
How to plant sesame seeds well

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sesame I think everyone is very familiar with, it is more nutritious things, many people like to eat, in life, many people like to eat sesame paste, sesame paste, sesame has many uses, but also can be made into a variety of small snacks, are very popular

Sesame I think everyone is very familiar with, it is more nutritious things, many people like to eat, many people like to eat sesame paste, sesame paste, sesame seeds have many uses, but also can be made into a variety of small snacks, are very popular.

What is sesame?

Sesame, also known as fat sesame, flax (scientific name: Sesamum indicum), is the seed of flax, annual erect herb, 60-150cm high. It is found in tropical and temperate regions of the world. Sesame is one of the main oil crops in China, which has high application value. Its seeds contain up to 55% oil. Since ancient times, China has been famous for many kinds of food and delicacies made from sesame and sesame oil.

How to plant sesame seeds well

1. Choose a good place and straighten it out. Mainly select medium fertility, good drainage, high-lying sandy soil plots, and turn 20-25 cm in autumn, autumn rake, do a good job in autumn and spring soil moisture conservation, made into a ridge, timely suppression, ridge width of 60 cm.

2. Rational fertilization is particularly important because of the shallow root of sesame. In order to ensure that the whole growth period is not premature, more than 2500 kg of high-quality agricultural fertilizer is applied per mu, 5 kg of diammonium phosphate, 2 kg of potassium sulfate and 10 kg of urea per mu at the early flowering stage.

3. Appropriately increase the density to ensure the population to increase production, change the narrow sowing range to wide sowing range, keep the seedlings, and protect 2-25000 seedlings per mu.

4. fine sowing to protect the whole seedling, because the sesame grain is small, the ability of arch soil is weak, and it is difficult to protect the seedling, so it is important to ensure the whole seedling by one flash sowing. Under the premise of fine soil preparation, first rake a 3-5 cm deep trench with ploughing in early May, then apply sufficient basic fertilizer, then break the soil in the ditch with a winnowing cable, then sow, and then use a plank to drag the soil to cover about 3 cm, wait for the topsoil to be slightly white, and suppress it 1-2 times after dryness. When the soil moisture is not good, you should wait for the rain to sow again, and do not sow deep, otherwise the seedlings cannot be preserved.

5. Strengthen the field management to ensure that the seedlings are as strong as the seedlings, the sesame seeds grow slowly at the seedling stage, and the grass shortage is easy to occur. Therefore, the field management is very important. 2. Seedlings should be collected in time for real leaves, early shoveling and early going, raising ground temperature to promote root development, 3-4 pairs of real leaves should be fixed in time, seedlings should be fixed in time, seedlings should be cleared with small hoe, soil should be loosened, soil should be cultivated in time after shoveling, soil should be cultivated combined with topdressing to prevent lodging, and attention should be paid to the prevention and control of aphids at any time. The seed maturity should be improved around the middle of August. Increase 1000-grain weight.

6. Harvest in time to ensure high yield and high efficiency. The mature period of sesame is inconsistent, and there are individual capsules cracking and falling grains at the bottom after maturity, so it is necessary to harvest early, when most of the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and 2% of the capsules are cracked, which is the harvest period. only in this way can we have a bumper harvest and achieve well-done 's harvest of 100%.

It is not difficult to do the above six points and grow sesame seeds well.

Timely sowing of sesame seeds

1. Sowing time: the suitable sowing time of summer sesame is from late May to early June. The suitable sowing time of autumn sesame is early or middle July, and it can be late in late July under the condition of good heat.

2. The amount of seed used per mu: 400 grams for sowing, 350 grams for strip sowing, 250 grams for on-demand sowing, and less sowing in fields with high soil fertility, few diseases and insect pests and high water content.

3. Sowing methods: there are three sowing methods of sesame seeds: on-demand sowing, sowing and strip sowing. Sowing is a traditional sowing method in Jianghuai region, which is suitable for sowing soil moisture. When sowing, the seeds are uniformly dispersed, the soil cover is shallow, and the seedlings emerge quickly, but it is not conducive to field management. Strip sowing can control the distance between rows and plants, implement reasonable close planting to facilitate field management such as inter-seedling ploughing, and is suitable for mechanized operation. Sow 5-7 seeds per hole. No matter what kind of sowing method, shallow sowing, uniform sowing, depth 2-3 cm is appropriate.

Field management of sesame

1. Chemical weeding: three days after sowing, 60% Horniss EC is used per mu, diluted with 50 kg of water and evenly sprayed on the border surface, which can reduce the growth of weeds.

2. suitable time seedlings: after more than ten days, after they grow 2-3 cotyledons, they will grow again in 5-6 days, so that the plant spacing is between 22-24 cm, and 8000-10000 plants are planted per mu. Suitable plant spacing is beneficial to its branching.

3. Remove the terminal bud: after the full fruit period, when the top leaf nodes of the main stem are clustered and almost stop growing, pick the terminal bud on a sunny day in the morning. The method of topping is very simple, that is, it is appropriate to pinch off the apical growth point less than 1 cm, but the topping is limited to the apical growing point, not a long section of the top. Too long pinching will reduce the number of capsules per plant, resulting in reduced yield.

4. Irrigation and drainage: Sesame is the most sensitive to soil moisture, which is not only afraid of waterlogging, but also not resistant to long-term drought, so we must pay attention to irrigation and drainage.

The planting of sesame is more common in the north, the most important thing of planting sesame is field management, timely weeding, watering and sowing are very important. Only by increasing its yield can we get its own income.