cm, with a width of 50cm and a depth of 35cm, and then fertilization is carried out in the ditch.

2. Fertilizing taro requires a large amount of fertilizer and a long growth period. First of all, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, 2000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer per mu, and 60 kg of 48% potassium sulfate compound fertilizer (16Mel 16Mel 16). Topdressing should be applied in different stages, and there were 3 times of topdressing at seedling stage, sprouting stage and peak corm growth stage, mainly with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

3. The time of sowing and sowing is in the lower ground after the Qingming Festival (that is, early April), the distance between the plant is about 50 cm, the seed and the ground is 3 mi 5 cm, and the covering soil is 5 cm thick. It can also be cultivated with plastic film mulching.

4. Watering taro avoid soil dryness, yellow leaves and withered leaves in case of drought, but over-wet water in soil is also disadvantageous to root growth. Make the soil moisture sufficient at the seedling stage, and avoid watering it. In the seedling stage, the soil is dry and wet, and drainage should be paid attention to in case of rain.

5. Medium ploughing and soil cultivation combined with topdressing at seedling stage, ploughing to kill grass and warm land, and at the end of seedlings, ploughing and leveling the cultivation ditch. After that, the soil will be cultivated once for more than 20 days, with a thickness of 7 cm, for a total of two times. The purpose of soil cultivation is to inhibit the terminal bud germination and growth of son taro and sun taro, reduce nutrient consumption, make taro fully expand and produce a large number of adventitious roots, and increase the ability of drought resistance. As the agricultural proverb says, "Taro is not cultivated, it is not planted." Combined with soil cultivation, according to the leaf area distribution density and season, the excess lateral buds should be removed as soon as possible so as not to consume nutrients and limit the growth of taro.

Management of Taro

1. Selection of planting site and soil preparation before planting

The growth period of taro is very long, and the use of organic matter fertilizer before planting is one of the important factors affecting the quality of taro in the future. In addition to the application of traditional fully fermented organic matter fertilizer, it is recommended to use plant organic fertilizer such as Fei Bao No. 2 and Kelaigen with high content of humic acid as base fertilizer.

Continuous cropping should be avoided in the selection of taro planting land, and if continuous cropping can not be avoided, the dark green (calcium cyanide) of 750kg / mu (calcium cyanide) should be applied before soil preparation. This fertilizer can not only provide taro with nitrogen and calcium sources for more than 3 months, but also eliminate soil bacteria and adjust soil pH, and avoid a series of obstacles caused by continuous cropping of taro. For example: soil acidification, bacterial and fungal wilt and so on. In addition, black green also has a considerable control effect on Oncomelania hupensis in taro field. If you use dark green soil preparation, it will take 15 days to implant taro seedlings.

2. Seedling stage

Fertilization should be avoided for about 15 days at the initial stage of planting. It should be determined that the young roots have begun to grow before appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer can be applied. At this time, it is recommended that nitrogen calcium (calcium nitrate) 150-250 kg / mu, once every 10-15 days, 2-3 times in a row. If the growth of taro comes to a standstill at the beginning of planting due to a cold spell and a drop in temperature, do not apply fertilizer violently because of a lack of fertilizer. this may lead to fertilizer injury and stop growing when the temperature picks up.

If the temperature is normal at the initial stage of planting, in order to promote the early and sound development of young roots, it is suggested that timely and appropriate amount of root element can be used to establish a complete root group in advance to provide taro with nutrient absorption.

3. From seedling stage to taro tuber before setting fruit

Taro is a shallow root crop, and the root group of taro often grows only at the depth of about 10 cm in topsoil, so it is most suitable for traditional fertilization (intensive application of quick-acting fertilizer) in its growth process, but its vegetative growth is often more than 120 days. the general traditional fertilization method has become a big burden of production cost.

Matters needing attention in planting and fertilizing taro

Taro likes to be wet and heat-resistant, and the area with fertile soil is more conducive to its growth. Before planting in winter, deep ploughing, freezing soil, sterilization and egg removal should be carried out to reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests. Base fertilizer is applied in spring, mainly mature organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer. Mature organic fertilizer 4000-5000 mu and potassium sulfate compound fertilizer 60-75 mu can be applied per mu. Topdressing is needed for 2-3 times during plant growth, and available nitrogen fertilizer can be applied for the first time, such as 10-15 urea per mu, in order to promote the rapid growth of stems and leaves, enhance photosynthesis and provide sufficient nutrients for the growth of underground tubers.

The topdressing of taro growth and seed taro expansion stage is mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as ammonium bicarbonate 30-45 times per mu, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 40-50 times per mu, etc., to promote the growth and expansion of tubers, less nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise stem and leaf growth rapidly consume nutrients, which is not conducive to the growth of tubers. Do not apply fertilizer in the later stage of growth to avoid waste.

Cultivation techniques of Taro in Rice Field

Rational fertilization and scientific water management

1. Rational fertilization. Under the premise of applying sufficient base fertilizer, thin biogas water or dung water can be properly applied in the early stage. when taro grows to the beginning of June, 1000 kg of farm manure, 50 kg of peanut shell, 15 kg of potassium sulfate, 50 kg of bio-organic fertilizer and 2 kg of boron, zinc and magnesium fertilizer can be used in Xiangbian compound soil after 30-45 days of composting. Before Greater Heat in mid-July, 25 kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer and 15 kg of potassium sulfate per mu were evenly mixed on the box surface, and the shallow soil was covered with fertilizer. Weeds should be pulled out around the field before fertilization. No more fertilizer will be applied after August. During the rapid expansion period of taro (June-July), it can be combined with the control of diseases and insect pests to spray inflated taro and potassium dihydrogen phosphate, which can promote the expansion of taro and increase its yield.

2. Scientific management of water. Before fertilizing and uncovering the film, the surface of the box should be kept moist, waterlogging should be removed in rainy days, dry in sunny days, and horse water should be irrigated to keep moist. During the peak growth period (June-August), the chamber ditch should keep 1 inch of water at the bottom of the ditch to moist, and stop irrigation 10 days before harvest (before October).

Second, apply dwarftin and remove taro in time

1. Apply multi-effect beer and peony seedling agent. When the taro has 6 leaves and the plant height is about 45 cm, the taro is sprayed with 5kg seedling strengthening agent and 150g paclobutrazol in each plant, and 150g paclobutrazol or foliar spray every 20 days. The dosage can be increased or decreased according to the growth strength of the plant. On a sunny day, 15 grams of multi-effect sitting plus 40 jin of water, 80-100 heart-filling leaves, plant height of 80 cm, more than 5 leaves, based on closure.

2. Remove the taro. The seed taro begins to occur when the taro grows to 7-8 leaves. In order to reduce the dispersion and consumption of nutrients, the mother taro is enlarged. when the daughter taro has one leaf, carefully cut off the growing point with a knife or small shovel and be careful not to cut the mother taro. The seed taro that needs to be left behind does not get rid of three or four Niangzi.

Third, make full use of taro field for interplanting

Taro was planted early and harvested before the end of August, making full use of taro beds to interplant vegetable corn, harvesting vegetable corn before the end of November, and interplanting sweet beans or snow beans with corn stalks. To achieve four harvests of the field (taro mother, vegetable corn, taro, beans).